NEW LOW <<>> Alexa Traffic Rank For STEEMIT.COM 942 TODAY March 3 , 2018 <<<<>>>>

in #steemit7 years ago


🐒 According to Alexa Traffic Rank is ranked number 942 in the world and 0.0764% of global Internet users visit it.

🐒This data is compiled from

Below a Line chart of daily change in rank of since April 13 , 2017

The lower this number the better the rank is . Therefore a falling line on the chart is good .


Below a Column chart of daily change in rank of since April 13 , 2017


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Remember the lower the number the better the rank is for Steemit . Google is ranked #1 and Reddit is ranked number 7 in the world and 5.618% of global Internet users visit Reddit . I think Steemit has a very good chance of a better ranking than Reddit at some point in the future .

The Alexa Traffic ranking for Steemit is at a record low today and this is GOOD .

Please voice your opinions in the comments below.



Remember the lower the number the better the rank is for Steemit .

Steemit rank today is 942

The Alexa Traffic ranking for Steemit is at a record low today and this is GOOD .

That's a good one.
I pray this better chance comes to reality.
That's why we promote steemit to accommodate more usage.

I hadn't seen it graphed out. Kinda grabs you when you do, eh?
Thanks for the data.

this site is gonna do really well. I think were still in the very early days of blockchain social media

It’s rally amazing to see how far we’ve come in the relatively short time Steemit has been online. I guess this wouldn’t include the other access channel either it’d be interesting to add in busy, dsteem, etc

Glad to see we broke the top 1000! All of the major STEEM apps have been seeing consistent growth for months!

I am unable to understand why is this a good thing.
The trafic indicates the popularity of a social media website/platform. The ranking must be made on the popularity. Which means that ranking goes down with the reduction in trafic.
How can ranking increase with reducing traffic ???
I don’t get it. Please explain.

traffic number means ranking. (EX. number 1 means most traffic site)

Oh... I got it now. It’s a term , not actual traffic on site. Got it. Thanks for explaining.


Friday Power Down 157,495

🐒 I have added an average line on the chart .Friday's Powered Down Steem is BELOW the average Line for Friday's , by 257,711 Less Steem than the average for Friday's .

Remember the lower the number the better the rank is for Steemit .

Steemit rank today is 942

The Alexa Traffic ranking for Steemit is at a record low today and this is GOOD .

am unable to understand why is this a good thing

Yea it gonna first 10 soon

All ideas , trade signals , opinions and/or forecasts are for informational, educational and research purposes only and should not be construed as a recommendation to invest, trade, and/or speculate . Any investments made in light of these ideas, trade signals , opinions, and/or forecasts, expressed or implied herein, are committed at your own risk. I am not an investment advisor, information shared here is for informational, educational and research purposes only and not a recommendation to buy or sell anything .
