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RE: Almost All the Bigger Bid Bots Are Making Max Post Age To 3.5 Days

in #steemit7 years ago

changing it to 3.5 days does not solve any issue with people misusing bots. In fact it will encourage the spammers to invest more money into what they are doing because now they are starting from 3 days instead of 6.

there is only one thing that this does, allow people more time to flag them. However people simply are not flagging them, there are just not enough people that care to to even make a dent.

The issue is not how long someone waits it is about whether they abuse the system. many people that wait until 6 days do not abuse the system.

Some simply don't have the money until then, others are trying to leave a nice suprise for a friend just before payout so it remains a surprise until they see it payout. which by the way is exactly how Sneaky Ninja Started. Leaving large upvotes for people with good content just before payout as a pleasant surprise for them. Thus the name sneaky.

The only thing that will actually help the issue is managing a proper blacklist which is hard for single bot owner to do on their own. This is why many bot owners have gotten together and are currently developing one that will be shares among all bots and other places across steemit.

don't be fooled by grumpydick. he is just a tyrant, terrorising for his own benefit. He pulls 10's of thousands of steem off of the platform each week using far worse means than any person he claims is a problem.

This is a disguise, a mask intended to strike fear and tyranny. Allowing a person to do these things here on steemit is effectively giving away your freedom. these fear tactics have been used for thousands of years to enslave people and that is the precise intention of this madman.



  • You are using your power to hurt innocent people.
  • You are flaging posts that are less than 3,5 days old.
  • You are nothing but a bully.
  • This post is flaged and I will continue to flag your posts unless you stop your bully actions.

And you are a theif!

This guy is a spammer, ok. Thanks for bringing him to my attention. This is how the situation should be handled. I can now add this guy to my blacklist. this actually helps solve the issue. Your tyranny and thievery of innocent people does not.

You are giving more weight to the negative aspect while ignoring the positive aspects.
You shouldn't be saying this glass is half empty, rather you should say it's half full.

And this is not his fault, this is our own fault for not going after these shit posts payed highly with this much time before the payout. @grumpycat has only given us this chance, now it's up to the community to do so, coz he can't reach to all on his own.

Don't know why you think like that coz you seems to me pretty intelligent sober guy.