I've been following @papa-pepper for a while now and I have to agree, this guy is incredible.
What really moved me was his attitude and donation in Darthnava's Post, he simply made a good example of himself and lead everyone else to do the same.
I'm not surprised he's done this much to help you, and I'm pretty sure he's been busy helping others without any of us knowing about it.
Much respect @papa-pepper.
I'm sure of that. I learned about Darthnava's problem while @papa-pepper was on his way over and I felt bad for selling all my SBD, but I really needed the $$$. But, the good news is that I collected $51 SBD today so I was able to help out darthnava too which made me feel a little better!
Much respect to you man and your kind heart
I just figure God put us on this earth to help each other... If more people did that there would be a lot less problems!
Amen to that brother.