We All Know Facebook !
For many years now facebook has been at the top of the social media food chain and most of us have learnt to love it and if you are like me eventually hate it ! never the less it is brilliant and has made huge strides in being more user -friendly over the years and now there are literally tons of features and I am sure with the purchase of Whatsapp there will be many more integrations on the way.
Why Paypal Should Be Paying You !
Have you ever realised how many adverts are on facebook ? take a look below
Adverts are now placed in the following areas on facebook
1 News feeds on desktop computers.
2 News feeds on phones and tablets.
3 The right column of all facebook pages.
4 And now facebook is also doing premium video ads ?
Wow no wonder facebook has managed to triple their quarterly profits, advertising revenues have risen to $5.2bn 80% of which came from mobile phones, ads which they shove into your view without your permission and best of all you do not get a single cent for any of it ! does that seem fair ?
Facebook Needs You
Yup that's right facebook needs you and I, they need us to sit there and view their ads while chatting with our friends or reading updates from our time lines, perhaps they need to take a leaf out of steemits book and introduce a revenue-sharing model instead of enriching themselves.
Why Steemit Will Outgrow Facebook
Without a doubt as steemit rolls out new features more and more people will join, who does not want or need some extra cash ? unless you are Mark Zuckerberg of course, while spending time on your social network becuase that is exactly what I believe steemit will become
Facebook Bots
On a final note did you know facebook are very actively developing bots ? and that there are bots already ? yup soon you may be able to transfer cash from one user to another using bots or if you are a developer you can make your own bot do you think you will get anything out of it all ? or will it just be a way for the giant to make more cash from you? time will tell.
Please let me know your thoughts in the coments bellow.
Follow Me @mrgrey

Woah Facebook makes nice profits! I want a piece of that action! ;) Oh yeah with Steemit we all already have a piece of the action!
i feel like ive been in a relationship with someone and now ive broken up im realising how unhealthy they were for me... nobody will see this though until you show them the dollars, great post
I like your analogy lol makes perfect sense !
Facebook will never pay content owners. Because it is a centralized company that only pays profits to shareholders. They did not succeed because they restructure the company past.
I've been saying the same thing for months. I can't imagine why content creators on Facebook would not jump ship.
exactly bud
great post mrgrey thank you, I have never thought of it this way.
Thank you coutchpotatoe
Agree wholeheartedly , why would you blog on Medium , Reddit or Facebook..use Steemit to post and Twitter , FB etc to promote and drag the audience over to this platform for everyone's benefit.
yes exactly what i am going to do
Because facebook is facebook and steemit is steemit. @mrgrey
Not only does it block ads on Facebook. It also makes sure you won't be tracked by FB and other companies like Google (including their ads to).
Just use Ghostery guys... https://www.ghostery.com/ On top of that you can use a search engine like https://www.startpage.com/ which doesn't use your search queries to profile you and make more money out of you.
Weaponize yourself!
So true... would be interesting to see the demise of Facebook if all their users revolted.
I am just wondering if Steemit will ever have a mobile app we can get from Playstore...something along those lines or I am way behind news with this one?
I have been saying this for a long time now. They say when something is free to use then you are the product. All the big tech giants are creaming it in on the backs of everyone else. It's disgusting.
Yes correct laseehlers