How many users does Steemit have? It's a difficult question that seems simple at first glance. Values such as number of users and number of customers are vital to the companies/platforms that address the end consumer. If the homework is done well, a large number of consumers will benefit from the platform's value proposition. The more people actively use the platform, the better financial results the platform have.
From my experience in retail banking, I know that user retention is very important in platforms that adress the end consumer. It is not enough for people to start using your platform, they need to continue using it. I would like to share a few data showing the impact of consumer loyalty on financial outcomes.
- 80% of the company's future income is derived from 20% of the current users.
- Increasing customer loyalty by 5% increases revenues by 25% to 95%.
- The cost of new user acquisition is 5 to 25 times higher than the cost of existing users.
- 68% of users leave existing platforms thinking that they are not different from others.
Sources: and
here and here.I follow Steemit user statistics through the posts of @arcange and @penguinpablo. You can reach recent statistics published on both accounts from
Steemit's total number of users is increasing rapidly. You can see the development of the number of users from the following graph created by @arcange.
There are over 1 million users with Steemit accounts worldwide. Since the beginning of the year Steemit has increased almost twice the number of users. It is a promising development. On the other hand, half of the users have become active by doing any action.
The total number of users increased by two times, while the daily number of users continued to be around 60,000 since February. From these statistics I conclude that Steemit has a user-loyalty problem.
The price of Steem and SBD affects the new user acquisition and the number of active users. Steem price, which was 7.5 USD on January 4, 2018, made it possible for a large group of users to meet Steemit, including me. Prices have been on the downward trend since then. Steem's price has fallen by about 5 times compared to its peak in January. In the same period, the price of bitcoin decreased by about 3 times.
To sum up, although there are more than 1 million Steemit users, appx. 60.000 users use the platform on a daily basis. Since the beginning of the year, the total number of users has almost doubled, but the number of daily users has not increased. The number of people actively using the platform will also positively affect the price of Steem and SBD.
Why Steemit Is Not Used More Often?
Because I don't have a research on why some users leave Steemit, I can only write my predictions. I will try to offer solutions for each of the possible causes I have mentioned.
Steem Price Has Decreased
Steem's price has decreased by 5 times compared to the peak in January, particularly negatively affected the motivation of the authors. A similar price drop was experienced in all crypto currencies, but Steem decreased more than the average.
We can consider the price of Steem as a result of the activities in the Steemit ecosystem, so all the suggestions I will list in the items below can have a positive effect on the price of steem. The first suggestion I can think of is to ensure that Steem is traded on more exchanges. For example, we cannot buy or sell Steem directly on any crypto exchange in Turkey.
The Environment Is Very Complex
The Steemit system is very complex for the end user. Although I was a person close to technology, I had a hard time getting to know the environment. To take advantage of the value proposition offered by Steemit, it is necessary to learn this complex structure. Publication of educational articles by members of the community who are well aware of the steemit environment will make it easier to understand the environment. Moreover, such articles are very popular. You can find my latest articles about Steemit via the links below.
11 Different Ways Of Making Money in Steemit
11 Applications I Used Along With Steemit
The "welcome" menu on the Steemit site is available to access very large and comprehensive information. However, the content is so wide that user confuse which one to look at. Access would be much easier if the content in this section is served via a chatbot.
Content Quality Is Not At Desired Level
In essence, Steemit is a platform that provides users with content. The higher the quality of the content provided, the more motivated users will be to enter the platform. Increasing the quality of content will be possible if the experienced authors share their know-how. You can find the link of my recent post about creating quality content.
11 Tips To Create Quality Content
Authors who create high quality content must be supported by accounts with high steem power to be permanent in Steemit. I find it important that the Whales, Orkas and Dolphins, who have invested in steem, support quality content independently of their concern for return. On this occasion, I would like to thank the owners of the @geoffrey @emrebey @redpalestino @newhope accounts.
Approximately Half Of New Members Never Use Their Account
Users whose membership is accepted may be sent an e-mail communicating the benefits of Steemit on days following the approval of their accounts, for those who do not have any transactions in their account. This will make a big difference if even 5% of the accounts being contacted are activated.
Numerous Authors Become Inactive After The First Few Posts
The first impression is always very important. The authors whose initial experiences are positive will stay on the platform for a long time. Users who post under #introduceyourself tag and have a reputation score of 25 can be further supported. In terms of voters, the appreciation of the posts under this tag will also help to win new followers. (I know from my own experience)
Steemit Password Cannot Be Recovered
Users who lose their Steemit password have to say goodbye to their accounts forever. Since there is no way to recover the password, many people who intend to reuse the platform have become inactive. I think that users should recover thir password like in banking mobile applications. The overwhelming majority of the accounts are worth less than $ 100. For such accounts, the mobile phone and e-mail information used to open the account wouldbe sufficient to renew the password. Biometric identification methods, such as facial recognition, voice recognition, fingerprint, etc., can be used in addition to recover the password for high-volume accounts.

Steemit is yet a very new system. The development of the infrastructure and user adoption to Steemit will take time. Reaching 1 million users in 2 years is a success that should not be underestimated. With the contributions of the community members and Steemit employees I believe that the platform will be able to reach much better places over time. In order to emphasize Steemit's potential, I would like to share the developments in Reddit over the years.
As one of the Steemit writers, I wanted to share my opinions to improve Steemit. I hope it helps.
Thanks for reading.
Image Sources: and
Steemit'in kaç kullanıcısı var? İlk bakışta basitmiş gibi görünen zor bir soru. Kullanıcı sayısı, müşteri sayısı gibi değerler son tüketiciye hitap eden firmalar/platformlar için hayati derecede önemlidir. Ödevinizi iyi yaparsanız çok sayıda tüketici hizmetlerinizden yararlanır. Ne kadar çok insan platformunuzu aktif olarak kullanırsa finansal sonuçlarınız o kadar iyi olur.
Bireysel bankacılık alanındaki tecrübelerimden son tüketiciye hitap eden platformlarda müşteri bağlılığının çok önemli olduğunu biliyorum. İnsanların platformunuzu kullanmaya başlaması yetmez, kullanmaya devam etmeleri gerekir. Tüketici bağlılığının finansal sonuçlara etkisini gösteren birkaç veri paylaşmak istiyorum.
- Firmanın gelecekteki gelirinin %80'i mevcut kullanıcıların %20'sinden kaynaklanır.
- Müşteri bağlılığını %5 artırmak gelirlerde %25 ile %95 arasında artış sağlar.
- Yeni kullanıcı kazanmanın maliyeti mevcut kullanıcıları elde tutmaya kıyasla 5 ila 25 kat daha fazladır.
- Kullanıcıların %68'i diğerlerinden farklı olmadığını düşünerek mevcut platformları terk ederler.
Sources: and
buradan ulaşabilirsiniz.Steemit kullanıcı sayılarını @arcange ve @penguinpablo hesapları üzerinden takip ediyorum. Her iki hesap üzerinden yayınlanan son istatistiklere [buradan]] ve
Steemit'in toplam kullanıcı sayısı hızla artıyor. Kullanıcı sayısının gelişimini @arcange tarafından oluşturulmuş olan aşağıdaki grafikten görebilirsiniz.
Dünya genelinde Steemit hesabı olan 1 milyonu aşkın kullanıcı var. Yılbaşından bu yana steemit kullanıcı sayısı neredeyse iki kat artmış, umut verici bir gelişme. Öte yandan kullanıcıların yarısından azı herhangi bir işlem yaparak aktif duruma gelmiş.
Toplam kullanıcı sayısı iki kata yakın bir seviyede artarken günlük kullanıcı sayıları Şubat ayından bu yana 60 bin dolayında devam etti. Bu istatistiklerden Steemit'in bir kullanıcı bağlılığı problemi olduğu sonucuna ulaşıyorum.
Steem ve SBD'nin fiyatı elbette yeni kullanıcı kazanımını ve aktif kullanıcı sayıları etkiliyor. 4 Ocak 2018'de 7.5 USD olan Steem fiyatı benim de dahil olduğum büyük bir kullanıcı kitlesinin Steemit ile tanışmasını sağladı. Fiyatlar o günden bu yana düşüş trendinde. Steem fiyatı Ocak ayında gördüğü zirveye kıyasla yaklaşık 5 kat düşmüş durumda. Aynı dönemde Bitcoin fiyatı yaklaşık 3 kat azaldı.
Özetleyecek olursak, 1 milyonu aşkın Steemit kullanıcısının sadece 60 bininin günlük olarak platforma girip herhangi bir işlem yaptığını görüyoruz. Üstelik yılbaşından bu yana toplam kullanıcı sayısı neredeyse 2 katına çıktığı halde günlük kullanıcı sayısı artmamış. Platformu aktif olarak kullanan kişi sayısı artsa Steem ve SBD fiyatları da bu durumdan olumlu etkilenecektir.
Steemit Neden Daha Sık Kullanılmıyor?
Elimde kullanıcıların neden Steemit'i terk ettiklerine dair bir araştırma sonucu olmadığı için sadece tahminlerimi yazabilecek durumdayım. Belirttiğim olası sebep ve sorunların her biri için çözüm önerileri de sunmaya çalışacağım.
Steem Fiyatı Çok Geriledi
Steem fiyatının Ocak ayında gördüğü zirveye kıyasla 5 kat azalmış olması özellikle yazarların motivasyonunu olumsuz etkiledi. Benzer bir fiyat düşüşü tüm kripto paralarda yaşanmış olmakla birlikte Steem'in 25. sıradan 35. sıraya gerilemiş olması iyiye işaret değil.
Steem fiyatına Steemit ekosistemindeki faaliyetlerin bir sonucu olarak bakabiliriz, dolayısıyla aşağıda maddelerde sıralayacağım tüm öneriler Steem fiyatına olumlu etki yapabilir. Aklıma gelen ilk öneri Steem'in daha fazla borsada işlem görmesini sağlamak olabilir. Örneğin Türkiye'deki herhangi bir kripto para borsası üzerinden doğrudan Steem alım satımı yapamıyoruz.
Steemit Ortamı Çok Karmaşık
Steemit sistemi son kullanıcı için çok karmaşık bir yapı. Teknolojiye yakın bir insan olmama rağmen ortamı tanımak konusunda çok zorlandım. Steemit'in sunduğu değer önerisinden yararlanmak için bu karmaşık yapıyı tanımak gerekiyor. Steemit ortamını iyi tanıyan topluluk üyelerinin eğitici yazılar yayınlaması ortamın anlaşılmasını kolaylaştıracaktır. Üstelik böylesi yazılar çok sayıda beğeni alıyor. Steemit hakkında verdiğim son yazılara aşağıdaki linkler üzerinden ulaşabilirsiniz.
Steemit'te Para Kazanmanın 11 Farklı Yolu
Steemit'le Birlikte Kullandığım 11 uygulama
Steemit sitesinde "Welcome" menüsü altından çok geniş ve kapsamlı bilgilere ulaşmak mümkün. Ancak içerik o kadar geniş ki insan hangi birine bakacağına şaşırıyor. Bu bölümdeki içerik bir chatbot üzerinden sunulsa erişim çok daha kolay olur.
İçerik Kalitesi Arzu Edilen Seviyede Değil
Steemit özünde kullanıcılara içerik sağlayan bir platform. Sağlanan içerik ne kadar kaliteli olursa kullanıcılar platforma girmeye o kadar çok motive olacaktır. İçerik kalitesinin artırılması Steemit yazarlarının daha kaliteli içerik yaratmasıyla mümkün olacaktır. Nasıl kaliteli içerik üretilebileceğine dair yazıma aşağıdaki linkten ulaşabilirsiniz.
Kaliteli İçerik Üretmek İçin 11 İpucu
Kaliteli içerik yaratan yazarların Steemit'te kalıcı olması için yüksek Steem gücüne sahip hesaplarca desteklenmesi gerekiyor. Steem'e yatırım yapmış olan balina, orka ve yunusların getiri kaygısından bağımsız olarak kaliteli içeriği desteklemesini bu bağlamda önemli buluyorum. Bu vesileyle @newhope @geoffrey @emrebeyler @redpalestino hesaplarının sahiplerine teşekkür ederim.
Yeni Üyelerin Yaklaşık Yarısı Hesabını Hiç Kullanmıyor
Üyeliği kabul edilen kullanıcılar arasından hesabında herhangi bir hareket olmayanlara hesaplarının onaylanmasını izleyen günlerde Steemit'in sağladığı avantajları tanıtan bir e-posta gönderilebilir. Bu şekilde iletişim kurulan hesaplardan %5'i bile aktif hale gelse bu durum büyük bir fark yaratacaktır.
Çok Sayıda Yazar İlk Birkaç Paylaşımının Ardından İnaktif Hale Geliyor
İlk izlenim her zaman çok önemlidir. İlk deneyimleri olumlu olan yazarlar platformda uzun süre kalacaklardır. #introduceyourself tagı altında paylaşım yapan ve itibar puanı 25 olan kullanıcıların daha fazla desteklenmesi sağlanabilir. Oy verenler açısından bu tag altındaki paylaşımların beğenilmesi takipçi kazanılmasına da hizmet edecektir. (Kendi deneyimimden biliyorum)
Steemit Şifresi Yenilenemiyor
Steemit şifresini kaybeden kullanıcılar hesaplarıyla sonsuza kadar vedalaşmak durumunda kalıyorlar. Şifreyi yenileme imkanı olmadığı için platformu yeniden kullanmaya niyetlenen çok sayıda insan inaktif duruma gelmiş oluyor. Bankaların mobil uygulamalarında şifre yenilenebildiğine göre Steemit'te de yenilenebilmesi gerektiğini düşünüyorum. Hesapların ezici bir çoğunluğunun değeri 100 doların altında. Bu tür hesaplar için hesap açılırken kullanılan cep telefonu ve e-posta bilgisinin şifre yenileme için yeterli olacağı görüşündeyim. Yüksek tutar içeren hesaplarda şifrenin yenilenmesini sağlamak için yüz tanıma, ses tanıma, parmak izi gibi biyometrik tanımlama yöntemleri kullanılabilir.
Steemit henüz çok yeni sistem. Altyapının evrilip gelişmesi ve kullanıcıların Steemit'e adapte olması zamana ihtiyaç var. 2 yıl gibi bir sürede 1 milyon kullanıcıya ulaşmak azımsanmaması gereken bir başarı. Topluluk üyelerinin katkılarıyla platformun zaman içinde çok daha iyi yerlere gelebileceğine inanıyorum. Steemit'in potansiyelini göstermesi için Reddit'deki paylaşımlarda yıllar içinde yaşanan gelişime aşağıda yer veriyorum.
Bu yazıda binlerce Steemit yazarından biri olarak Steemit'i geliştirmek için neler yapılabileceğini paylaşmak istedim. Umarım faydası olur.
Okuduğunuz için teşekkür ederim.
One problem I see is that many users are just too lazy to search, read and upvote articles manually. They simply upvote the same people again and again in an automated way.
That means articles from newbies (and also from some quite experienced users) just don't get enough upvotes anymore because nobody is reading them. I notice that while observing the accounts of new users I have brought here to this platform: if I didn't upvote them they wouldn't earn anything at all, because nobody cares to read their articles.
Experienced members just should do the hard work of going through posts of new/small users manually and try to reward the good ones amongst them.
True!! Good thing there are still few whales, like you, doing manual curation :)
Thanks - even if I am not really a whale. :)
The issue is that few large users or curation groups have any "market position" [RIE81]. (See the references in my Standardized References List.)
Due to the large amount of content, absent any smart recommended algorithm, the expected value of any search within the time/interest/resources budget of the user is most likely to be below the benefit of a typical search. The typical search by sampling will draw a blank.
So users bookmark 1st, 2nd, 3rd, consistent creators and read that, if anything at all.
Daily content of high quality (which is defined subjectively but consistently) is needed for market position to be obtained. But the reward for daily content production is too low, combined with many other issues. For most users, they have nothing to read or write that makes permanent archiving significant. So they remain on the larger platforms, especially when attention spans are low and people seek instant gratification [LOR73]. Yet account creation for their friends, unless they make accounts, takes weeks. Their friends lose interest and don't show. Without their friends, they lose interest and leave ...
Nice post sir I really follow u
Sir your research is absolutely right, where only those people get the vote their reputation is very good. New people do not get votes here, they just get votes in favor of votes, Regardless of what you like, write good articles,They get 5 or 10 upvotes with great difficulty & And the same people vote for them they have voted for. Sir give any opinion so that the old peoples of steemit support the newbies?
I cannot force them to upvote articles from newbies, even if I think it would help STEEM/STEEMIT to grow ...
I myself try to upvote - besides family and friends - also small accounts.
Here are some ideas one could think about to implement to make self-voting, circle-voting and spamming less attractive by ...
similar idea. @clayop had a
well done sir you are absolutely right.
An algorithm that can sort through and create a quality filter would be awesome! A mass adopted quality filter would reduce the magnitude of power bots and scammers have.
Do you think a 'quality filter' would recognize quality? :)
The idea is very interesting, but the question would be how to implement that in an effective way?
Apart from that I still think humans should just do the hard work to seek manually for 'quality' as well ...
I like how Reddit has their system setup. They have mods of a sub that are chosen to audit the content. I know that this is going to be controversial because Steemit tries to be Censor Resistant, but I feel like this would be a necessary evil.
Especially with Smart tokens this might be more possible.
Good point! And without new users, eventually this concept would die. The problem is many come here thinking they will make quick easy money.
This is the best opportunity for someone that still did not have a full bag of Steem. Start posting and also earn Steem today. When people get frustrated they are kept away from here and I can say the reward pool is much bigger allocation for someone who is here. The piece of the cake they are getting bigger because people are turning it down because of frustration. Treat this as golden opportunity and start earning or buying more.
muratkbesiroglu i am also intresting and learning about steem but i am not sucsses in steemit you give me any idea to improve me?????
Hii im just follow u pls follow me back thanks
Why would someone want to be a part of this community if not the reward? Do you think the reward is coming for young babiesEasy for you to say. Take a look at your reputation. @hiroyamagishi
I started in Steemit empty handed like everyone else. My mindset was if I earn something-bonus. Wisdom is far greater than gold or wealth. Start accumulating wisdom first, I dedicated my first month doing that. My tip is to learn fast.
All of the information is readily available for new users. The issue is how the information is presented and if it is well understood.
Very thoughtful analysis, thanks for the post!
Posted using Partiko Android
I liked your work, well done
Life is easy .. just be yourself and be good
Great post from you
Thanks for sharing..
Right sir I just follow u
Here are 3 more ideas:
Steemit needs to launch their product and get rid of this "beta" title.
Working at Steemit takes time because a person needs to interact with others. This is what I need personally.

Interacting with people from all over the world is nice☺
@muratkbesiroglu yes u are right.... steem is a platform where u can grow when u lift others.... steem is a nice example of unity
Think you all .
Hi quality engaging content and patience!! As well as engagement, a simple what you can do video would be cool!!
@murkatbesiroglu i like your post. so far steemit done awesome work to build his reputation in cryptospace and social sites by reaching 1 million audience. this is only trailer if cryptomarket will grow as like 2017 we can see steemit in top 10 cryto project. thanks for sharing information.
User retention can be improved by improving content on this site.
I do agree with much of what you wrote. There is one thing that I find particularly infuriating and that is the huge payouts given to shit posts. I don't want to sound as if I am denigrating people's work, but some of the stuff I see getting hundreds of dollars in payout is just ridiculous.
@berniesanders, say what you want about him, is one of the few who call these people out, especially the whales, who either abuse the system or remain silent on the issues. I believe whales can do more to police the platform.
The problem arising from this is that, one who was initially intent on creating good content on seeing this is inclined to ask:
"Why should I spend hours trying to create good content when other are producing substandard products and getting huge payouts."
I have been on steemit since last year, and I still don't understand so much of what goes on here. For example, regarding the 90 day Steem Power delegation, I had no idea that one had to pay so much to renew it and that if you did not pay to renew you would lose your STEEM or SBD. But maybe I should have done more research in that regard. That said, it was tough to lose all that currency.
Plus, too many bots, My gosh. It seems as if there are more bots than content creators. Going forward, I think this will hurt the ecosystem more than it helps it.
On the matter of password recovery. I couldn't agree more. I lost my first account due to this. I hope the creators will work to address this.
I am not certain if you have used Dtube. But that also has many problems which I believe needs to be addressed if it is to emerge as a viable alternative to YouTube.
Çok güzel tespitlerde bulunmuşsunuz.
Ayı piyasasında olduğumuz için Steem fiyat düşüşünü çok büyük problem olarak görmüyorum. Boğaya döndüğünde fiyatı en hızlı yükselen kripto paralardan biri olacağına eminim.
Üyelik onayı konusunda ciddi problemler var. Ben geçen yıl Kasım ayında üye kaydımı yaptım fakat uzun süre onaylanmadı. 1 hafta kadar önce tekrar kayıt yaptım bu defa 3 gün sonra onaylandı. İlk üye kaydımdan 8 ay kadar sonra üyeliğimi onaylatabildim ama çevremde hala üyeliği onaylanmayan ve içerik anlamında önemli katkı sağlayacağını düşündüğüm çok fazla insan var. Üyelik onayı daha kısa sürede olmalı.
Ödül sisteminde yeni üyeleri teşvik etmeye yönelik düzenlemeler yapılması gerektiğini düşünüyorum. Yeni bir üye olarak şu an nasıl bir yol izlemem gerektiği konusunda da bocalama içerisindeyim. Bu konuda en başarılı üyelerden biri olduğunuzu gözlemlediğim için tavsiyelerinizi almayı çok isterim. Geçmiş yazılarınızda yaptığınız tavsiyeleri okudum ama mutlaka yeni tecrübeleriniz oluşmuştur. Gerçekten 5 ay gibi bir sürede katettiğiniz yol muhteşem.
Son olarak, kayıp-unutulan şifre yenilenememesi de çok büyük problem olarak görünüyor. Mutlaka çözüm getirilmeli.
Yazdıklarımın ötesinde bir şey bilmiyorum. Çok çalışmak ve sabırlı olmak gerekiyor.
Teşekkürler. Başarınız, Türk kullanıcıların motive olması adına çok önemli bir örnek. Tebrik eder, çok daha ileri seviyelere ulaşmanızı dilerim.
I am new please support me
contact me i will support you
Hii I just follow u pls follow me back thanks'
I don't know of the others. But I like to write.I can write about me and the world around me through steemit and can show the world. If I write in a blog I dont know how many people will come and see the blog. Getting traffic is difficult in a website.But here atleast I know someone is seeing my post.May be later I can earn a little. Thank you for a nice post. It is a motivating one for beginners like me.
Good Thinking , my Turkish Brother , Greetings from Berlin!
I started in march 2018 & needed a full month to "overstand"
all the basics, which are explained poor & sometimes not at all
in the welcome section. Plus several applications like dtube, dsound are not always running proper or at all, depending on the browser..and so on and so on...
I see the potential behind steemit & fight through this, but the average user probably won't.
Plus listen to my "One week/weak quality (is strong)" on my Blog.
That's content!
Because the one week period might be the key for the
"content problem"
Nice content
Thanks bro! ;)
@muratkbesiroglu Do you want to increase user ?
i want
I was thinking of writing a similar post. You have perfectly caught my thought, very good. Add among the reasons that make many authors inactive, after a few posts, it is money.
Many users, when they register on this platform, begin to focus only on the money. They take hours to write a post and very often their work is not "rightly" rewarded and this cause a lot of frustration.
I think this creates a huge barrier for the development of new accounts and for the growth of steemit, because as you said:
As a noob to the platform, I think I can offer some insights.
@muratkbesiroglu : Good article; thanks for highlighting some of the stats as you did.
When a person just starts out not only are they not drawing a crowd, or any attention, they might start with the enthusiasm of the prospect of writing a blog where the appreciation will lead to a payment.
They might be looking at the Trending page where they see an average payout of 100-1000 dollars for a post; often posts that are little more than a paragraph and a picture and the "like + share" note... So, on the surface, it seems like an easy money.
A person pours their heart and soul into a 750 words essay, and you see that you got 1 like. Nothing to show how many views, and the score. 0.01$.
That is tantamount to a rejection, that feeling like a gut punch... you put in so much energy, not many people have stone skin to deal with that poor performance for more than a handful of posts.
Ultimately; it comes down to the variation in actual influence.
the winners know how to survive hard time
Hii im just follow u pls follow me back thanks
Good thinking
appreciated guys, you people both are tremendously thinking regarding affairs.
Excellent article! I have a few suggestions to improve the user experience, especially for newbies.
The initial frustration is that you feel invisible, and you also feel like your post had a shelf-life of 30 seconds, and it is lost forever thereafter.
To solve this Steemit needs to have a column on the side, like Dtube has, which shows related posts. This would extend the shelf-life and reduce the feeling of invisibility. This would certainly translate into user retention.
Also a new user should not be made to feel like they have to know all sorts of programming or bots or schemes or apps with additional learning curves to operate in order to make it on the platform. This has a negative psychological effect and hurts retention.
I am also deeply put off by the presence of the flag and its consequences. This has a chilling effect in that someone who may have worked years to cultivate their blog could be wiped out by someone with malice in their heart towards them or holds a differing religious or political viewpoint. This is the elephant in the room. I believe that this community can address offenses by use of the written word. LET truth rise to the top. This is my deepest concern for the Steemit platform. It would be a world far better platform if the flag were removed completely, and not replaced with anything similar...not even a thumbs down. Let people address problem members by shaming them with the truth of their miscreance. Censorship is always bullying. It is alway cowardice of the truth. There is never a justification for censorship. It is a BIG turn off.
Keep it simple.
Nice one mate - your feedback carries a lot of substance ! Although it highlights censorship as a primary concern it is still valid but dont you think the platform has in a way given the community the ethical rights /power to reject content that they feel is not fit to the audience ? just a thought !
I appreciate your thoughts. I do, however, disagree with you on censorship.
Let a member show their backside and they will have to live with the comments they get in response. Let the truth rise to the top. This is the best deterrent to unacceptable posting. They know they will have this as a record of their behavior in the community, and a strong community response addressing the miscreant standing for all time as an embarrassment to the misbehaving member, or they may through the process of reasoned dialogue feel compelled to apologize for their wrongdoing, save face, and hopefully see the error of their ways, rather than members trying to sweep unpopular thinking under the rug, and pretend it does not exist. The flag thing is wrong no matter how one tries to rationalize it.
The road to hell is paved with pragmatisms used to justify the doing of that which you know to be wrong.
Peace, love, and cosmic Steeming wisdom!
It can go down the slippery slope of 'social engineering' and then it advances to full on 'propaganda indoctrination'. Its a road this platform does not want to go down if it hopes to survive and thrive. And I think it can survive. It can grow. I think the potential for unlimited success is there is the making. I say, given a chance this platform can be miraculous and a bastion of real liberty.
True ! I agree a a couple of your views on letting the truth rise to the TOP & I reckon it does the only factor is how soon or late it does...even if something is not still could be subject to severe criticism - I reckon that one of looking at it as-well, to me it then sounds as complete freedom to expression. Let your readers then decide & leave their opinions.
Calling out miscreance addressing it quickly and making your voice heard is key to dealing with problem members. Let people speak their minds and the truth will rise to the top. The consequence for poor behavior is being called out by other members. Our response to bad behavior should be to address the truth of it and to correct in a diplomatic way. Let's bring each other up rather than try to make each other go away. As a community we have the responsibility to bring everyone up to the truth. Only then will the troubles subside. The truth will set you free.
On Steemit there is a real opportunity to to create a unified free community. Only if you trust the community to self correct will it ever truly come together as a community. Anything short of that and you will end up with the same ghettoized community as Zuckerberg's playground.
200+ years of American history proves that freedom works if you give it a chance.
When Thomas Jefferson was asked "What kind of government did you create" His response was "A Republic ma'am, if you can keep it" A republic is a self-regulated society based upon agreed upon laws (Constitution). Steemit is an opportunity to create a self-regulated and free community online. The 'flag' makes Steemit into another oppressive centralized oligarchy. Get rid of the flag and we will arrive at a free society...if you can keep it.
I feel frustrated when somebody flag my article that took 8 hours to compose. I experienced it several times.
I don't understand why anyone would want to flag your content @muratkbesiroglu, because you always write excellent posts of value. It's possibly deviant behavior on the flagger.
Once done the damage is palpable. and if they outrank you you're toast. Out your time and your potential earnings.
That is why I think it needs to go bye bye. It hurts the reputation of the platform. It is my biggest gripe here.
I have put my thoughts into an article, and just posted it up on my blog.
Censorship is one of the reasons I came here from facebook. I am offended by their brand of censorship (Shadow Banning). So when I came to Steemit I was shocked when I found out that Steemit's flag system was actually far worse, and I am very concerned for the future coarse of the platform. This will only become a plague over time and cripple your investors enthusiasm in the platform and the currency. No good can come from it...especially from the viewpoint of anyone heavily invested in Steemit. It undermines the very fabric of the investment, and those who are whales should be more farseeing as to the implications for the success of their financial investment, and push hard to have the flag removed. Ultimately when Steemit becomes ghettoized even its long time members will bail. And Steemit will have a tough time keeping newbies for any length of time. Members talk among themselves. Member retention is important to every single member on the platform from plankton on up to whale. I think confidence in a currency is its ONLY real value. The flag stands to undermine everything you and I have built in our blogs. All our sweat and time posting could go down on a dime if posting confidence is undermined. The flag does just that, it undermines your hard work and your hard earned investment of time and money. Back to what I said in the beginning of this rant...I left Facebook for this very reason. Sorry for the rant, but I had to get it off my chest. Thanks.
This flag will be the undoing of Steemit. It needs to go.
First thing to understand is steem is still a social experiment. When social network started people didnt know how it would take off, There were many socila networks before facebook.Yet facebook won. Similarly steemit is a pioneer in the field but the biggest question to answer is how to retain users when there is monetary benefit. The social behavior makes people to leave when they find they are not making money. Many people just write crap but with the connection and followers, the post gets upvoted and get 100s of dollars for the post.Yet there are people who write good quality post and wont get rewarded. My belief is that voting system it not a true mechanism to do this. its getting easily skewed and centralized
Dear friend murantkbesiroglu the steem price fall 5 times from his higest peak because of market collapse so badly and another reason is that the market suplly of steem coin is increasing day by day because users on steemit is increasing rapidly.
when market in bull run the price of steem increase 5 time.
