
Pinned - I like it @ned - about time we get to see important information from Steemit Inc on from the CEO when he has something to say! Good Move!- I have missed this since... 2 Years and 9 Months ago. Can we get our own personal pin on our blogs too? :) :)

Can we get our own personal pin on our blogs too?

I would second that. Pinning posts would be awesome. It would be great to be able to pin introduction or important updates to the top of our pages.

To take that even further, I wish we had folders we could organise our content into and then pin posts to the top of each folder.

Just something to consider when funds permit.

Hi @ned

Good to see that the storm is almost over and we are about to move into a recovery phase. Great work on the development of new features and the updated SMT roadmap.

I'm part of a group of independent researchers and writers united by our love and believe in cryptocurrency and the potential disruptive applications it has in different industries. Right now many of us lend our efforts to Oracle-D in its quest to draw investment to steemit.I'm writing this message in the spirit of the #justask movement.

I would like to request an SP delegation to better curate and encourage newcomers.
I invite you to read my blog for assessment and if you deem it fit, delegate to empower the vision. The delegation amount is at your discretion. You know what's best.

Look forward to your reply whether positive or negative. Cheers.

Nice dick sucking

Define dick sucking?

Pretty lame, man. When can we pin our own posts? Such haphazard attempts and reestablishing order here.

I like it, something like "Pin your own business!"