Finally OFFICIAL! I'm so excited, we've been working on this for while and I can't wait to hear what you, Steemians think. See you in two weeks at STEEMFEST! <3
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Finally OFFICIAL! I'm so excited, we've been working on this for while and I can't wait to hear what you, Steemians think. See you in two weeks at STEEMFEST! <3
No offense, but they need to fix Steemit first, and then worry about this bullshit.
I've been 403'd so many times trying to sign-in to Steemit this week, that I can't even walk straight.
Whose going to sign on to use the Smart Media Tokens, if you don't even have your own house in order mate. Not to be a Debbie downer here, but please fix Steemit first, and then play with your little Smart Media Tokens... end rant.
you confuse with the blockchain. The issue that you are experiencing have nothing to do with the blockchain itself but with a website. If you have issue with go over to in order to have access to the blockchain via another interface.
The point is, I shouldn't have to go over to something else, Steemit is the face of the Steem blockchain, and just saying "go over to something else to fix the problem" is not fixing the problem.
Let's see where APPICS can bring us!
I think a social media app, that runs on block chain could be really exciting. Whats app,snapchat, insta, twitter these really blew up on the mobile devices.
lol is like any other website on the internet. They all run into issues at some point. The good thing is you do have to ability to access the service through multiple interfaces while they correct issues with Website maintenance has nothing to do with their smart tokens or other platforms like APPICS that will give you the ability to post to the STEEM chain.
Actually we CAN just go over to something else because then you will LEARN that steemit is just a FRONT END and the ACTUAL system is the STEEM blockchain which has nver been down, its always beenup even if steemit is being DDOS attacked! You ned to realize that when you start using something like the official Steemit App coming soon, you wont need the website and the steemit app wont "go down" Just like a Bitcoin allet appp never "goes down" or the Vesel Desktop Steem wallet by @jesta is already working and is never "down" it wil always be available for you to spend steem power downor do whatever ou want and you canalso always access steemit using other apps like steepshot which wont need a website....
you need to realize you are the tip of the spear youre a beta tester youre here early so you get to learnabout programming! yeah! you getto take part in the web development! yay! Its actually a great honor! the website is just a gateway into the steem blockchan! You keep brushing past this as if you need education about how steem blockchain works anhow its NO all about one single website and is simply one example orf a backup site!
Steem blockchain will have MANY gateways! I promise you we will have fixed dont you worry about that but the answer is NOT to focus on ONE website... no.. we need MULTIPLE gateways and we sjould all get USED to that so steemit is seen as MORE than just oone website!
Thi is not reddit we dont need one website centralized we need multiple websites and multiple front ends! :D It will be ok my friend :) It will work out! we will have a whole ecosystem of steem blockchain explorers and apps and gateways it will be glorious.
Steemit App an steemit 1.0 and new partners with big social media stars and new hardfork and new way for new users to mine their own new accounts into creation and so many other nw developments and features will all combine to make for a beautiful new steemit and we will all feel so happy to be apart of this!
Exactly. Thank you for clarifying.
How are you going to do the ICO and develop the application? I'm confused, please clarify.@appics You said ICO will start in a few weeks but SMT is still just a whitepaper...
Use bitshares? Its where the first smart media tokens called whaleshares were born. :)
Move to steem when its done. And even in worst case if for some odd reason smt doesnt manifest (which is just preparing for a worst case scenario), you still have the tokens up and running!
Not to perpetuate the Steem - Steemit confusion. But while Busy certainly has their house more in order, last DDOS (not these small other seemingly random errors) affected all major UIs. So there are still some rather important issues to address with the current state of decentralization in the (all parts included) network.
@cryptoctopus Yes, you are right. is working flawlessly. I wish I knew it a couple of days back. Thanks for mentioning that.
I have to wonder if working flawlessly is why is not.
finally finnian the finnish fintech finalist finished first.
I totally agree with you.
I love the idea of SMTs, but needs to be stable. It sends a strange message for a new social media platform that has the potential to become the future, is down so often.
To describe this project as "bullsht" can be construed as offensive. Frustration with the problems associated with Steemit is one thing but I find the language used to describe this project completely unjustified. Please remember, and this project are two different things.
Oh get over it, this is the internet bud... not yo mamma's kitchen table.
I agree with what you are saying as well, also we have been bringing people to the steemit network and its going on almost 2 weeks and still no approval email, for a good amount of people, i dont know about you but when it takes that long to get an account for something, i would give up on that.
And I certainly would not blame them.
Everyone avoided saying this. I have the same suggestion.
That's because everyone on here for the most part are blind yes-men and women for Steem, and it's products.
I track the daily statistics every morning, and they are absolutely terrible, like adding 191 new accounts terrible, and everyone in the comments are saying: Steem to the Moon!
These people need to wake up, and we need to start letting the developers know that Steemit is broken, and we want it fixed!
Go get 'em tiger. Lol.
It's not surprising that there's resources being devoted to trying to get other offerings out. In the first place, they seemed to be planning that from the get-go. And from a business standpoint, if what you're saying is correct and their intake is anemic on Steemit and the beta version is struggling with load then why devote resources to a struggling product in terms of growth when the crypto community is largely driven by hype. That is to say newer products get more attention than the older ones. So, it's a good business idea to back-fill Steemit (if that's the plan) by piling on another form of the offering using the same technology. If that's achievable is anyway's guess. Personally, I imagine it is.
I still find it ironic that in being "decentralized" and most of the contributors on Steemit loving decentralization, the model's outcome has been to centralize influence in what are the whales on the platform - crowding out a lot of the little guys. I've paid attention to the bots and they really do not do a good job incentivizing creative, original content. It is possible to make a name for yourself, but it's definitely an uphill climb. If you should have an extra $100,000 USD lying around to lock up for a few years then it's infinitely easier. On paper it would seem then that "hey we're welcoming of everyone," but at the same time, "Whales enter through the VIP entrance." And I know some rich people and I haven't found their opinions to be any more enlightened writ large. ;)
Plus, what you're experiencing and perhaps suffering through is the whale-centric, centralized system in place and the fervent loyalty of early adopters. Personally, it can be a bit daunting to take in first navigating around Steemit. On one hand it's cool that people tend to be polite. However, on the other, it is painfully obvious that the discussions are being influenced into being of "one mind." If anything, it would be nice to see Steemit free itself of the "well, isn't it so wonderful" phase to letting people be pissed off once in awhile so that the platform itself can mature to include a larger audience that probably would be more prone to assert itself.
But that's just my two cents. Warts and all, I'm still curious as to what direction Steemit will end up, but if it doesn't figure out a way to open up and decentralize it may very well be stuck awaiting more general acceptance of crypto.
For my part, I just post for my own ideas to get them down somewhere. I, apparently, don't have anything good to say because I've earned a total of a buck or something. So, take everything I say with a grain of salt.
Good luck!
You know, I've come to accept the whole pay-to-win aspect of Steemit via the whales, by just doing what I enjoy doing on here, and if I get something out of it, then all the better, but...
I do expect the platform to perform, and perform well. It's the little things as they say, and I really hope they put most of their attention on it instead of trying to branch out to other things already, when they haven't even taken Steemit out of Beta.
That's just my opinion, and I hope other feel the same.
I totally agree. I like to work on here during the day, but lately it has been lagging and missing my posts. I almost lost a piece today and that's just horrible in my view because that's the service right? Get me to post to create more value for the blockchain that supports Steem? But meh. I finally got my post up.
I like, but I haven't figured out how to get it to show full comments. That's just noob stuff, but when I'm in the flow trying to get stuff done. Well, that's tough y'know?
(Sorry for complaining. Had to do it somewhere.)
Nice , i agree to what ever you say
I think another thing to remember is that Steem as a crypto currency and a blockchain are something different than Steemit the blogging interface with the blockchain. Steemit already has two competitors. One of which,, has been getting some hype as of late. I've used it when Steemit has gone total shit show and it works fairly well.
I'm all for rolling out new products that interface with the blockchain and create more demand for steem the currency through SMT's. I'd like to see a bitcoin level price please.
would you also like the bitcoin level volatility?
Buy low, sell high, absolutely
Yes well Steemit is still in its Beta phase and they're working on fixing the registration system with the next hardfork. They are still improving and working on the platform.
But we're not Steemit and don't have any control over their servers or platform.
And the Steemit community might be growing rather slowly, but that's because they haven't started mass adoption with marketing, and will improve in this area in the future as well.
But this has nothing to do with APPICS, we will build our own community on top of the Steemians worldwide!
Well, they need to focus on Steemit, and then worry about other things.
