Congrats mannnn 😎
That picture is so apt hahaha.
Yeah I know what you mean, we had a good run but it certainly wasn't without a hell of a lot of work that went into it, Steemit has been a hugeeee part of my life since I signed up and I know it has been yours too.
I find those generic comments so funny lol, like I don't blame them really, they just want to earn some money, but they just go about it totally the wrong way.
Quality content speaks for itself.
I agree about bandwidth too, as much as it pissed me off at times, it's definitely a good thing overall and the positives outweigh the negatives.
I think people that come from sites like FB have the mentality of "Facebook is free, FB doesn't have bandwidth issues, this sucks" But what they don't realise is FB's business model is to get millions of dollars of advertising every year. In FB you are the product and they're abusing you to make a profit.
Steemit has no ads, Steemit has no large company on control taking all the profits, I think a bandwidth cap for lower SP users is pretty reasonable in comparison to the alternative