Great topic! This was some interesting info, however I thought there were quite a bit more users (like north of 650,000) and not the 334,000 on your post. The website might be out of date but correct me if I'm wrong because I just kinda thru up a bit in my mouth!! Lol. But, it that user number accurate? Also, I just did a post on a similar topic but touched on it in a slightly different way. I you have some time, check it out and let me know what you think!! Thanks for the post!
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Hi! Im not sure where you saw that on my post (did I accidentally link something? ::rushing back to look it over:: ) Wherever you saw it that number is outdated, I believe we are around 700K now. However, i believe there are only around 60K active users on Steemit, so you we are still very early adopters! I will check you out asap! Thanks for the comment! :)
We reached the 750,000 users milestone yesterday, so we are just above that number right now :)