The Steemit team will continue to focus on Steemit and the APPICS team will focus on APPICS. Two different projects that are simply based on the same underlying technology.
Thank you! Steemit can focus on steemit and APPICS can focus on APPICS I cannot wait for this! Beta testers needed any time soon? I would love to be a part of it.
Can we please let the respective dev teams set their own priorities, instead of random people telling them what they NEED to do?
I'm certain that Steemit is quite aware of on-boarding, access and interface issues.
Go get 'em tiger. Lol.
It's not surprising that there's resources being devoted to trying to get other offerings out. In the first place, they seemed to be planning that from the get-go. And from a business standpoint, if what you're saying is correct and their intake is anemic on Steemit and the beta version is struggling with load then why devote resources to a struggling product in terms of growth when the crypto community is largely driven by hype. That is to say newer products get more attention than the older ones. So, it's a good business idea to back-fill Steemit (if that's the plan) by piling on another form of the offering using the same technology. If that's achievable is anyway's guess. Personally, I imagine it is.
I still find it ironic that in being "decentralized" and most of the contributors on Steemit loving decentralization, the model's outcome has been to centralize influence in what are the whales on the platform - crowding out a lot of the little guys. I've paid attention to the bots and they really do not do a good job incentivizing creative, original content. It is possible to make a name for yourself, but it's definitely an uphill climb. If you should have an extra $100,000 USD lying around to lock up for a few years then it's infinitely easier. On paper it would seem then that "hey we're welcoming of everyone," but at the same time, "Whales enter through the VIP entrance." And I know some rich people and I haven't found their opinions to be any more enlightened writ large. ;)
Plus, what you're experiencing and perhaps suffering through is the whale-centric, centralized system in place and the fervent loyalty of early adopters. Personally, it can be a bit daunting to take in first navigating around Steemit. On one hand it's cool that people tend to be polite. However, on the other, it is painfully obvious that the discussions are being influenced into being of "one mind." If anything, it would be nice to see Steemit free itself of the "well, isn't it so wonderful" phase to letting people be pissed off once in awhile so that the platform itself can mature to include a larger audience that probably would be more prone to assert itself.
But that's just my two cents. Warts and all, I'm still curious as to what direction Steemit will end up, but if it doesn't figure out a way to open up and decentralize it may very well be stuck awaiting more general acceptance of crypto.
For my part, I just post for my own ideas to get them down somewhere. I, apparently, don't have anything good to say because I've earned a total of a buck or something. So, take everything I say with a grain of salt.
Good luck!
I agree with you
It is necessary to fix a lot more. I do not think that the development of the steem is already complete. At steem there are still many problems that need to be solved. But nevertheless, we should not dwell only on the bad points, forgetting about the daily progress that is happening.
They have to at least get the simple operations right though.
A functioning, and available website is a must, and lately... Steemit has been messing them both up.
Whilst I understand the comment and it is true that Steemit still has some teething issues and needs further development, it is still a young product yet the issue you are describing is tied to the Steemit platform, not the Steem network itself. The Appics project will help here - since successful projects built on top of Steem will add more value to Steemit indirectly through the monetisation that it generates for the Steem platform itself. There is an upward virtuous spiral in motion here, it is simply in its early stages and this is a good time to jump aboard.
I agree with you @tolkatore will get you or
ohhh hi surpassing....
I agree with you. It should be more user friendly. At least if we wanna increase our community we have to improve our user experience,right?
Use instead of steemit. It is 10x better.
Awesome work! I'm glad it's finally official. This is an important niche in the Steem ecosystem and I know a ton of people will love using it.
YES! Super cool stuff. Next up..... DICPICS.
I can't wait.
Thats a project I could really get in front of.
Thank you very much for your feedback, glad to hear that.
Exciting times ahead!
This is great to see @mrs.steemit. Congrats on the release this video looks and sounds great. You guys have my full support.
🖖@thejohalfiles, sorry if this is not the appropriate way to contact you. I hope i reach you. for the upvotes. I really appreciate them. They keep me going.
No worries @bluerocktalk dont mention it. Glad to have you in the Crypt0 world with us all. Looking forward to some interesting posts from you in the future!
