I'm just going to start off by saying I have NO expectations when it comes to earning on Steemit. My researched articles have often gone unnoticed and my other content is like a yo-yo. My attitude and hard work will determine my place here -- but the competition is against myself and not based on anyone else's success. Sure, I'm chasing stellabelle's rep score, and I'd love to have 1M steempower. Maybe I'll get there. Maybe I won't. But it's not because of handouts. It's because I know engagement is VITAL to the strength of Steemit, and my post count reflects my growth.
I also feel like I'm often the one curator without a guild - and I'm perfectly okay with that. I often try to practice what I preach. Pretty early on, I unfollowed everyone and started from scratch because I did not want to be a transaction. If I bother to upvote, I bother to read, and I would say 8.5 out of 10 times, I leave a comment - even if it's to say "I don't know what you're talking about, but I wanted to give a little love." Things like that are more appreciated, don't you think? And my upvote/comment average is about 30-45 a day. We need to get back to basics.
I'm nearing my 90 days on Steemit and will probably expand more on my thoughts concerning this, but I'll leave you with this. It grinds my gears when newbies come onto the platform whining that they didn't earn anything on DAY 1. 'Scuze the language but do the fuckin' work! Follow for follow is bullshit. And so are trading upvotes. Curate your passion and your conscience...and your friends (if they're putting out solid work) - but don't expect an upvote for me all the time. I try not to play favorites. And that's all I have to say about that. ;)
btw - @joseph, happy anniversary.