$2000 per project, that he can finish in 2 weeks.
BTW, my friend just returned from trip to Cuba. He meet a guy there, which also is a programmer (Python to be precise). He asked:
- how much Python programmer earns on Cuba?
- 27 dollars.. per month
That was a shock to me, but it also proof a point, that software developer can automate your business and can be a leverage to economy of your country. So... a good programmer is just a multiplayer, which can be applied to the value of a businessman idea ;)
Absolutely agreed. That's why people are using outsoursing that much. About Cuba I was impessed, I didn't know that somebody can pay such low salary for a programmer.
However in Ukraine for instance you can get paid $100-$200 per month if you work for our company. If you choose to work for outsoursing company from U.S. or Europe, you'll get paid a lot more.
Besides it is a mind blowing idea to get your work done by somebody outside the U.S. Thanks for sharing your opinion. It means a lot to me.
I heard that all programmers in Cuba are hired by government - I think that is the reason.
2 weeks ago I wrote some tips how to get a remote job with livecoding. I think that will be the future - live here, work wherever you like :)
Yeah, totally true. Remote job is the future. Even now there are so many opportunities to do that from any part of the world.