I'm one of those content creators who has been kneecapped by the stock price tanking, agree with so much of what you have said here. For instance what is in my feed tonight making coin tells
Me not to bother working for hours crafting a good original article to post. A low res win art "painting" is making more then I ever would. They took maybe five minutes to crap out an image, my own work involves taking photos and writing and then going to
Steem chat and promoting it. Just to get .92 cents after 5
hours of work.
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I think this sums up how many of the users here feel about their effort and what they see on the trending page. When a run-of-the-mill landscape photo makes $100 here and a long-form science blog post with careful research and citations makes $1, there's something wrong - especially when the going rate for stock landscape photos is a few cents on any other site.