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RE: Reputation Score: 62 - In 27 Days & My Next Steemit Goals!

in #steemit7 years ago

Its both. But more important is the Steempower someone has. Means the bidbots have not on generall high reputations, but they have a lot of Steempower and this power affects your reputation in a positive way.

We could say that these bods are whales and this whale power increase your reputation score much faster. You will see a difference when you bid with 1SBD for example or with 30 SBD. The more you put into a biding bot the higher your reputation will increase.

In my case,​ it was the same :)
But anyway a good rep is a good rep.

And one tip from. Try to increase your Steempower it has a lot of advantages​. :)


Thanks @modernpastor Yes I will definitely try to increase it asap :)