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RE: STEEMIT Trading Card Game: 3rd Edition

in #steemit7 years ago

hi spiritualmax,
can you really play this game at the end or is it "just" a traiding card demo of how it could be? i know its hard work to make the cards and have the ideas for the features/stats of every card, so i was wondering if you build this card game with a balanced gameplay in mind.


It is as balaced as the real deal, so whales are easilly Overpowered :D

The small fishes are weaklings.

And Dan, so far, is the most OP card I've made... so yeah it's getting as balanced as the real thing! HEheeh

Hey, I have killed people with Tims and Ornithopters (for those who never played MTG, those are low level cards)!

Those thopter spam decks... so annoying :D

I called my deck "the poke deck." Half manna, all low casting cost creatures. I would just poke people to death. 😂

hahaha oh my goodness. So creative, I love it