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RE: Next Livestream this Thursday, Dec. 6th at 11am CST

in #steemit6 years ago

Sorry, no -- the company isn't bankrupt. It laid off a large staff who were working on R&D of new assets to avoid bankruptcy over several months. Steem is not nor Steemit, Inc. Steemit, Inc is a private company conducting business without customers, debt or debtors. The Steem community will thrive whether we are here or not. Requests for books simply show that the dichotomies aren't clear enough. So let this be the clarity for anyone who thinks they own a piece of Steemit, Inc. They do not.


Requests for books simply show that the dichotomies aren't clear enough. So let this be the clarity for anyone who thinks they own a piece of Steemit, Inc. They do not.

They certainly do not show that. Someone engaging in or considering engaging in any sort of collaborative relationship entirely outside of ownership may very well be completely justified in looking for financial transparency. You are entitled to not provide it, but doing so does not encourage such collaboration, which indeed is the reason that private companies are often (though certainly not always) transparent with partners, affiliates, vendors, customers, and other sorts of non-owners about their finances. It is not out of obligation, but in pursuit of opportunity.

That's what the comments about alienation are about. It is certainly not about a CPA and auditor (nor other intelligent and well-informed members of the Steem community making similar inquiries) not understanding the distinction between a company shareholder and non-shareholder. That deflection is frankly insulting.

The Steem community will thrive whether we are here or not

I beg to differ. The 80% ninja-mining entity doing an exit scam either explicitly or implicitly would be a terrible blow, certainly not conducive to 'thriving' and quite possibly fatal. Likewise for simply mismanaging the resources.

People in the community, as collaborators with Steemit in pursuing the success of Steem, have a very legitimate interest in undrestanding whether this is a situation where Steemit is making the best of limited resources in a manner that is likely to be beneficial to both Steemit and Steem, is cutting its spending on Steem development and marketing to the bone in order to pocket more of the money for its own benefit instead, or is just squandering the money foolishly. The best (or perhaps only) way to understand that distinction is to open your books. If you don't, many people will assume the worst, and not unjustifiably so.

What we most certainly don't need is another lecture on the legal and structural distinction between Steem and Steemit. Believe me, we are all most acutely aware of it, and indeed that is a good part of the reason for these requests, rather than being any sort of reason not to make them.

I never mentioned bankrupt at all. But i can account for 30m us$ worth of transfers out to exchanges, so we know steemit inc is not bankrupt. We are asking you to be transparent. Simple. No need to cloak it with off topic replies. You either have something to hide or you don't.

I am on STEEMs side and have spent many hours talking down unhappy users. So let me be as clear as you were, I am an auditor, CPA accountant and have a keen interest in data. I have an investment and stake in the blockchain and don't want an investment in a company like yours. With or without due diligence. The request for a list of accounts is simple, not complex.

Posted using Partiko Android

The request for a list of accounts is simple, not complex.

The request isn't complicated and its rebuff isn't either. Steemit, Inc. is a private company that will choose to do most things privately, as it's entitled to do.

So you are not willing to publish a list for transparency then? I think this speaks a volume on how little respect you have for this community. Arrogance and alienating allies is not the way forward. Neither is hiding things.

There's nothing in this aimed to alienate -- it's aimed to make sure there is 100% respect for the distinction between Steem and Steemit.

I respectfully disagree, your tone and choice of wording is extremely alienating. So is lack of transparency.

I see a future poli-tician in the making with ned, he certainly avoids questions like one, and he is oh so skilled at deflection techniques, ned for president 2020 anyone?

You are correct, and in 2020? abso-fukkin-lutely not!

You just REALLY fucked up @ned muh boi. REAL bad.

Your company is done now for sure after this ridiculous display, but with you at the helm, it always was.

Yes your private company has a right to be private. Unfortunately, choosing to exercise that right here basically just doomed you forever.

Mark my words now, even though you never have before except to censor myself and others like me, who hold you accountable for claiming and controlling the throne, then pissing it away.

Fail. Of a large order of magnitude. Short sighted, amatuer and obvious. No investor will ever take you seriously again.

His company may be screwed, but he ain't never going to let go of the large stake.

Either way, he poises himself for success when the community rallies to save their investments and build the space.

If I had 50M+ SP, I wouldn't even sell all of it. I would just sit there and let others build for me. At worst, I sell for pennies since they were ninja mined anyways.

Yeah, that part is pretty clear, and all the more reason he's being a total amateur idiot. The people that can build it for him, into something more than pennies, have already smelled the bullshit he excretes and left the building. Some of us are still just here to watch it burn in the same way Ripley's Believe it or Not and PT Barnum enticed audiences with freakshows and circuses.

Speaking of bread and circuses, useless, derivative, unimaginative, blatantly stolen from a former steemian's idea of a card game, anyone?

Yep he is just piece of shit, end of story.

I just saw this about the British PM. I had a deja vu moment.


@ned Your choice of words & lack of disclosure alienate everyone who has put time into this site. If steemit is a private company, who are its customers? Who is paying you? What is steemit without its content creators/investors?

Try to see things from the perspective of the thousands of people who have chosen to put effort into a platform marketed as decentralized.

Management of steemit should aim to be decentralized. What’s the point of a crypto & blockchain blogsite if they are going to be run more poorly, with less transparency than the Fed or fakebook?

CEOs need to be able to see multiple perspectives. Basing decisions on personal gain will not get you very far in the crypto community. Nor will using disrespectful language & policies towards those who have worked on & marketed this platform with their own work & currency.

There is huge opportunity for steemit if you get yourself off your Kings throne & think long term. Decentralize power, see the value in users & build for the long term.

Otherwise more will power down every time you speak about rights & privacy & you will soon be left with total power & control over a lonely site no one else wants anything to do with.

Content creators and investors are what give value to Steemit inc's holdings(STEEM) by continuously selling you are damaging their investment and a means of income even more so in this turbulent market with so few buyers in crypto price is being pulled lower than if Steemit inc wasnt selling.

how can you state you have no obligation to the thousands of users who have made you and your associates rich?

The Steem community will thrive whether we are here or not.

Hi Ned. Now that you mentioned this, can you further elaborate on a possible exit strategy? Is "we" = Steemit, Inc - or would that also include your new business, the one that is (was?) supposed to develop the application Destiny ? In case Steemit, Inc withdrew from operating on the Steem blockchain, would you consider using the company's stake for a new investment - e.g. executed by that other company you're running? Or would an exit rather include a sell off, and the new business would need to rebuy the tokens then?

I pretty much agree that Steem could live without Steemit, Inc - we'd only need to know if/when this scenario is supposed to set in to get prepared for it. is still the most used application on the Steem blockchain with a widespread reputation on the internet. In case it was shut down, we'd need to try moving the userbase gradually towards other dApps with the largest lead time possible.

We've already lost so many users, we shouldn't dare to loose even more just for not having been planning things accordingly.

Steem on 🤙

Then decentralize and start planning. The internet was built on the back of thousands and thousands of volunteers contributing their time. Later, companies dealt with challenges like email spam because the protocols were open and buisenesses could build on it.

Why still wait for one central entity. In between the lines... Ned has always hinted that it’s up to the platform (community/ecosystem) but with the explicit desire that they develop the blockchain.

But that ain’t necessarily what decentralization is and if we want to avoid this situation to happen over and over (it’s actually a blessing in disguise right now, especially because it seems that Steemit Inc is now set up to deliver and deliver hard), then the community also needs a solid (dev) backbone.

We lost many users because bear market. We had many new ones last December and January. And as the markets declined they left again. There is probably more correlation to be found in crypto marketcap and “users” than because of errors/delays.

I agree with you that we need more decentralization, but that'd also require more investment, and I'm not sure if we're in a position to ask for that.

Why not keeping our feet on the ground and trying to maintain a stable network instead of again aiming for the stars, trying to grow something that doesn't even have a solid basis?

I've never really understood the common belief that success requires constant growth. In nature a species that constantly grew would even be considered diseased.

I also disagree on the assumption that everything in the crypto space needs to be tied to the BTC price. The example of SteemMonsters shows that there is no need to speculate on retention. Even though the markets are down, monsters keep growing their fanbase and stake. This is why they have a solid product that works autonomously and that is creating a constant demand, independently from the dollar price of their currency.

That's one of the reasons why I'm all in for more gamification (little shoutout to @gtg and @arcange). What does that mean? Give people reasons to keep their Steem being a currency that's even more valuable within the network of Steem than outside its borders. Give them even reasons to buy more in order to increase their position within their community: let them level up, buy secret weapons, acquire additional lives, you name it. Make social interaction become fun, engaging and lucrative.

I by myself am no developer which is why you won't see me coding an app that maps those scenarios. But I'm a creative person with ideas and time - just as hundreds of others here who'll be happy to make use of the next generation of Steem applications.


Well, Trump did not share his taxes either... how did that lack of transparency come across to you?? He does not own the US like you do not own steem but he kind of runs the country. A little transparency goes a long way

I think his lack of transparency says it all. He is not willing to show where the money went for a reason... now what reason could that be?!

Sorry, no -- the company isn't bankrupt. It laid off a large staff who were working on R&D of new assets to avoid bankruptcy over several months.

I was interested in buying steem, almost did yesterday before bitcoin popped up 10%. The rewards for our blogging activities are becoming quite insignificant absent an investment in ourselves. Today I been waiting for bitcoin, and thus steem, to tank a bit more before buying. Then I see this. I am not sure I want to buy now. keeping your business relationships propietary is one thing, a more open dialog about the financials is another. I understand the legal distinction in denying that these coins are a security, but they certainly are investments.

So who or what is the fudiciary of steem? Should we ask the SEC or a federal court that question, or would you provide us the candor we need?

If there had been more openness, you might not have brought up the topic of bankrupcy. It could have been adverted if there were dialogs about creative revenue streams. If you listened to concerns about these SMTs, you might have limited such research instead of going full throttle. Was the company hit hard from the crypto nuclear winter, perhaps someone could have recommended diversification. Are your offices in a major city? Why not a rural part of the world, or a rural part of the US is the USA added to legitimacy.

I believe heard reports that the layoff was 70% of the staff. I doubt that they were bringing home big money compared to the executives. So these cuts that was suppose to stave off bankruptcy that could of happened in a few months, will delay bankruptcy for much longer? Especially during this crypto nuclear winter. Is not keeping an open book part of a legal strategy to deal with some creditors in hopes they will accept a lower percent on the dollar prior to discovery?