What they will tell you is,ditch the reward and focus on having fun.....
But i will tell you to be original and stay positive.....read my post on Venting for Steemit
This is happening a lot to me lately. I am getting ready to logoff Steemit and go get some other work done, and then I see blogs like this come in. Thanks for putting this together. I will be sharing this with others.
Great Points, we are the pioneers of a new world. I try talk to friends and family about this exciting new platform and they just look at me like there is steam coming form my head. Remember, first come first serve.... steem on family. Keep up the good work @marketreport
I am a HUGE fan of Steemit because I see opportunity for everyone in this. When I recognize opportunity, I go after it live a lion and this is good for everyone.
Agreed! Don't know if you know him... but I was introduced to one of your youtube videos about silver manipulation by Paul Counsel... I just shared this post his group and hope to get some of the group to join in the fun!
I followed Greg from his Dailey you tube reports and took his advice and joined and followed him. Since then, I've been loooking more at cryto currency, reviews of the best place to buying the US, seems Americans don't have the resources readily available as others. Coinbase has terrible reviews, checking out jaxx wallet.
I never was a big Facebook fan.... but I haven't been able to put this phone down since joining steem!!!! Steem away !!!! I'm all in on this, it in my opinion, will blow twitter, YouTube and Facebook out the water!!!!
I totally agree,thats why I'm here on my first day.I was just telling my 16 yr old son that this will be better then facebook and twitter and we have to get in now.I have no idea what I'm doing yet but I'm here.Greg and other youtubers I follow are all coming here.
I am pulling in over $1000 USD worth of STEEM per month (at these prices) roughly 3500 STEEM per month... just curating and upvoting good content. Take a look at my wallet and you will see I claim my rewards on the first of every month like a paycheck.
I am, thanks for all the good content. - you can explain to your viewers this : Steem Power = Hash Power in a way. The more SP you have the more STEEM you are able to mine from curating posts. It also gives you a bigger voting weight. I will post a detailed article on how I use my vote one day. But ill break it down here quick so you know the basic level of it: I vote based on a few different things, 1. the attention invested by the content creator. 2. The quality of information I'm getting/ what I'm receiving from consuming your content and investing my attention to watch /read it. .... So basically the more attention you invest in your post the more you get paid. The more content and the higher quality it is = I will take a larger stake in your post with more vote weight. So when someone posts a pic or a short video it tends to get less weight because it only grabs a bit of my attention. Longer videos with good info will get more. You should check out this book when you have time https://www.amazon.com/Attention-Economy-Understanding-Currency-Business/dp/157851441X/ref=sr_1_sc_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1494529844&sr=8-1-spell&keywords=the+attention+econemy+harvard -- take care brother thanks again for the great work.
Way to go. I'm feeling honored, that I've got a vote from you for my article. Sadly, it only got 3 views. :'( people don't seem to be to interested in world politics.
dude I talk about you everyday to my friends ...you are "that guy who i watched make a million dollars on steemit over the last few weeks" and your story is making people join....can u check my recent posts out? I think u might like some of em, or maybe you already have been, thanks if u have been..i always check your comments out...its so impressive..i was wondering about this..u say u get curation rwards at the first of the month..dont u actually get them everyday I just saw that it said for today you got like 2000 steem power...do u mean that you power down so that you are getting your steem from yoru steempower every week? or wait no it says you arent and thats every week...not month...so u are not even having to power down and your just getting ...You should actually not post its more impressive if you eave it blank..u could make like one post explaining your situation one day but I believe your account is way cooler with just Zero blog posts...its proof that u can make money just curating.....of course the fact that you have to have at least 1 million dollars to start getting these types of rewards is kind of daunting....but its inspiration to actually put all my money here and not with other altcoins.....steempower seems to be the way to go! If its tis good now, i cant imagine how amazing this is gonna be in just a few months to a year! wow when steem was at $4 w
I will take a look at your blog brother. Yes really happy to be here it is a blessing. I believe STEEM will be a great tool to improve the lives of many people across the globe, also protect free speech and freedom. Mind blowing possibilities await us. A platform/tool like this has never existed before and is needed more than ever right now. As for the questions about my SP. Yes I get rewards daily but I choose not to claim them till the 1st of each month. This month I have already made about 2000 SP, unclaimed.
