A lot of truth in this post. You have to be out there to be appreciated. Success won't come to a person who is not doing anything at all to get noticed.
I create blog posts as well comment regularly. None of my posts are a few lines or just an image. All of them are well-formatted and extensive in content.
Opportunity may not knock twice but I keep knocking on opportunity - I think that is the best way to put it. So if someone feels that he/she is finding it difficult to succeed here, just keep knocking! New colloquialism, if you could call it that!
Now a few lines about the grey side of Steemit. There needs to be more awareness among those who hold more power by way of votes, to ensure that they don't vote on content that may not befit a high-quality feed so that when outsiders visit Steemit they are not appalled by the contents of the feed.
I do not say this, just google Steemit reviews and you'll see what I mean. The quest for Quality needs to start from the top.
If you don't give your valuable vote to low quality content, the creator of that content will better spend more time on creating better content -or learn it from those who do.
True on both sides. But there is a bit more not stated here when it comes to votes. Some additional info here: