Based on what I have experienced you really need to establish a sort of reputation here. It is not enough to have great content when you can't get your content read because there is just too many posts out there and not enough whales.
I have been able to get some dolphins to notice my posts being interacting with them on theirs and get their curiosity.
The fastest way to alienate them is to give a nonsense comment or fluff comment and ask them to follow you.
The interaction needs to be genuine and with sense. Hopefully we get enough interactions and gain some attention and increase our steem power.
Good luck on your journey I have been here for about a month and so far have enjoyed a lot of the posts that I read.
Thanks for the feed back, yeah I enjoy reading and posting here, but I also noticed the items I pointed on my post and find it unhealthy for the platform. There are about 4 millions registered users but only about 30-40 thousand are active(based on the statistics from @arcange, and I assume that one of the few causes are disheartened minnows who sees reality as it is, that for their posts to be noticed they need to "pay" whales to take notice of them. On the other hand, I don't see this as a discouragement in fact I see this as a challenge, and I eat challenge for break fast, dinner and lunch, and the occasional midnight snacks.