As I read this, my very pregnant wife is looking at me saying "I don't think so." Lol. At least for right now. Great article. What are some good ways to dry clothes in the winter? We are in north central Idaho, and I have considered trying to build some type of rack we could put in front of the wood stove, but with 8 people in the family it would take a while to do the laundry. Great article. Our family enjoys your videos and articles immensely. Shalom.
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We have an article here that you can read about winter time drying. It's changed a bit since then but we still pretty much do it this way.
Thank you Zach and Jamie.
You're welcome!
Hang clothes on racks in a small closed fairly air room. Get a medium size dehumidifier cost around $50.00. Turn it on 1 to 2 hours later dry clothes.
I hear your pregnant wife...(congratulations!!) though after having actually done the laundry by hand last Sukkot, it was not nearly as difficult as I thought it would be. One of the big differences between my usual laundry method and having to do it by hand is that you really may have to do a small amount of laundry every day. I noticed that the larger families who tried to do theirs once a week had a really hard time getting it all washed and dried in a decent time. As with the composting toilet, I was actually quite pleased that the laundry was not as big of a job as I was concerned it would be.