Take care
~bluerocktalk🖖Hi again, @thejohalfiles, I have posted 2 more Stan interviews and thank you for watching the others. I have a handful more to go, then he comes back home in time for us to do more! However, I am writing to ask about what i received in a post. Sounds cool, but I know nothing about these things. Can you give me your thoughts? Maybe it is an interview waiting to happen.
Thanks again,
🖖@thejohalfiles Thanks, I have added a few. Its so hard to see some great content not be noticed, but time will teach me I am sure. If you have suggestions or advice for me, please pass it on, I would appreciate it!
heyy @thejohalfiles i've heard about ya good works. You was recommended by @ackza. I'm following you. Greetings from #teamghana
🖖Hi @thejohalfiles. You are my biggest upvoter, thank you. I noticed you have no posts, yet you are doing well. Can you tell me about your strategy?
I now have 3 post up with videos of interviewing Stan in the past week. If you know of specific questions for me to ask him, I can add them to my list of questions for him in a series I am doing. I am still wrapping my head around this. In doing so, I don't know the questions to ask that I am missing. Know what I mean?
Thanks in advance!
~bluerocktalk🖖hi @thejohalfiles,
Dear... I can see you voted for witness arhag who doesn't have a working witness anymore since a long time.. I am new, dedicated and hoping to achieve dreams. Your vote can really really help me. I hope you would consider it..
Yes again a nice contribution again. Can I point out that you have a witness vote for arhag who is offline for months. I hope you would consider to give me a vote.. a new witness on the block(chain) and soo thankfull if you vote for me.. Your vote can make the difference for me to break even or making a monthly loss.
Congrats on all the hard work. This looks really slick! Looking forward to downloading and playing around.@mrs.steemit!
Are there any large differences in tech between this and Steemit, despite the focus on mobile social networking?
Can you think of any extensions to social networking that would benefit from monetary rewards? Maybe to prevent fraud that is so common on traditional social networks?
Congratulations! The project seems to be really great! there is a public that is demanding for this. And I'm sure that being hiding this project for a years was a pain! Really enjoy this times people. And if you need translation to Spanish... I'm the man. One more time! CON-GRATS!
we will announcing our Bounty programm for languages soon! Thank you very much for your Feedback :)
Great! I'd love to get involved with some translation work! Mandarin and French available :)
Will be tuning in soon to learn more!
Color me impressed. The official video was well done and very informative. I'll be doing a bit more research before deciding to join the ICO but first impression is good and exciting.
I hope great success finds you and your team!
Awesome, thank you very much!
Amazing! I am so excited for this! Congratulations!!!
omg you are the one in the video :O xd :))..appics sounds "eppics" am so excited too, everyday there is something new ...just glad am here, following the rise ... :))))
I like that @appics is visually oriented, which, imho, is the road to mass adoption. Will the social network also be accessible via desktop, or is this solely a mobile app? And will APPICs content be shareable and embeddable outside of the network, i.e., could I embed APPICs posts, or a portion of an APPICs post in a blog post on another site, such as Steemit, for example?
Hi @joshpeterson the APPICS project will be focusing on a mobile APP first, but who knows what the future will bring to us. And yes we will use and integrate Social Media platforms that already exist, so you will be able to share your content to the world :)
Thanks, @sandroieva - that's really great to hear!
Woohoo! I'm sure @soldier will be one of the top shots in dance category, haha. Big moment of course.
Owh that's what you've been doing! So glad you finally announce it after months of trying to keep it in!
I wanna SO GET IN ON THIS!! i can already see myself as an advocate for APPICS in my local region. i've signed up on the newsletter and is there is a Pro-ICO even, let me know.
How is it to be one of the proud developers working on this challenging project? Also, have a lot of fun at STEEMFEST!
Great project and looking forward to seeing how it comes to life as the first SMT. Also ee you in two weeks at Steemfest to learn more!
congratulations and success in your wonderful project
Can you please let me know when we can get the app and from where? I'm really very excited about the whole things of STEEM and Steemit.
APPICS is looking like crazy for the ameteur photographer people like me. I'm really very excited here to get started as soon as possible.
I love it, again a real use case on the steem blockchain. I wish you all the suc6 with this and I hope soon we all know it..
I'm you'r fan since long time, i hope you will become successful this wonderful Appics!
me too
Finally OFFICIAL! I'm so excited, we've been working on this for while and I can't wait to hear what you, Steemians think. See you in two weeks at STEEMFEST! <3@mrs.sreemit
Great Job!!You should be excited !!