Boom! Of the 1000+ replies I have received, this has to be in the top 5 if not nr 1.
You are spot on about our online socializing, before steemit I had not been on any social media in over 6yrs, Louise has FB but she never posts, only private messages to family & friends.
Whatever it was that pushed us towards steemit Is the same forces that are pushing us towards Freedom and liberty, and if we can tempt anyone here to follow in our footsteps then bit by bit our success will help fuel the revolution. (who knows)
Thank you for the interaction, I truly appreciate it.
Love this thread from @markwhittam and @mackjez-santos, I never imagined that a social media platform would actually end up making me indirectly wiser, however comments such as these certainly bring a little enlightenment to the reader! I too will not be looking at the numbers (as much as I used to in the corporate world), The thing I like in this part of the conversation is that there is a feeling with steemit, I truly believe that the feeling we all have here is that it is really up to us all to make this platform and our experience here into a success, both for the individual and for all steemians (and hopefully others outside of this platform). This platform provides a true chance for ones own success to help others achieve success. That is the feeling I get here, I dont need metrics to measure it, I just need to make it happen! steemon steemians!
Thank you @starkerz, I appreciate the philosophy and effort that went into writing this comment, this is what steemit is all about.
We may have come here for the cash but I truly believe we will all walk away with a lot more than the queens head on some worthless IOU's
Thanks for the interaction.
See ya at the fest!