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RE: Does Steemit Show the Greed of Us Humans? (English/German)

in #steemit7 years ago

I think its a mixture of both depending what kind of person you are.
Some only see the dollars and are led from this dollar signs.
Other people are seeing an opportunity and are trying to take it. What I recommend everyone. We don't know how the whole crypto world is standing in 1-5 years. Imagine you would have made youtube videos constantly 10 years ago? The outcome is for sure would not be guaranteedd but I think you know what I mean?

The world is changing!
And one more thing: Only to post more times a day doesn'tnecessarilyy mean to earn high rewards when your content is not finding​ an echo in this community. (Selvoting apart)

It is an opportunity​, and everyone should try to catch it.
When I am allowed to say this. I don't​ depend on the rewards of this platform​. Until this day​ ​I never cashed one single cent out but nevertheless, ​I am also taking this whole journey seriously​.

We never know.


You think realistic. What do you think will be next with steemit? Users now are PoweringDown and withdraw those steem. Now we see that more steem is go out than inside. I see real madnes, when one YouTuber makes X1000 more money from steemit than from Youtube, and everythind what he does is adding his youtube link as a post. WHAAAAAT?

Yeah I hope that I won't go into this direction.
I won't power down at all.
Instead I will use the most of my earnings for powering up.

I'm curious about the future. Let us do our part to improve the platform!

Did I miss something?
Why aren’t people actually powering down and converting to steem?

What happened?

Thank you for your thoughts Ray!

Some only see the dollars and are led from this dollar signs.
-> I noticed that my post could give the impression that I am one of these guys.
Therefor I put in an addition at the end of my post.

And one more thing: Only to post more times a day doesn'tnecessarilyy mean to earn high rewards when your content is not finding​ an echo in this community. (Selvoting apart)
-> That's true for the minnows or beginners with bad content.
I was regarding more to the bigger accounts, which know that they receive huge upvotes, whether they make good content or they throw rubbish on the platform.

When I am allowed to say this. I don't​ depend on the rewards of this platform​. Until this day​ ​I never cashed one single cent out but nevertheless, ​I am also taking this whole journey seriously​.

-> Great behavior!
Actually I also intend to cash NOTHING out at all.
Instead I use the biggest part of my earning for powering up my steemit account, and a part of the earning to invest in other cryptocurrencies.

The world is changing!

->That's for sure. Let us make sure that it changes into the right direction! ;-)