I think a higher Steem price and better training would be my top two ideas to help.
I'm a Steemit noob, and personally, what stops me from fully adopting the platform is time. Given the limited amount of it that I have, time is a big roadblock in my Steemit productivity. While I'm ultimately responsible for how I spend my time, I think that Steemit can help by making improvements to the content editor. At its heart, Steemit is a publishing platform, and focusing on the authoring tools would be a big plus for those of us who would love to write and design a kick-ass post, but don't have the time to mess around with photoshop, audio tools, video tools, scripting, etc. For example, is there a way to embed and display 360 VR images in a post? I haven't tried it but something tells me it's not a straightforward procedure. So, I believe that focus on those tools that make the writing process more fluid and powerful would be a good way to attract and retain creators.
I will sum it up:
Users abandon the platform for the following reasons
2.Trending page is an investment competition and has nothing to do with the quality of the post.
3.Most of them can't invest money into their account and they realize they will never make a buck without it.
4.Steemit is still in beta,lack of features.
Spot on.
good morning bhai
@ mindreader Point 3 & 4 are agreeable - I would want to agree with you because the concept here is new - & since I myself am a newbie to this platform I prefer to not make judgement based on assumptions.
Could you enlighten me with #1. - I could not comprehend this from a quantitative standpoint ?
Some whales with huge amount of Steem Power happily raping the reward pool.Their posts are garbage,but they have enough money to buy a lot of upvotes and show up on the trending page all the time and make money.They refuse to help the community out,they don't upvote newbies' posts,only their own to make even more money.The more they take away from the reward pool the less we can have.And because of their giant Steem Power advantage,there is nothing you can do,only wheep...
Therefore my suggestions as always:
1.Only posts with ORGANIC votes should be able to get on the Trending page.If you buy upvotes from bots,your post should be on the Promoted page.(therefore quality and not investment will dominate on the Trending page)
2.The platform desperately needs groups.By joining to groups,members (even newbies) have way better chance to expose their posts. (leveling the playing field)
It's complicated for the average Facebook user. Most don't want to spend time learning a new platform, especially one this complex.
I don't think that it is complicated. But indeed, we can say that its new for all of the users due to which it seems to be complicated.
It seems very complicated to me. I still don't understand what Im doing. Im losing all the money that I've invested recently, even though I actively write posts and upvote others. I don't know why, but believe it's due to following a fanbase on autocurate. But it could be related to the falling price of steem. Yes, it's complicated to understand.
I agree with @vgc5000 steemit is indeed complex than the traditional easier social media platforms of Facebook. Many people don't even understand the concept of block chain and crypto and come here in Hunt of easy money and end up being disappointed and leave the platform
No everyone wanted to know new thing
I agree to the fact that the system is not too "easy" for a newbie - I'm not too sure why users may have left as there is no quantitative research data available, however from a qualitative standpoint - An assumption is not able to generate revenue for various reasons (From quality of content to time taken to be rewarded!) - I dont quite agree users leaving the platform due to a depreciation in STEEM price for all users who understand the potential & the value that one can derive would have the persistence to stay and keep contributing content that adds value.
I imagine many leave because their password has gone and they can't get another one which is a huge fear for me as I've lost one account completely because of that and almost lost this one but steemit gave it back to me because it was the fault of steemit and not me losing it. There must be huge numbers losing their password with no way to regain it...
lool that seems to be a valid concern however logically you are responsible for your property and no one would not be right to hold STEEMIT responsible because you loose your password. Having said that - I dont in anyway am trying to advocate them - its a welcome feature to have, brings in more convenience to users because there are more probabilities of users not remembering their passwords Vs them being stolen /hacked ! STEEMIT should certainly try and accommodate such a feature if that helps them retain users - to me more users = more revenue !
Yes, I lost my password from my first account and it still has money sitting in it. I can't recover the password.
My computer broke with my first one so password was gone. The second time my password just didn't work, but after many emails to steemit I finally got a new one. This of course doesn't give me much confidence in steemit, thinking I could be locked out again and all my work gone and no way to get back in; I wouldn't start again, that would be it for me...
I stopped posting here a few months ago. A big obstacle for me was the amount of time it took to create images (though it was often my favourite part of the process). Writing content was much quicker, by comparison.
Steemit was (and still is?) mainly for people who are interested in crypto. If you post anything which reinforces the idea that you're going to become rich through crypto, people are going to read and upvote your content. I don't care about crypto, though I do care that people are going to lose money by gambling on it.
I used to come up with some pretty entertaining content and I had a couple of regular readers who were very supportive. But no one was really reading what I had to say. It was just the wrong community for the things that I was saying.
Thanks for letting us know!
I hope my message gets heard. I can't be sure if I am treading on a philosophical difference with the administrators. I like what Benjamin Franklin said: "Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is one well armed sheep contesting the vote." It is the same with the censorship flag. It is an unbridled democracy.
I just put my thoughts into an article and posted it on my blog.
I have 200+ followers in 2 days but my post hardly get 20 upvotes why?
I think steemit dos'nt support newbies.
I try alot to make my post eye catching but still I can't get enough. Any one help me please.
The free market is not Facebook. We are accustom to Facebook but we need to see how the real world works. It is not as simple as we think it is.
Yaa you are right...
Things is not as much simple as we think.
My philosophy is: produce good content, and you should naturally rise to the top. Be patient. It took me 45 days to get to 36. Don't be discouraged. Patience is a virtue in any social media.
Thanks for inspiring me...
I followed you...
I get a high number of upvotes with very little money for my quality posts. I paid certain bots to bring me x number of followers. I don't understand this either. However, it could be related to your reputation score.
I think steemit is in beta phase so it has some glitch...
No I m not sure about it its my view.
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Hey this is really great stuff, I opened tabs to most of your links and will go through and read each, I'm pretty new to creating content here and I really appreciate your time and effort and desire to build this network, we're all in it together!
@jarotondo support us beginners too
It's jarotondi but all good :)
Wow great and super insightful article! Thanks a 1000 times! :) This really got me motivated to actively advocate the platform and help newcomers! Thanks!
Most of the people want to grow but they do not work hard they want instant reaction
alization. The platform has to work toward good capitalization: exchange volume should be continuously improving and long-term investors need to have good reasons to purchase STEEM. As long as the network keeps growing, there is a compelling case for based on expected growth; eventually, a critical mass of users will create good incentives for publishers and advertisers to aggregate STEEM demand as well.
Customer Acquisition Costs. SteemIt platform payouts are currently highly inefficient; as a sanity check, note that most introduceyourself pieces are trading “well above par” as early adopters are able to take advantage of a small, inefficient market at the moment. As more users join and the market becomes more efficient, payouts are likely to decrease, thus increasing over all CAC. It is important that SteemIt achieves a critical mass of users before CAC falls below the level needed to outbid the network effects of other platforms.
Alternative Applications. A Steem-based Wikipedia, Yelp, or Craigslist are compelling applications that can be attempted on the Steem platform. It would be interesting to ascertain whether early diversification into these applications could constitute a compelling hedge by the Steem team against the risks of playing in the highly competitive social market.
Overall, we love what we see on SteemIt so far! It’s beautiful to watch a social network form in real time.
Jake Brukhman is co-founder at CoinFund, a blockchain technology research firm and proprietary cryptoasset investment vehicle. CoinFund’s team brings together expertise in high technology, quantitative finance, private equity research, and social innovation research to generate insights into this exciting growth space. CoinFund provides consulting and research services to investors and companies interested in blockchain technology. Follow us on Twitter or join the discussion on our open community Slack.
Do you think that steem coin cross our all time high ?
A significant percentage of new accounts are bots or bulk account sellers, so it makes sense that a good chunk of the newly created accounts are not used.
@techwizardry I've been hearing a lot of chatter on youtube comments section about people migrating to steemit and dtube in the hopes of making more money, that's what got me to signing up on steemit. Experts are expecting it to pick up pace again soon based on the online activity.
Steemit is growing very rapidly now with all the demonetization and censorship on Youtube and FB. I remember how tiny Reddit was in the early days, and redditors never made a dime off the growth of the platform, so just imagine how much potential Steemit has.
I was not aware of the bot accounts
My 2 cents is the shear number of bots reducing one to one or one to many communication.
There are a ton of Bot followers but like 0 people that interact with my posts.
So i don't post that often anymore. This was coming from over 100,000 followers on Instructables and millions of views.
hello there!!!!
nice post and great information i bet it took a lot of time to do your research.
steemit it is a great idea to change the way of social media and all users must to know the better and easier way to be success.
good luck!!!
have a wonderful day!!!
Hello, each post from you are very well as ever, and I really think that market collapse always affect this kind of market, and we should be prepared for events like this and try help support this currency, maybe ideas as proposed by @yallapapi for example could be one solution, Steemit really need innovate every single day to keep the interest generated from the begining . Thanks for sharing
My thought about Steemit are good but There are some problems
3.Most people here are to make money only !!!
Actually I don't know bro.. That how to improve Steemit's User relationship, because i m new here. But you done a great Job this is really helpful for me
Thank you @muratkbesiroglu for this great article. I just started and totaly agree with your thoughts. I'm German and living in Thailand. The most people I spoke never heard about Steemit. But I believe in the great fulture of Steemit. Even if it will to be a long way.
Right now I´m working on my introducing post. I´m still looking for new impressions, because I want to start right. I think your post will help newcomers like me. Resteemed.
You got a 45.21% upvote from @upmewhale courtesy of @muratkbesiroglu!
Earn 100% earning payout by delegating SP to @upmewhale. Visit for details!
very hard for newbies to get of the ground
I am a newbie in Reddit. It is hard😥
Hello sir, I am new in steemit, please give me some suggestion how to get success in steemit?
@muratbesiroglu, @mgsc
I would really appreciate the way u write your blog and it will really help to us as a new user.
Such kind of blogs help us to grow and motivate us
Once again Thanks you.
@muratbesiroglu, @mgsc
I would really appreciate the way u write your blog and it will really help to us as a new user.
Such kind of blogs help us to grow and motivate us
Once again Thanks you.
Excellent job. First time I reading such a detailed info about steemit@murtkbesiroglu
@muratkbesiroglu Hello Sir I am new on the steemit so how can i improve myself plz give me some advise plz
I think most of the users fails to continue with steemit because of one major reason which is payment system which is more than complex.