(wow thans for the upvotes i just saw my recent posts go up like several bucks ! must be cool for you to hit that upvote buttonand see like what 4 o five bucks per upvote or more? Must be a good feeling! Yeah I only want to help people and help solve global hunger and then homelessness using crypto and 700 million smartphones with preloaded bitcoin alets and air/data//phone time...we are getting close to being able to do it! ANyway If i ccould find a way to find that person, who i believe sent some btc to a guy named jawad yaqub, the guy who started razormind, or at least the address my friend accidently sent the .475 btc to ended up sening some of it to an address with that jawad yaqubs razormind wallet which has like over 240 BTC , anyway if uhave any ideas to help lemme know i would love to be able to show this bitcoin newcomer friend of mine that its not this hard where u can loose that much on accident...i just think it would be a great story if we could find the wallet holder and have them return at least the .37 they havent spent yet...imagine how great of a news sttory that would be for bitcoin! Woman looses $800 in btc accidentaly senng it to wrong address, person ends up being good samaritan," total win for btc! anyway thanks for the upvotes i REALLy apreciate it! I will be giving her the steem i make off that postYou will like my recent post on Poloniex where i did the math and showed how much they make and how they will make more off fees in one year than they could by stealing everyones money..., and Also, Don Johal, my friend, she is a single mother and brand new too btc, but she accidentally sent over $800 or .475 btc (or her whole paycheck) from her bitcoin wallet address to what she thought was her poloniex btc address but she used her folding coin address which happened to actually be an existing bitcoin wallet address i tried to track here https://blockexplorer.com/address/17oAxc3koemXenkcnbrthpLYSRwmLdo7Fh the person who recieved it spent $180 and still has .377 and i was wondering maybe you knew soething about how to reach the widest area of teh crypto community, here is the post i made detailing it asking the wallet holder to come forward https://steemit.com/bitcoin/@ackza/my-friend-just-sent-usd848-or-475-btc-to-the-wrong-address-happened-to-be-an-existing-bitcoinaddress-she-copied-her-folding-coin
Just joined this is a great technology indeed and great platform. I am hoping this could replace or take some serious user base from Facebook and YouTube going forward! GREAT GREAT GREAT!!!
Big kudos to Greg! I would not have come across the existence of Steemit without Greg's MarketReport videos. I just posted my first content about investing in general. This is so much fun!
Good morning Gregory! Thank you for taking the time to post all this great information for us. Been following you for a few years (2014ish?) and have downloaded/purchased everything you've written.
Greg, STEEMIT is the most undervalued asset in the history of the freaking word......jk lolCheck out my articles @colinb and my contributions to crushthestreet.com
It may be the most undervalue asset but is free and is just the start im just Glad really glad that im' getting away from you tube and ill be looking for a new web browser too hell with Google
Greg I have followed you on YouTube since 2011. Thank you for all your advice and I am here on Steemit too because of you. I am still trying to understand how it works !..from a potter in PA.
you click on the upper right corner (where your placeholder for the profile picture is) and then go to > settings. From there you can put in a link to an image to use as a profile picture.
I still have two questions about the whole Steem idea:
Firstly, I don't understand the inflationary aspect of Steem. Anyone has an explanation, how Steem can be valuable, if there is such a high inflation every year?
Secondly, I still have to understand the creation of value on this platform. I understand, that value is subjective and that information doesn't have to be necessarily geostrategical knowledge or pictures of a rich man in a brothel, that you can blackmail them with, but also just a good read, that other people are willing to pay for.
But where does the value come from? I didn't pay for voting up your post, so I might value a picture or a meme, which i'd never bought with money out of my wallet. Well, I'm still new and still learning about the whole Steemit structure, I don't even know, how to adress this issue and pinpoint, what I want to know. If anyone has an explanation, an article or a debate or speech, I'd love to see it. Thanks in advance.
Show lesseven if you have physical gold in your hand..it's value also goes up or down everyday...so what's your point exactly? and the value of bitcoin is in the fact that it's decentralized currency... "you can always trade coins with a friend directly over the blockchain, or store it in a local wallet, without the permission of any third party..A user of fiat is always forced to utilize a centralized service. A user of Bitcoin is never forced to utilize a centralized service. (..) And this ability to opt out, while it may seem modest, enables wonderful things to happen, for the discipline of the marketplace can be realized. Consider: since every CoinBase user can opt out and leave the platform, this presents a natural check on CoinBase's ability to act with impropriety, and makes coercion impossible. Compare this to the model of a bank, which is able to burden its customers to a far more significant degree because it knows that if the customers want to participate in a meaningful way in the financial system, they have to use a bank and its associated fiat currency system." read the rest at the source: https://bitcoinmagazine.com/articles/bitcoin-truly-decentralized-yes-important-1421967133/
Hello girls and guys. I'M FINALLY ON STEEMIT. If you still can't access your SteemIt account try recovering your password using a new phone number. Then ask that person to give you the PIN code they send you to the phone number. When you put the pin they will assign you a new password. Confirm the account again with the email they send you and hopefully that will work.
Yep I always comment and vote I wish everybody else would do that with my content unfortunately doesn't want to work like that even If I try to make good content but I never give up one day might pay off :)
I have subscribe to steemit but I have no idea how to make money on it.
You just made some by commenting. :)
How can I see what I have made?
look under your comment... you can also check your wallet by clicking on the pic in the upper right corner.
You have made 1.11 Dollar until now alone with this comment ;-) Not bad.
What they will tell you is,ditch the reward and focus on having fun.....
But i will tell you to be original and stay positive.....read my post on Venting for Steemit
Обыкновенное дурилово )))...но пока интересно...)))
;-) vote from me glhf
i found this post inspirational as a guide to how to approach steemit https://steemit.com/steemit/@orenshani7/my-take-on-a-steem-steemit-add-201755t92451380z#@toonpunk/re-orenshani7-my-take-on-a-steem-steemit-add-201755t92451380z-20170514t135544500z
I'm new to all this too, I'm just learning how all this works. