1. Steemit lends you money if you sign up
That's right. Once you sign up, steemit will delegate between 65-145 Steem Power to your account which will be worth approximately between 100-200 US dollars based on the current market. You can't cash this money out, but you can use it to earn money by simply upvoting content without first depositing anything or making any money.
2. Steemit rewards you with cash for simply posting
You heard that right! Your posts here have the potential to make hundreds or even thousands of dollars! You can check the posts that are trending and see it for yourself. Create valuable content and earn lots of cash after users upvote your content. Each post will get paid after seven days of posting based on the votes/likes it gets.
3. Steemit rewards you with cash for simply commenting
Correct! Even your comments can earn you cash. Look at the posts that are trending again and check out how much cash some of the comments have made! Post good and valuable comment on other users' posts and you can earn dozens or even hundreds of dollars if the users like your comment!
4. Steemit rewards you with cash for simply upvoting
No I'm not kidding you. Even your likes can earn you cash here. The amount of cash you can earn from your likes depends on a number of factors including your account value and steem power but let's not get too technical here! Let's just leave it at the fact that even your likes can earn you cash!
5. Steemit is ad-free
No ads whatsoever! You may ask where the revenue comes from then? Good question! The revenue comes from the cryptocurrency that is behind steemit. There is a tab on the site for promoting content which is kind of like advertisements but you won't see them unless you click on the tab.
great post resteemed shared on facebook lol and followed...
haha i love it
Thanks heaps buddy! Followed you back :)
hahaha :D
I think as a conservative estimate STEEM will reach $50 (or more) per STEEM.
Facebook's current market capitalisation is around $450 billion.
Let's just say STEEM captures 10% of that, that's $45 billion which is then distributed across a maximum STEEM supply of 251,208,702 (according to coinmarketcap.com) and that works out to $179 per STEEM.
I don't wanna speculate and come up with numbers but there's a LOT of potential here for sure! Thanks for commenting. Threw you a follow :)
Don't be scared to speculate. No (calculated) risk, no reward.
nice post. followed you
You bet! Followed you back :)
Great post! Will share on my Facebook pages. Check out SteemQ! Will replace and destroy Youtube! Very excited about that.
SteemQ?? sounds cool! when is that?
I'm just as curious
they didnt say of any tentative date??
Not that I know of, in fact, I only know of this now.
It hasn't come out yet. They're working on it :)
am getting all black in my screen when sharing in facebook :(
Hmmmm. Did you try the direct link? This is the direct link: https://steemit.com/steemit/@msg768/here-s-5-reasons-why-steemit-will-take-over-facebook
I shared it in this Facebook group and it seems fine: https://www.facebook.com/groups/SteemitGroup/
Not sure yet. It's in development. Patiently waiting!
True that!
Can u show me the link.. nice to hear nice make money
Thanks a bunch mate! Yeah I've heard about SteemQ! :P
Is it out yet?
Shared on Twitter :-)
Thanks a lot mate! I threw you a follow! :)
The reason it won't:
Steemit is a blogging tool, not a social media platform.
Really? Where's the friends list on Steemit? Oh right, there isn't one. There's followers. Because that's what blogs have.
Where's the private messaging feature so I can plan t hings with my friends? Oh right, nonexistent because it's a blogging platform.
Where's the events calendar so I can find things to do with my friends? Oh right, there isn't one.
Steemit is an excellent blogging platform.
It is not a replacement for Facebook. It just wasn't built to do what Facebook does.
Your right on a lot of these points! Steemit can become massive as a blogging platform and soon become mainstream. They will need to let people buy Steem with fiat currency first though but I think someone said this is on it's way!
This makes total sense. Facebook is just one big ad these days. You have to dig really deep to find your friends' actual posts since there's so much crap to wade through first.
I have a pretty big Facebook Following.... Just got on steem last week. This is so much better!!
Agreed on both comments! I love that I can get more back from here than just posting things to facebook. I love this place and am having a lot of fun making the most of it.
Welcome. Enjoy!
Just keep putting out awesome content :)
Cheers @choogirl! Threw you a follow :)
nice post good opportunity i think facebook should do something.
Yeah well I wish them luck! : )))
Nope, with facebook you fill your feed with shit, as mine is filled with good content, It's really about how you choose to use the platform. I've made so much money on Facebook running ads for companies. You have to create the opportunities they don't just fall into your lap. Steemit is a blogging site hence followers and no friends list, or direct messaging, which yes there is dm but it's not easy.. Facebook will never take over Steemit, It can and is co-existing with Facebook. But these are two different entities and just because something makes sense in your head, doesn't mean it makes sense.
This makes tons of sense... Steem will change how Social Media will work in the future... lets go!!
Hell yeah! Threw you a follow :P
Followed you back... watch for my steem power haha :-)
You're definitely more powerful than me! : ))))
We will get ya there :-)
Yes steemit is a hundred times better than any social media platform out there and we are just beginning. Watch out as it blossoms to an industry changer with millions of users.
Amen bro! Threw you a follow :P
Thank you for the follow. I appreciate it.
meep :)

'Steemit will delegate between 65-145 Steem Power to your account' does this ammount disappear over time?
I'm not sure but I would assume so.
Great steem!! I'm passionate now. Blogging
I prefer to invest my time in steemit rather than in youtube!
Facebooks primary value lies in holding your friends 'hostage' steemit is a great platform for sharing public content, that said it does not duplicate / compete (nor should it) with facebooks main use case sharing content and keeping of contacts of your friends. It's less likely that steemit will kill Facebook and much more likely that the two will diverge into separate usecases / segmented streams of content.
