i have had this discussion many times in the past, with myself to begin with and friends once i got a concept of understanding of what was going on.
it can be difficult to "give away" something you feel you have invested in, ter are various psychological constructs defining these kinds of things. it is even more difficult when we try and do this with people, as some of us feel as though our investment is far more than anything financial input could amount to. However, if we look at these kinds of thing objectively we can see that some people only have their best interests in mind when interacting with others. tis can be most visible in what i like to call the "crisis" scenarios...
when "they" are in a crisis YOU have to be there and help them etc. but when the tables are turned and you need them in a "crisis", they are not there or minimize the immensity of the situation. these are tell tale signs of what is deemed acceptable behavior.
its very easy to be there when the times are great, when the money and champagne is flowing. i have a saying for this "in the darkest of hours people will show you who they really are..." so take notes and make adjustments as needed.
great article, much love in our direction @hanen
Sometimes we need to step back when things go wrong, even if we invested our time and emotions. It is very hard to know that others are just using you and you dont mean anything for them.
yes its hard to know that it is happening when you are in the moment, but if we take the time for self reflection and pondering on the happenings we can begin to see the writing that is on the wall... sometimes....