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in #steemit7 years ago

Facebook, and indeed al other social media platforms are quickly getting outdated. And unlesss they re-examine their businesss mdoels, they will die a natural death. The Zukerbergs don't even have to close them down. They wil simply die a natural death.

We have entered a new era of social media. An era in which social media is premsied on more than just connecting people, but sharing monetary value through the construction of those connections.

And unless social media platforms such as facebook, can come to terms with the trend of the times, and re-allign their objectives and practice, they will not see many days from today.

Take this example. If presented with the two platforms, namely steemit and facebook, with everything about each well explained, which platform is someone, anyone likely to opt for?

Your guess is as good as mine. It is steemit. You know why? Because steemit, more than offer what the likes of Facebook offer, additionally offers value for everything done.

Equally most important, is the protection of user data. Facebook has obviosuly been found wanting in this, with several reports of how user data was/is compromised.

Thata is why facebook is actually currently in the mix of the US-Russia quarell.


you are absolutely right my friend, and i hop that steemit became more user-friendly not by much more,
but give the user more ability to contact others privately in an easy way like the messenger in facebook as an example.

True. There are some features steemit could borrow. Although in regard to that one of enabling contact with others more privately, in my opinion, would do more harm to the platform.

I think that one of the strengths of steemit as a platform, is its 'Transaprency'

By making sure that every transaction is in the open, people are comtrolled from colluding or doing bad things behind curtains. For a money incentivised social media platform, this transparency is in my opinion important

Thanks @omar-hesham