My First Month on Steemit: Plans for the future and a look at my past.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

I first learned about Steemit when a friend @paulmall starting posting his blogs to Facebook. Each one piqued my interest more, so I started scrolling through Steemit trying to get a feel for the site. Before long, I was watching tutorials on YouTube and reaching out to people I know that are already established on Steemit. @tommyinthesun and @matt-a have been an invaluable help and really gave me a boost of momentum I would never have had access to otherwise. It took a week for my account to get activated, but as soon as I could, I jumped in head first. I've tried to stay busy this first month, and I'm hoping to do even more coming up.

The past eight months have been a very lonely and isolating time for me. I rarely see anyone I know outside of my wife and two young boys, and spend the majority of every day wiping noses and butts. Steemit came along when I was reaching a low point, and my time here has helped to dig me out of my hole. The main way Steemit has helped is by allowing me an outlet to start writing again. I used to read and write regularly, but since college I have basically done neither. Writing our thoughts and sharing experiences are essential to individual health and well being, and I think are cornerstones of healthy communities. I believe Steemit stands as proof of that. Aside from writing, being a member of Steemit has got me out of the house doing things I enjoy, like searching through abandoned buildings and taking pictures. It has also got me drawing again. So far Steemit has been a positive thing for me, and I'm eager to see where it's going.

Since I've been on here, I've encountered a warm, welcoming environment particularly with people in the homesteading community. Some of them have followed me and helped support my content, and invited me into their group. It's not always easy to find time, but I have tried hard to offer diverse posts that are helpful and entertaining. I've tried to get my friends on board, and have manged to convince a few to start accounts. Now I just have get them to start making posts. I really believe that there is future here for people who want to support one another and help build a prosperous life for everyone.

I have some things in mind to improve my content such as combining related shorter posts to a single longer post. I usually have my wife edit my writing before I post, but sometimes I get ahead of myself and put out stuff with to many mistakes. I'm always looking to improve in what ever I'm doing. There is a lot left to learn about culture on the block-chain. I think as long as I keep learning and sharing things will get better.

I have some big plans this year including a large market garden, buying a potter's wheel, going to Lebowskifest, and taking a week-long backpacking trip. I also have some goals set for my second month on Steemit. I want to improve as much as I can and really hep the Steemit community grow.

  • Become more involved in the Steemit community:
    It's hard to find time to get on chat and really get know people. Anytime I try It's either too late at night, or I have a youngun hollering for something to eat or needing to use the commode. It has been nice being with them so much, but I'm ready for some adult conversation.
  • Post twice per day

  • Learn Markdown
    See, I'm practicing...

  • Produce new content not usually seen on Steemit
    I'm not sure where this will take me. I have some ideas, including some how-to's and a cooking blog.

  • Set aside delegated time to work on posts
    Early on, I was treating Steemit almost like a part time job, but since then life has slowed down my ambitions a bit. I try to incorporate whatever I'm doing that day into a post, but that's not always possible.


Trying hard for that sexy caveman look

I haven't made many posts that deal with my personal life, but I would like to do more. I've stuck mostly to information and photography. I'm going to out a limb and offer some personal details and information my life, but nothing to heavy for now. I would like to build some meaningful relationships here on the steemit, so here's a small insight into my past.

I'm a fairly goofy person who rarely passes on an opportunity for a good pun or fart joke, and can usually find a way to laugh in any situation. I've been known to cuss, I've done some swarpun, and I know some of the dirtiest jokes there is... my dad taught them to me on hay runs, and coon hunts. I had a hard childhood. Between moving, domestic abuse, and not knowing my father I didn't have a great start. The rest of my life ain't been the easiest. A good sense of humor and light heart help me keep things in perspective. I eventually met my dad when I was ten. He opened my mind to new ideas and ways of thinking that I would have never had access to otherwise. He was born near the Breathitt/Magoffin/Wolfe county line the early 40's and lived a life that I'm not sure a person can live these days. I'll be blogging about him in the future.

I've moved all of my life. In total I have moved 34 times in 36 years among five East Kentucky counties. I could probably add two or three more in there if I wanted to. You can imagine it's hard to maintain many possessions or build wealth this way. Between the moving, a flood, and a tornado, my memories have been blown off, soaked, packed away in boxes, and drug across the country. In all likelihood, I'll be moving again this summer. I have a blog post in mind about this where I'll unpack some boxes and share the little scraps of my life.

I'll cry at almost any movie. I've been like that since I was a kid. I remember watching Savannah Smiles when I was about nine and losing it during the ice cream scene at the end. If you ever want to see me cry, just put on A league Of Their Own. Next thing you know my lip's quivering, and the tears are rolling. I think this is one of my best qualities. My wife and I joke that we must be doing something right because our boys are caring, loving, and sensitive to people around them. My oldest Ezra is always there to offer comfort if he thinks you feel bad. I hope they cry at movies.


These are my boys. I love these little turds more than life, and try my best to make sure they know it every day.

There is much more I would like to get involved in and share with you all here. I am looking at my adventure here with a long term perspective. I'm excited to see how things develop over the next year and looking forward to growing alongside all of you.

Thanks for lending me some of your time,



Rock the caveman look dude! I look forward to perhaps chatting in the future mate!

thanks. Caveman is in for spring.

Great to meet you on here! I'm also a dad. Nice to know more parents on coming to to Steemit!

It's often hard to meet other parents. At least it is for us. All of our good friends don't have children, and probably never will. They love the boys but it's hard taking them places at this age. I think It's good have the perspectives of folks like us on here.

Yup, it's good motivation! Thanks for sharing that.

Your Friend told you the main things to success on steemit.
So keep them and Wishing You Good Luck

Thank you. A person can never have to much luck.