
Do you think they should decrease the rewards or maybe put a cap on the amount a post can receive? Maybe do some reward pool halving similar to Bitcoin?

I think the hardfork has messed up the inflation rate and now we have hyperinflation. Also, maybe limit voting so you can't vote for yourself and, like you say, an upper reward limit. Some people are earning $000's a day without an income stream other than new investors. That is a ponzi if ever I've seen one. It'll end badly when people realise the steem price starts to drop again. The only reason it has risen is, imho, because all cryptos are in a major bull market.

I expected it to drop after the hard fork, but what is interesting is the big increase in SBD I did not expect that. Are you more of a content creator or an investor when it comes to steemit?

More of an investor. I had 38,000 Steem about 3 months ago but have been unhappy as an investor for many more months so powered down to about 500 today. Great for the successful content creators but rubbish for the rest. The platform is brilliant graphene technology but ill concieved proof of stake. Also too much pre mined and problems along the way for my liking.

From an investment standpoint what you say makes perfect sense, and I was almost one of those early miners but found the setup frustrating. I personally hope the price of Steem continues to decline so I can see those dedicated to original content creation stick around. I am not wishing anyone financial ill will by any means, I am just looking at things a little differently.

Totally agree. It annoys me the $000's payout to average content from some content creators with no revenue stream. It's like steeling from the unaware investor without anyone realising.

Did the size of the rewards pool change?