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RE: I filmed this video of @ned @pkattera and @sneak talking about the SMTs and the future of Steemit

in #steemit7 years ago

@pharesim true, but can spammers really earn decent money here? Most of those making decent content can't. In fact, it is very easy to actually lose money here instead. Problem is, most whales don't create any content, just circlejerking each other, while minnows get noticed only by other minnows whose votes worth nothing.


What's decent money depends on where you live of course. The higher the price of steem, the more international the spamming becomes ;-)

With an investment in steem and constant self-voting a good ROI can be achieved. It's near impossible to measure the extent to which this is happening. I know about a few users/projects targeting those with flags, but can't tell how successful that is.

@pharesim considering how rewards are calculated, the more expensive STEEM becomes, the less SP is generated as reward. Therefore, the biggest ROI needed to make profit. Bid-based bots get disadvantageous already, because of the sheer quantity of mindless bids by those who can't into math. And to get by with just self-votes one should invest a lot. I dunno, this amount of money can make money in plenty of other ways, without risk of being busted by @cheetah of @steemcleaners

The amount of steem in the reward pool is independend of the price. We have a fixed inflation (lowered every couple of months).
What goes down is the calculated $ amount and with it the rewarded SBD.

I didn't know that, thanks for the info!

how are you pharesim? Why do not you post?

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Selbiges gilt für mich, da ich mich ja @shaka bei seiner Aktion angeschlossen habe! Gratulation :)