Free Speech on Steemit

in #steemit8 years ago

Why censor Steemit? This is a platform for people to speak there minds. A soapbox of sorts. People all over the world are going to write here and some unfortunately are going to say mean things. When this site is full of hate threads then the community will have a hateful population. Yes that is one example of an extreme and this is another. Steemit users are censored and cant speak there minds on issues because it might be considered hate speech.
Theres a fine line there.

So a simple solution to this could be a flagging system where if to many people are offended or if the thread or reply is threatening. Incoherent shitposting by individual users could be flagged also. The content on this site should depend on the community. Not an individual user who post or a single moderator who can delete a thread.

I like this site and it needs to be diverse in culture and opinions. If the community is witnessing abusive behavior by a individual the community should be able to flag it and a consensus of moderators and admin should take action by removing the bullies completely from steemit.

If someone is posting or replying threatening actions or is engaging in propaganda that could spread ideologies and influence steemit users in a negative way then they have no real value in this community. These people should have there account closed. Maybe a 3 strike warning system would be great. I am not a fan of political correctness and i do believe its fringing on free speech rights all over the world. So like i said there is a fine line and that line is easily crossed. To make sure this line is not crossed voting systems and warnings seem to me to be logical in fairness.

If anyone has a better idea please share it here.


You should show some examples... I don't see it.

Examples of what?

Examples of the hate threads. I haven't noticed them. I may have missed them as I haven't looked at all content. A couple of people have mentioned them but it is hard for me to reply to you when I don't know what hate threads are out there.

I have not seen examples but i have see threads on the subject. I do not doubt they exist here and will indeed exist in the future.

If you haven't seen it then why are you posting about it?

The trending one on the topic you should have read. I think it would have surprised you. The HATE referred to in that thread was hate for BOTS posting, voting, and replying. :)

EDIT: You can report/down vote a post by the way. It's the little flag to the far right of the TITLE of the thread.