$$$$ Change mind changing life and income $$$$ #part-1

in #steemit7 years ago

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Try to understand Steemit earning system
At fast you need think Steemit as your service aria and you can earn more money in the section
So you need to follow the rules what i am giving in the down of the post.......

When you went to earn more money in any section in the world you need to change that thing must......(https://steemitimages.com/DQmTqDVLQ9sznuE3QrLvpAKcu7FqK2M3ibBSRdCghxy3DRF/images%20(2).jpeg)

  1. you need to change your time management
  2. you need to change your personal management
  3. you need to change your service managemnt

1}one of the most thing you need to change your timing when you what doing you need to manage it.... .
Cose if you are not get up early in the morning then you can't do your time to set for your every service......
So at fast you need to get up early in the morning
Then you need to set your time()

  1. Breakfast
  2. going to job or your service
  3. lunch
  4. analysts what you earn
  5. preying
  6. go bake to home
    2} second thing for a men need to change her personal smart looking and and acception for everyone eyes of you
  7. change your mind
  8. change your thikg for other
  9. change your attitude
  10. change your getup
  11. hear cut shove
    ETC.....images (1).jpeg
    3} at last thing for a man you need to change your service management
    Every job have customers and seller so all servic manager are seller and all consumer are customers...
    You need to follow the rules for an customers
  12. well greating
  13. try to understand customers mind
  14. help to solve her problm
  15. pushing deals
  16. close deals
  17. sales after service
  18. most of thing that at fast you need to sell you ..... Not your product when you can sell your self then you can earn more money from every service
  19. you need to check out all thing of your service Aria
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Monjur Hossain
Contact... monjurrahman410@yahoo.com


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