Just 5 reasons?, i can find like 10000 reasons hehe
5 will do for now :P
I have to totally agree. I have to also add that Steemit will benefit greatly from youtube not paying so much for smaller amount of views. So steemit is definitely the way forward. I have upvoted and followed you
This goes on my Facebook page. I just don't get it why everyone still uses Facebook. Makes no sense to me at all. I have 5000 followers and only 1 joined Steemit so far, and only one other even asked a question about Steemit. and these are supposedly "awake" people? I hope Facebook doesn't somehow close my account down over there for posting this.
LOLLLLL! Don't worry. Facebook won't probably even notice unless my post goes viral! :P
Threw you a follow :)
Thanks. I'll be looking for your posts.
I think there's no doubt it will! Thanks for the great post!
We're on the ground floor! The untapped potential is incredible!
Upvoted & Followed! :)
Cheers mate. Followed you back :)
and mostly because its not fACEBOOK, i have grown so weary of opening my facebook account, knowing that you are being tracked, weighed,measured and led down a path by the advertiser de jour. it always amazed me that people would post and participate in those "games" on facebook where they send a picture of themselves to "see what star you look like" or they gather sensitive data so you can" see at what age you are going to die" really? people post more sensitive datat about their personal lives and physical,emotional, and fiscal well being than they tell most of their doctors!
They are the best! Steemit is my new family !
Great post dude. I like your style. Steemit is amazing and anything that destroys the vapid entity that is Facebook is good by me.
Upvoted and followed my man. Check my blog at @tremendospercy
Cheers buddy! Followed you back :)
I have been on steemit a month Now, and really enjoying it!
Anyone reading, Check out my photo blog if you're into that sort of thing.
Good stuff buddy. Threw you a follow! :)
Nice image, attracted me to your post today.
I know aye! I worked on a few images for like 3 hours until I finally liked one : ))))
I honestly don't think it will
Perfect post @msg768
Thanks mate! Together we can bring Facebook down. : )))
Threw you a follow ;)
Exciting! Simply explained. Let's promote it!
Great post bro! I just hope zuck's listing.
I hope Mark sees this : )))
wouldnt matter to him, he is still living in his ivory tower . Even in the present situation looking for imperialism.
Steemit DEFINITELY has the potential to overtake Facebook in the next 3-5 years!
This is what I've been telling everyone. But acceptence is still very hard
nice post... thanks for sharing this I'll share this article here on steemit and to other social media
Thanks a bunch brother. I threw you a follow :)
thank you, followed you as well
How cool @msg768
Thanks! :)
Good post.
I have to followed you buddy.
I am new to Steemit and always looking for more information to help explain the ins and outs of it all. Thanks for the tips and great info.
I love sharing this on facebook but steemit is still better and it just keeps on keeping on
This will definitely happen soon. I rarely check facebook nowadays. FBs content is nothing compared to what we have here in Steemit. Nice post.
How is Steemit adfree and I wouldn't mind if Steemit ran ads, as we would get paid more?
There are no built-in ads here other than the promote section. Advertisers can either cheat by buying Steem and powering up in order to vote for their own content or are going to have to negotiate with the members here who produce good and popular content to advertise for them. They can also use the promote tab here but as far as I know that tab is not very popular at the moment!
Thanks for the resteem by the way! Threw you a follow! :)
Well-said. Followed.
Cheers bro! Followed you back :P
Great piece, what we specifically love about Steemit even though we are still new there is the prospect of making money with our art online, which in turn will help give us some financial freedom to spend more time on our art.
Smash the Zuck!!
Will definitely be following you from this point because this is a great article! I enjoyed it! :)
Cheers mate! Followed you back! :)
What will my wife do if Facebook becomes less popular and people start flocking to Steemit?
Good one! :P
Great !
Every one, let's up vote, blog and comment !
Let's do follow each other !!!
When you will take over Facebook ?
Facebook is older and now is on top. Nothing will replace it at least 5 more years.
Serious question...
Since STEEM has virtually no Social Networking features right now, is it actually intended to be a Facebook competitor? And how would one explain this concept to a non-techie person in terms of the rewards available?
The thought of explaining the blockchain to my mother-in-law is daunting lol!
Most of the features that are available on Facebook and not available here yet aren't really that useful anyway. And people don't really need to learn about blockchains to be able to earn money here! :)
I guess my question was more along the lines of this platform seems to resemble Blogger or Wordpress more so than Facebook or Twitter... Which isn't a bad thing, necessarily! But long range, if it's called a social network, FB, Twitter or LinkedIn is what comes to mind moreso than a blogging site!
And earning, no, but getting that converted to USD would be the interesting conversation to have!
I have had a love hate for Facebook for years. I have deactivated several times and activated because of the "people" on there...this site really motivates me..it will be wonderful to share with like minds..with the possibility of getting some money with the time put in and the relationships made...here...the more I learn how to use this site..the more I can see giving up Facebook for good... :)
WOW... slow down tiger... I mean I hope Steem does overtake Facebook but Facebook has been honed for the masses, posing as a social network but in reality it is an cleverly designed piece of software designed to profile you. YOU are the currency in Facebook. Someone said something once to me - "If you get something for free... you are the product" - that is Facebook through and through... I would say this is lined up to take out Reddit.
Why Facebook will buy Steemit
good stuff. Thank you - upvoted and ReSteemed
nice post.
Cheers.Yes thank you .... I hope we support each other in developing the post ....
Thanks for sharing @msg768, Steemit will definitely deal a knock out punch to Facebook!
Thanks for commenting! Threw you a follow :)
Many thanks @msg768, returned!
Nice post - will follow. Glad we are part of Steemit
Cheers! Followed you back :)