The price of my attention: currently one Steem penny

in #steemit9 years ago (edited)

I'm actually totally ok with receiving "wallet spam'". Spam money at my wallet all you want! Ha! But I do ask that you send at least one Steem penny or 0.01 SBD when you do. Sending a smaller amount than that will annoy me.

I feel like I should ask for more, but that starts to seem arrogant.

Wallet spam is sending small amount of money to someone's wallet with a message, usually to check out a post of theirs.


I personally love receiving pennies.

My SP don't have much power , does that count?
😋😋😋Hi @neoxian

I've picked up pennies for 60+ years. When I was young, finding a penny was considered good luck. Now, pennies on the floor are common and people think they are not worth the effort to bend over and pick them up. I intend to continue picking up pennies because I feel that minutia is important and, besides, at my age I need the exercise. So you can send me .001 Steem if you like....(●´∀`●)

Well you didn't have to bend over for these! Cheers!

"Every time it rains, it rains pennies from heaven!"

Pennies are awesome.. Except when someone throws them at your car.. :(

Funny scene...


and now its all juicy $$$, BOSS!:)

Yes, my how times change.

People send you pennies? I haven't even been that lucky. I've gotten sub pennies a couple of time for no reason. I was however thankful for them.

I got one recently but it's not common for me.