So a while back I made a friend here on Steemit and SteemSpeak that went by the name of @Rouketas. On SteemSpeak, we began talking music, especially old-school ~80's USSR and Greek bands, trying to show each other stuff the other one hadn't heard previously. If you know me, you know that I really enjoy trading music, the more obscure/unknown, the better. I love building a nice collection both digitally and physically.
Metro Decay.So after a bit of back and forth I showed @Rouketas an early 80's band that I'm a fan of from Athens, Greece, the city that he's from by the name of
Before I knew it, this dude had bought a Metro Decay LP, which are around 50 USD . . . Not for himself, though, but for me. But this guy's generosity didn't stop there. He fucking TRACKED DOWN the band members from a band that was around in roughly 1982-1984 . . . And got a member to SIGN THE RECORD. Insane . . .
@Rouketas went as far as to get my mailing address from my wife @kotturinn and send the record expedited via UPS to me.
Mind = blown. Someone hasn't done something this cool for me in a long time. Totally humbled.
Here's some shots of the record:
But yeah, I just wanted to give credit where it's due. This completely humbled me and I can't thank @Rouketas enough, this is insanely cool . . .
Until next time,
Cool story! Great music album cover art!
But hey I upvoted every comment here!
and since im thinking about getting moe users on steemit, we need more users to put up Craiglsit ads and post to Instagram And facebook and youtube about steemit showing how much theyve made even if you havent made very much money, even a $1 post will impress people on youtube, you need to also go on reddit and show off how much you have made on your posts on steemit and compare it to the same post you make on reddit showing how reddit pid you nothing and how its a waste of time now! We need to also have more steemit users print up signs at kinkos or make their own steemit signs on poster board, and then go hold teh signs up in public places tio promote steemit!
What an absolute legend!
It is just amazing to see your passion for music as well your strong relationship you have formed flourish.
I don't think any of my closest friends would be willing to do that to me and I'm glad that people like @ROUKETAS exist and are self-sacrificing rather that self interested and only caring about themselves. Keep up the great work bud
I'm still utterly star struck. I can't believe someone would go this far to make such a kind gesture
Thank you for all your great work as witness!
I hope the both of you have a great weekend :)I just realised I haven't voted for I went ahead and voted for you now.
Yeah, man. A total act of random kindness. It says a lot about a person, imo. I wasn't expecting to get a record let alone the extra lengths this dude went to. Straight up humbling.
And thanks a ton for the witness vote! We need all the support we can get, we're right on the edge of the top 50! We have some awesome plans in the near future.
As i told you before karma always payback & always watching !
You are an awesome friendly , full of kindness guy! You deserve it 100%!!!Dear buddy @Matt-a !
shit! now I want to be your friend too XD You are a good human!
Holy fucking shit. @Rouketas you're an absolute fucking beast, man. What an awesome and generous gift. I honestly wish that I could have even just one friend who was as thoughtful and nice as you.
Man, Matt, I'm sure I don't have to say cherish this because you already know how awesome this is. That's a super special thing to have for your collection, I gotta say I'm jealous of your friend making abilities, haha. You seem like a pretty cool guy from what I've seen so far though, and I'm sure you deserved to have someone treat you so well.
This was a very nice gesture. You both are very good and generous people. Have a great weekend 🌞
@rouketas and @Matt-a do I dare say it. BROMANCE 😂🌞 Like I said you both are amazing Steemians and don't change. Thank you guys 🤗
Haha, thanks. This place is only as good as we all collectively make it. We're trying!
Yes, totally agree with you :)
Such a generous person Great to know about him and thanks to you for telling about this otherwise we would have never know about this Really nice to see people like him :)
Good and nice story !
That is so cool. Way back in the early 90's when the net was still young, a guy in Denmark hooked me up with a CD that was not available here at the time. Too cool, man.
@matt-a this type of story restores my faith in humanity.
Thats what i like about the community. Amazing people! @ROUKETAS thats some next level coolness! Btw where can one get this SteemSpeak? can't seem to find it :P
Ah tryed that before whitout any luck. Wil give it a go when i am home again. Tnx
Thats the kind of thing that happens when genuine likeness forms strong friendship bonds between people... I wish i had a good friend like @rouketas... I mean seriously, i wish i did...
Its a good thing you are doing by celebrating him in this post, i am sure you are a very good person to like, yourself, otherwise @rouketas would probably not go so much out of his way to please you. You must have had an amazing effect on him yourself.
So kudos to you both!
please accept this gift
Rad story, rad music! Who would do that for someone? Now that's a friend for life.
My ex-flatmate threw out all my unplayed vinyl because I had yet to return from traveling, and my mother threw out my beloved comic books because I was at boarding school and she felt like a spring clean.
Man that is a cool thing! Top notch kudos to @rouketas!
I think he should deserve a statue, friends like that are rare these days.
that was a simply a outstanding story. nice to hear about a true loving friend @rouketas. thanks for sharing your idea;s @matt-a. cheers you wonderful guys
very cool!
it's great job @matt-a bravo
Wow!! That's is cool @matt-a!
great man
resteemedTHANKS, @ROUKETAS! :) awesome post thank you for sharing @matt-a
Our generosity must be regulated on merit. Thus, in his benefits, we must prefer good people, and exclude all wicked and ungrateful men, for these are unworthy of them. In order to maintain perfectly the society which unites men, one must also give preference to his parents, his friends, his fellow-citizens, and especially his benefactors; For there is no duty more indispensable than gratitude. But whether it is a matter of warning someone or of giving a benefit, we must, if everything is equal, prefer the one whose need is greatest.
waw what great of him! What a great story. I hope you enjoy the music alot :) upvoted
That's Wonderful !!! @Rouketas it's a romantic soul.
thanks for sharing with us this amazing post
Very well, thank you for sharing. I congratulate you
Nice written... Going to follow you
Cool story. I also love vinyl. Even has a collection of rock bands in ex-USSR, which were produced in the Soviet Union and Russia.
молодцы))) i love this story! :D
Resteemed story! I like music
nice story and my upvote.
I put my book on sale here on Steemit and got even a few sold. Not much yet, as it is a German book.
thanks for sharing
I really appreciate it
Amazing and nice
I am follow and upvote you @matt-a