Question 1: Can you Imagine a world there's no countries ?
Question 2: Can you Imagine all the people living life in peace ?
My answer (122 characters )
- YES, STEEM world is borderless
- YES, STEEM world is peaceful with less self-serving greedy FUCKERS and lazy FUCKERS
What is your answer my friends ?
Keep the answer within 240 characters
You've only 24 hours to answer.
Please watch this video recorded on Nov 30, 2013 and it's kind of resonate with my vision of $100 STEEM within 2 years.
Good day sir nathanmars
Below are my answers (236 characters):
Yes!, Steemit has created such a world where there is no boarder or boundary separating it's users.
Yes!, Steemit community is such a place where everyone can live in peace and harmony. A place where chaos and disaster cannot take place.
Thank you @k-banti.
Just to let you know, I've already hand picked you to award 1000 STEEM.
What challenge you need to complete in order to get the award and when you'll get your 1000 STEEM and all the other details are coming within 66 hours time.
Good luck !!
I'm very excited to see this. I'm grateful you found me worthy to be among one of your true followers. Will be waiting by till then.
Concerning the video in response to "What is your favourite Naval Ravikant's (@naval) tweet and why?". Bare with me I haven't giving me response yet. It will be coming soon.
Watching through the first video by Roger Ver titled "Emotional Roger Ver: Bitcoin Can Stop Wars". I could really feel what Roger Ver was feeling there. He had seen a better future ahead in bitcoin and the blockchain as a whole but it was as if no one else was seeing that promising future coming. I could also observe that he wasn't pleased the shitty shits government does and still justify themselves with that statement "It was worth it!!" Honestly, it's really not pleasing. I guess the situation must have really been so bothersome to him. Lot of things really has to change. I believe that was what Roger Ver was trying to pass across to the media.
Watching through the second video titled "Bitcoin: $1,000,000 Bet Final Update!" he was talking about the bet he made concerning bitcoin that it will worth 100times the price of Gold, Silver, US stock market and Us stall over the next two years. But I guess along the line something went wrong but notwithstanding what he bet on still came to pass. He became more confident when organizations started investing in bitcoin. I just hope will get more people and organizations to invest in our dear STEEM also. I believe it was the confidence he had in bitcoin that made him a full-time promoter of bitcoin. I can actually tell it kind of resonate with my vision of $100 STEEM within 2 years. And I believe it will be so!!
I'm happy to wait to see your next Dlive vlog "What is your favourite Naval Ravikant's (@naval) tweet and why?".
I'll follow Roger Ver's footstep to achieve my vision $100 STEEM within 2 years!
Thank you @k-banti :)
Thank you sir!
That will be great.
Hello @nathanmars, I hope you're well !!
Below are my answers (239 Characters):
1-Yes! I think we already live through Steemit as we relate to people from the world without our languages and customs being an impediment
2-Yes! The Steemit world gives us the opportunity to love us and where there is love there is peace
Greetings and blessings!!
Thank you @rosaimm!
You're absolutely correct. "where there is love there is peace"
Indeed friend of mine "love is the answer" to everything, when we love our similar we will not do any harm. If we all loved, there would be no grerras or anything that would harm humanity. Greetings @nathanmars God bless your life and keep filling with love always.
Thank you @rosaimm.
Just to let you know, I've already hand picked you to award 1000 STEEM.
What challenge you need to complete in order to get the award and when you'll get your 1000 STEEM and all the other details are coming within 66 hours time.
Good luck !!
Waoooo @nathanmars that honor thank you very much !! I will be attentive to the next details. Greetings and Blessings !!
YES, the decentralized world crypto creates is capable of creating a world without leaders and so no countries, just people with common Interests.
YES, war emerges when we have people with varying interests and diverse views, but a world of common interests created by crypto would know peace.
You welcome @nathammars... Its a pleasure.
It is good and interesting question. I will try to answer your question
If we live a life without a state, then there is no benefit at all. I never imagined life without a country. Because humans are made up of different religions, races, languages, and so on. We can say that the country is like a competition, they will do everything to change their country for the better (positive things). But, in fact many bad things happen, such as war, murder, robbery, theft, rape and others. There are some natural disasters caused by humans such as floods, earthquakes, and fires. Flooding occurs because humans cut down trees illegally, so when it rains, there are no trees that contain rainwater, resulting in floods and landslides. The earthquake happens because we drill the ground to illegally take the mine, so the contents of the land become empty, the earth's plate shifts, causing earthquakes. Fires are caused by humans, because when they make new land, they burn the forest. So all the problems and chaos that occurred in the world caused by humans. We must guard nature instead of destroying nature. But in reality, we are destroying nature a lot. Too bad.
I always imagine we live in peace, But this is hard to be true. Because we are not at peace, we are destroying peace. It is ironic, we as minds, we do not use our minds to do good and keep the world, but instead we use our mind to do bad things and destroy this world.
Have a good day @nathanmars
Yes I agree,
Humans are made up of different religions, races, languages, and so on.
Let's RESPECT every different kind of humans within STEEM world.
Have a wonderful day @aulnyaksyabandi :)
Yes, i agree with you too.
With mutual respect we will gain peace.
Thanks @nathanmars
Hello how are you? I can see the video but I will not understand the video this in English I am Spanish speaking even many times it is difficult for me to write any comments the good thing is that there is a translator for the writing this helps me a lot
My Answers
Yes, maybe we would be happier
Sure, surely a world without frotaras could help all of us to live in peace there is a lot of clash of ideas
Thank you @yesslife !
I'll be consider my Spanish speaking followers in my next post :)
Have a nice day !!
My answers:
1- Yes, Steem is for every one regardless of their nationality, culture, beliefs and any other difference. Its a unifying coin i would say.
2- Yes! Steem world promotes peace due to the high and great sense of working together in order to win as a family.
Thank you @yohan2on.
Just to let you know I've already hand picked you to award 1000 STEEM.
What challenge you need to complete in order to get the award and when you'll get your 1000 STEEM and all the other details are coming within 72 hours time.
Good luck !!
Woow!!! Am very overwhelmed about this great incoming favour.
Dear @nathanmars, am patiently and eagerly waiting for that challenge and the more details about it within your specified time period.
Otherwise thanks so much for hand picking me for this great incoming giveaway.
Hello my friend,
Thank you for introducing us to such interesting people, with extraordinary ways of seeing the world and people.
Here I leave my answers (240 characters)
Yes, a world imperatively full of love based on blockchain, where your identity is your true reputation and not a stamp in a passport.
Yes, a world where people are rewarded for helping others, would be the fulfillment of: "Love one another"
Greets and a hug
I love your answers @autinf !!!
Wouldn't be nice "if our identity is our true reputation and not a stamp in a passport"
It would be amazing " If we can get rewarded for helping other"
Thanks again and Have a lovely day :)
You're right, the change is great for me: "our identity" is better than "your identity" ...
Thanks bro. A hug. Blessings.
Thanks @nathanmars the people that you are introducing to us are really fascinating. Yes steem is a world with a number of citizens of all colors, tribes, different backgrounds but we are expecting the numbers to grow when people Immigrate from other social media platforms to our world. steem gives us the guarantee of living a life of peace which starts with the financial freedom it offers to everyone who puts in hard work, people are out there doing as much as they can to feed our souls with great advice and knowledge, like we al have a common goal of making steemit a better platform .Honestly like how you mentioned no one is greedy here people show some much love here that is not in the other worlds .. Am glad to be part of this world . @nathanmars you are awesome like you are among the people I look up to here and honestly am glad to be following a selfless man like you
Yes we've have a common goal of making STEEM a better platform and more beneficial for many people.
Thank you so much for your comment and Enjoy your day @ireneblessing :)
yes @nathanmars people are working hard to make this platform a sucess ... Agreat day @nathanmars my dlive video will be here soon
My answers: 103 characters!
It's hard to imagine but when I think STEEM, I think POSSIBILITIES!
NO, because I can only but see CATEGORIES of chaos in the world!
You're answer is short and sweet. Well done @desmoniac :)
Thank you sir
Thank you @josuerebolledo!
In a world where there is still a lack of access to technology for many countries, I can hardly imagine it without borders and only outside of an unknown population.
I can imagine all people living in peace only if all people were 100% on equal economic, mental and physical conditions.
Thank you expressing your answer beautifully @luiskywalker!
I hope all human will have access to technology soon :)
Thank you so much for your answer and the Dlive video !!!
My answers:
Blockchain technology, most especially STEEM has already given us the decentralized platform for the world to build on.
Watching those videos has given me more confidence and I agree with you that STEEM will get to $100 withing 2years.
Roger Ver is a great guy. Thanks for introducing him to us.
Yes STEEM has already given us the decentralised platform for the world to build on @fatherfaith
I'm surprised that you did not know Roger Ver before. lol
In the mean time I working on how I can get to know my followers more deeply.
After researching about Roger Ver, I'm surprised myself that I've not known him before now cos I've been into cryptocurency (though not fully until late last year) since 2016.
I'm happy I got to know him through you. Following you has really helped and developed me a lot. Thanks once again.
Wow, only few people will want to take their time to know their followers deeply. You are indeed a role model
I've done the video you asked me to redo and I've dropped the link as reply on your comment on the post about Gary Vaynerchuk
Thank you my friend. I’ve watched your Dlive and this one much better than last video. Well done you !!!
By the way I loved your Steem T-shirt :)
My followers are gem and I want to make them shine !!
Yeah, thanks a lot. You are to be thank for the improvement.
I'm happy you love the Steem T-shirt. That was the T-shirt I made for my project called Steem Skill Acquisition Training (SSAT). I started the project to train people on different skills free of charge in order to eradicate unemployment and hunger in my country, Nigeria. I also use the training to create more awareness about steem/steemit and cryptocurency in general.
I organised the first training on the 26th of May 2018 where I trained 16 youths on Fish farming and Poultry farming free of charge.
My Answers :
I like ROGER the way he describes crypto, can assure me that STEEM will be great in the next 1-2 years
Yes Roger was on of the first entrepreneurs who saw the potential of Bitcoin very early and invested in many companies which tried to build the ecosystem to large scale Bitcoin adoption.
yes. he is a person who dare to take risks. I really like people like that.
okay, it's all done, the three people you introduce to your followers, are very much contributing and motivated many people in the world.
and I have answered all three of your questions well. Thank you my brother
@nathanmars, this is my take...
Yes, we shall have one soon; on Mars, thanks to Elon Musk.
Only after the singularity. Intelligent civilisations lean more towards peace; Steemit and crypto help further the process bringing the world closer to a 100% literacy rate.
@rogerkver (#BitcoinJesus) is boss .
Cheers and good luck with the competition!
Thank you for your answer @donald.porter and I'm happy to meet you :)))
No problem @nathanmars, the feeling is mutual!
Question 1: Can you Imagine a world there's no countries ?
My ans: Yes, with a world of love and steem
Question 2: Can you Imagine all the people living life in peace ?
My ans: Yes, i do if we work on ourselves
Yes, We must get rid of "want". Also we can build our inner peace :)
Agree, haha well your saying of "inner peace" reminded me of the scene from Kung fu panda when his master was trying to practice inner peace :)
Hello friend @nathanmars during this week, I had the opportunity to know a little about the life of these three gentlemen who with commitment and dedication achieved success.
Mis respuestas (235 caracteres)
I'm so happy to introduce my role models to you @taybel :)
Yes, it means there will be no government. Government will make an attempt to uphold certain laws within a certain geographical area. It is the attempt to have a monopoly of physical force within that area. Because to uphold laws requires that you can sanction law breakers and the government does that by using force.
But thank God steem is borderless
Yes, there will be peace everywhere. Steem community is peaceful thou with different kind of people yet the peace is still maintained.
Thank you so much for answering my questions @abraham10 :)
Have a lovely day :)
Thank you so much for introducing your great followers to us. I have become there followers too. Without you, i might not have known them and my steemit journey might not have been a sense making one. Thanks so much @nathanmars my friend.
I dont know if have earned the trust of your true follower?
Please wait less than 44 hours and details will be released :)
Alright thank you my friend. I will patiently wait for it.
Here's my answer when you asked @nathanmars,
Yes...Within Steem blockchain no countries and only has one world. Steemit break every barrios.
Yes...Steem blockchain sharing only peace through doing love each others.
Thanks for your answer @madushanka :)
I hope everything going smoothly with your new baby. Exciting time ahead :)
Yep...definitely. I really know my new comer baby will give lucky for our life.
I'm super happy for your family :)
You already have the answer!
Steem world is really borderless. There is no other world like steem world. Every nation is here with their own specialty. no boundary of countries, languages, cultures.
It is kinda difficult to live in peace, but here it is possible. We always imagine a world where there is no greed, no war, only love. Steem world is making the platform of that world. There will always be some troublemakers. We just have to ignore them.
Thank you!!
Thanks you for a beautiful answer.
Yes, There is no other world like STEEM world and we must deal with troublemakers to make STEEM peaceful :)
Yeah!! God bless us.. :)
Steemit is changing the way we Africans perceived the world. We perceive the world as the worst place. A place full of heartlee people. The rich are rich and the poor are getting poorer everyday. For God and my stomach. One gets what to eat the don't cure for other who haven't.
But the steem world is different from the world that we used to know. I am of the true living testimony of the steem world I depend on steem. That is working hard that people in Uganda may know about the the steem community.
Because of steem useability steem will get more than 100 in the next two years.
Thanks @nathanmars for giving use a chance to win 1,000,000steem
Thanks for your comment @battebilly!
Just to let you know that I'm giving my true follower to chance EARN 1,000,000 STEEM.
Answer to your questions
First Question
Yes I think I can imagine a world where there are no countries, cryptocurrency will soon render the world borderless, without boundaries only blockchain activities where all men relate without the barrier of countries.
2nd question
Yes people can live in peace if countries and government ceases to exist and by this I mean a digital world with no vendetta where the connection is vast like steemit
Thank you so much for your answer @josediccus.
Have a lovely day :)
Thank you so much @Nathanmars, your engagements on this platform is just so super splendid, you've given so much purpose to some people on the platform and your cause is fantastic
Here is my answer to the second question, my answer to the third question is loading... Lol
Thanks again for uploading all three Dlive videos and I enjoyed watching every single one of them :)
Thank you for bringing those great minds to me especially.
If Garry and Naval can create wealth through social media, it is possible for me as well.
Yes it's more than possible for you and follow their footsteps :)
To both Questions, my answer is yes.
I believe in one thing about steem, it is the blockchain where you can pitch your dreams/passions and watch it blossom. It doesnt matter your background.
Me too, I believe STEEM can help our dreams comes true, regardless of our backgrounds :)
That is my new mission now. As someone who speaks quite a lot at seminars on promote Steem, I'll be focusing my lectures now at letting people know that Steem/Steemit is beyond blogging. It's where you can be anything or anyone you have always dream to be. I'll be speaking in three seminars in the next one month and I'm preparing my slide to speak to people in this regard.
Do you have anything you might want to add to the people and I also noticed you have a strong follower base. Maybe you might consider asking your followers to make a short videos of the dreams and passions they had before coming on board the Steem blockchain and how Steem have help them grow their passion irrespective of their passion. Then I can get the WAFRO media to pick a part of each person video and make a crowd source video out of it so we can share it to the world. Thank you and hope to hear from you soon.
I really appreciate your new mission and we need more Steemians with great vision.
Yes I've something in my mind with similar thoughts. But for now I'll be focusing on my next milestone I've set up already.
I'll be contacting you in the future.
Thank you and Happy Steeming :)
Hello Brother @nathanmars during this week, I had the opportunity to know a little about the life of these three gentlemen who with commitment and dedication achieved success.
Yes, I can imagine all people living in peace only if all people were 100% on equal economic, mental and physical conditions.
Yes, Imagine a world seems so great and I share your idea because I have seen how my country is increasingly imprisoned. If I can imagine a country without borders like Steem it is.
Yes, there will be peace everywhere. Steem community is peaceful thou with different kind of people yet the peace is still maintained.
Yes, steemit, that's where I'm living, we have a common economy
Thank you so much and I still haven't had your Dlive vlog introduction yet.....
I'm in some trouble. When I finished it then vlog on Dlive!!
Okay take your time!!!
YES This is the world of Steemit. Who cares if you are white, black yellow skinned or anything else?NONE. As long as you can engage with others and believe in the revolution that is coming the following years! It is a life changer!
YES again and the example is Steemit and steem World again. It is a great opportunity for everyone on Earth.There is no war here and you always get a feeling of a community effort.People want to help one another to rise together (with only a few exceptions) but community will make these exceptions disappear for the greater good!And talking about greater good, I mean people living in peace and not tolerate threats from governments banks etc. Financial and spiritual freedom! @nathanmars
I hope i am within the limit of 240 words although I didn't count...i was carried away with this :)
Thank you so much for well explained answer @mindtrap
Yes we must believe in STEEM revolution.
I'm waiting for your Dlive vlog introduction.
I really hope I can make it.I'll give my best
I’m sure you can do it!
Hi@nathanmars, it is lovely to be on your blog once again. This is my response to your questions....
Thanks so much..... Do have a wonderful day ahead.
Thanks @ Elizabethlizzy
Yes we're one big family :)))))
Yes sir, I am happy to be part of this big family. Thanks for your positive impact .
Thanks @nathanmars for sharing. Am in love with the videos.
Yes 100% Laziness is not an option here!!!
Thank you so much for explaining beautifully @mwamin7 :)
You are welcome @nathanmars. Keep it up. Nice discussions from you always
please find my dlive video here:
Shared the link in the comments yesterday .
Thanks a lot
Kind regards,
Mwamin7Hey @nathanmars
Question 1: Can you imagine a world without countries?
There is no distance, nor kilometers that separate us if we are united with Steemit, a social network that breaks boundaries.
Question 2: Can you imagine all the people who live life in peace?
We live in harmony when we do and we are where we like and STEEMIT It's PEACE
Yes We LOVE STEEM beacause it breaks boundaries!!
Could you able to introduce yourself through Dlive vlog @verygod ?
Hello @nathanmars.
1-Yes! We are living with Steemit a new world where we interact with people from different countries, with different cultures and languages totally different from ours, in my case I use google translator, despite the distance thanks to technology and steemit we meet new people but with the same interest towards this platform.
2-Yes! The Steemit world gives us the opportunity to want and to continue being and sharing our knowledge, it gives us peace and it relaxes us every time we publish because we like it and for many it is an addiction.
Greetings and blessings !!
Thank you @barguarico!
I'm happy to hear google translator helping you :)
Thank you so much for your answers and Have a lovely day !
Thanks to you friend for posting topics of interest and it is possible to understand the information published and I do it through the translator. brother hits @nathanmars
. YES, steemit, that's where I'm living, we have a common economy.
Thank you @emmakkayluv :)
My answer (175 characters )Hello @nathanmars. I hope you are well..
Could you able to introduce yourself through Dlive vlog @habiba234?
Very interesting and good question friend I think there has to be a government that is the one to give a balance to the country that acts seeking to improve the country for good always something that does not happen for example here in my country Venezuela this government practices or imposes everything the bad steals murder drug trafficking violate the human rights of the people and persecute anyone who does not think as they think that globally if with our minds we think positively we do good in everything but unfortunately the human seeks to destroy everything on this planet greetings
Thank you for your answer!!
Could you able to introduce yourself through Dlive vlog @phillips93?
Hey friend sounds good I would like to introduce myself but first dim that dlive vlog?
Yes please Dlive video introduction of yourself
1-Yes, a world where everyone live as one people could learn from eachother and show love to one another by reading post and upvoting post on steemit
2-Yes if we all learn to love one another that world is where we would live
Thank you @kingtamarah :)))
I will answer your questions although I could not understand the video, so I told you the language
I believe that a world without borders would make us happier, everyone could be where we would like to visit any country and look for improvement opportunities without being deported
I think it would be good to imagine each government has a war for each country and its border that now happens with some countries
Thanks you for answering the questions @jennimorillo.
I appreciate it because you're having language difficulties..
Part 2, Question 2
Question 2: Can you Imagine all the people living life in peace ?
This clearly tells us that we shall be relieved from Government taxes because crytocurrencies are controlled somewhere and thats puts Government with no legal tender on digital money like Bitcoin and that why steemians should hold their heads high for such inventions.
Steemians Checkout the follwing
Thank you @nathanmars for the opportunity, i might have used so many words but i had to put some points forward for the benefit of the community, i apologise big brother.
Yes you've used so many words brother.
Please download twitter and use for few days and learn "how to get your message across in fewer words"
Goof luck with it :)
Have a nice day friend @nathanmars sorry for being late.
Firstly I agree with your answers
MY answers are:
Your comment just before 24hours of posting the post. So you're fine @yameen
Thanks for your answers!
I'm still waiting for your Dlive vlog introduction. Hope you can share it with me soon :)
So Sorry for waiting, I am busy in my semester exams, hopefully I will share it soon as possible.
Take your time :)
Thank you so much for too much caring, I will my best.
You’re welcome my friend:)
YES! The decentralization nature of steem can create a world where everyone is ONE, a world where we're not defined by color, race or tribe, only by STEEM
YES! The world has known wars because of the insatiable, conflicting interest of human, steem can create peace through its reward scheme and wonderful features
I'm happy to have followers like yourself @donnest !!
I'll be spending more time to get to know my followers deeply :))
Thank you Sir.
Yes , countries are deceptive, Creating accessible communities are the real deal.
YES, If Roger ver can be emulated,
and faithful men exist ,
PEACE is close to our world.
Thank you @pelvis :)))
You are welcome sir,
Here in my community around.
We have a great community of steemians
Where we introduce steemit to the whole campus student of ladoke akintola university of technology,
The community is of over 60 registered user,
I have not being selfish with knowledge about this platform.
The community page as @lsc-project. Mentoring @smart-shaegxy @faloseyi @kolawole07 @asoju @mzajoke @philarboi @komospele @goldbaba1 @olatun @kunlexy and so many.
So i do more of bringing on alot and also guiding them on the basics,
I have learnt from you to improve on leadership and followership skill.
The steem world will get enlarged and am sure we all will be happy.
Thank you so much for everything you're doing.
Be patient and document everything you're doing and you'll get the rewards you deserve :))
Thanks so much for this words sir.
I like the encouragement
That is what i learnt from GARY!!
I'm happy to have followers like yourself @quazeem !!
I'll be spending more time to get to know my followers deeply :))
Thanks for the compliment bros, I will work on stepping up my game, visit my blog also for comment and encouragement....Thanks
I'll be spending all the future months visiting my true followers blogs.
Be ready my friend :)
I greet you @nathanmars for this the personality in you and for granting us this oppoertunity with such questions, its really the best way to track those following your writings and blogs.
My answers are both yes and i will expound on them and why i say so
Question 1: Can you Imagine a world there's no countries ?
Part 1
Thank you for your input and I really appreciate it :)
Here's my answer :Hey @nathanmars, How are you sir.
Yes, totally at steemit one can find people helping each other to grow which is removing the biggest boundary of selfishness and greed.
Yes, people with same dream working hard and together like a team will definitely create a peaceful world. Steemit rocks!!
I'm doing really well. And hope you're good :)))
Hi@nathamars......this is tosam, ibironke Samson tosin by name......... I just posted mydlive introduction post and Gary vernachuks dlive video to you, yesterday........
In response to this question.... This is my answer...
Thank you @tosam
I enjoyed watching your two Dlive videos so far.
I'll be giving some feedbacks on your next Dlive vlog :)
Good luck
Thanks so much for this sir.... Can't wait to send you my next dlive video ASAP......... Thanks so much for your mentorship role, it is a great impact following you on @nathanmars.
For me as an educator I know that a world without borders would be the opunity to know a world full of peace, because the borders divide us and this brings as a consequence the war for what peace is sought. and like you, I consider steemit a world without borders or limits.
Thank you :)
I'm still waiting for your Dlive vlog introduction...
YES, It will opposes all forms of discrimination as a result of colour, language, tribe and so on but believe me its happening here on steemit.
YES, ability to invest on fellow being and making a positive impact in your environment will promote love and therefore resulting to peace.....its here on steemiy
Thank you @olumidey :)
I saw you're blog has few Ulogs and I'm happy to meet you.
Could you able to introduce yourself through Dlive vlog @olumidey?
I will work on that, I'm having some diffilculties with my phone but I will sort it out, do visit my blog also bro.
I'll be spending all the future months visiting my true followers blogs.
Be ready my friend :)
Steem sets a trend, and this platform has sought a way to unify countries and unite peace, I say that soon with Steem we will find the balance
Thank you my friend.
Could you able to introduce yourself through Dlive vlog @gabrielepicfit?
A world without borders I think it would be like STEEMIT we are all very calm and intelligent
I think that in STEEMIT we live in peace and without borders is how the world should be
Thank you so much for your answers @andrina :)
who knows borders can see that steem is a free world without borders just as it is full of peace only that how many haters have to eliminate the peace of said world
Yes STEEM is a free world without borders :)))
STEEM is the long searched intellectual world where it's really rare to find slay queens and those broke people pretending to be rich who have taken over all the other platforms. Steemers are just smart and ambitious people.
Yes we're smart and ambitious AND peaceful people :)
Yeah. Steemers are very peaceful people. Even when we argue, we do so intelligently and peacefully.