1000 subscribers and the future of social media platforms

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Just a quick video shout out to a few of my 1,000 followers, subscribers and friends here on steemit. This platform is the future and we are lucky enough to be riding on it early.

I think the rest of the world is catching on to the difference between the steem ecosystem and the rest of the 'social' networks.

So what is the future of social networks with the current fiasco of Facebook and data scraping of people's innermost fears and desires. You can be sure regulations are going to come thick and fast in the USA.

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In Europe a new law is coming into force on 25th May 2018. The General Data Protection Regulationwill seriously impact the activities of companies like Facebook, Google and YouTube.

Most people use Facebook as a social platform and had little or no idea of what the platform was actually doing with the data generated from their activity.

Of course if you were a nerd, a geek or IT teacher like me. Then you knew exactly what Facebook was up to and like me you may have tried to warn as many people as you could about Facebook. But it often fell on deaf ears as people just did not see the dangers of exposing themselves to such a powerful technology.

Now the genie is out of the bottle and things are changing very fast.

What these people need is a set of platforms which will offer a safe alternative. Steemit.com, busy.org and steepshot are just 3 of the over 200 apps that already exist on the steem blockchain.

This could be the start of massive migration to the steem ecosystem. We have to step up our efforts to let people know that the future is here already. On the steem blockchain.

Don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel

Check out my top 10 supporters:

@old-guy-photos @tattoodjay @dswigle @melinda010100 @mammasitta @debralee @lydon.sipe @barbara-orenya @marsella-2017

Check who I am following and give them a look too.

Thank you all for your support. It is much appreciated.

▶️ DTube

Congrats on 1000, buddy!!! Now if we could just get the rest of the good people say on YouTube to see the light!!!

Thanks Paul, yep! that makes sense.
I have some very talented content makers following me on YouTube.
You know only to well, what it's like trying to encourage people to try a new platform. :)
Your softly softly approach eventually worked on me. :)

social media networks should run on cryptocurrencies, just like what happened with traditional media networks and fiat currencies. congrats @molometer on hitting 1k!

Thank you @kevinwong I totally agree. Then everyone would have full transparency and could decide for themselves what they share. The old networks and currencies are dead but no one has buried them just yet. The wheels are falling off the old media networks.

yes i also expect like your opinion @kevinwong

Congrats on 1000 and I'm proud to be one of them, my friend! I was wondering how @kevinwong found his way to my Mark Twain post! XXO

This is the great advantage of steemit over other platforms. I met @kevinwong at #steemfest2 in Portugal and we just sat and chatted for a while at the drinks evening. I had no idea who he was and he had no idea who I was. Just two people with something in common. It was a sublime chat and very illuminating.

How fun! And thanks bunches for the resteem!

My pleasure Melinda, I like these interesting, days out blogs.

Hello! You're a cool man. I signed up for you on YouTube! We will cooperate. The project is interesting!

I look forward to collaborating with you.Thank you @eduards your support is much appreciated. I have over 200 videos on there. What is your username on YouTube?

I must say my adventure since December has been pretty amazing. There are two people on your list that I have interactions with as well. Bless @tattoodjay for his mentorship with me. @melinda010100 has been a constant support for me as well. Always encouraging. They are how I found you in the first place. I wasn't sure what I was getting into with joining the Steemit community, but I have truly enjoyed my experience thus far. I have never been a blogger or vlogger, and wasn't sure where my niche would be. I totally enjoy the photography, even though I am not very good at it. I'm going to go watch a few of your videos. Have an awesome day.

Many people often wonder about which 'niche' they should go for.
For me personally working in one niche would be extremely dull although potentially highly profitable.
I produce content that interests me and if it interests other people then that's great but doesn't dictate my output.
Do what you enjoy first and foremost.
Then it's great fun.

I like bouncing around as well. I didn't know I was interested in so many things until I found @steemit. LOL Old dogs can still learn new tricks. :) Thanks for the encouragement. Be seeing you.

For me it's the only way to go. That's true freedom of expression.

I have un diagnosed ADHD, so bouncing is pretty normal for me! lol SQIURREL, that is an American joke. :)

Haha, with the American spelling too! ;)

LOL Not sure I will have service this weekend as I venture over the mountain to visit friends. I'm taking my camera though. :) Have a great weekend, and thanks for visiting.

GG with the 1,000 @molometer. Yes a lot of disgruntled facebook types will be shopping around.

I think you are right. This is just the tip of the iceberg. When all the data scrapping is revealed people are going to be pretty upset. We have all the apps they could possible want ready and waiting.

Congratulations, Molometer. I am happy to sub to you on youtube ... I just went over:) I followed most of the folks on your top ten too:)

I subbed to you on YouTube. I liked your channel. Very creative.Good for you @prydefoltz and thanks for the sub on the tubes. It may still have a future if it changes it's ways and pays contributors in a sensible way. Otherwise it's doomed to go the way of Myspace!

I was demonetized too ... spoken words tend to be short and so my view time was only a quarter of what was needed.

I know some of your old vids were awesome, Pryde. You could put some up on DLive or DTube. You know the Ms Lotus Blossom or whatever it was lol. I cant remember anything. You can just download from YT and upload it. It wont take long on DLive, it loads faster for me than YouTube...you know if you are ever bored :)

I may do that in the future. But right now I am struggling to fit it all in. I am working on the second novel to my Wisp series and it is nearing completion. Then begins the query process. I really feel I shouldn't take on anything else, right now.

I don't know ... maybe when I have thousands of followers:) I think right now ... after a week ... posts pretty much disappear.

This is the problem with YouTube. They keep changing the rules. In the beginning anyone could put just about anything on there and the metrics were not important.

Since they have discovered how much money they can make from 'certain' types of content. They have lost the plot entirely. Art for arts sake used to mean something once.
Google's founding motto "Do no evil" sounds rather hollow now.

yeah ... they gave that up that one a few years back.

Very true but on the upside we now have steemit which is going to kick all of the old platforms to the kerb!

It is better than facebook and youtube as far as I am concerned:)

very good project @molometer i really support him hope this is always successful

Thanks @Putra-arjun, you are a star and hope we can meet up someday.

Congratulations on your 1K !! ^_^


Thanks @barbara-orenya and the wonky crew. It's been an eye-opener to meet such a talented artiste here on steemit.

Congratulations @molometer!!

Thanks @maruharraca it has been a great journey.

Keep it up my dear friend!

I will do my best :)

me, the subscriber number 1011

That's great @marino0 glad to have you on the team.

thanks ☺☺☺

I to think current events could make Steemit really take off and get noticed and the swing of change will come fast

I hope were both right

We have a great window of opportunity right now.

Absolutely and Alsop great to see the crypto markets in green today

You said it mate. It's about time it turned. Steem is up 45%! Time for woo hoo! ;)

Let’s hope it settles up where it is now and doesn’t decline again
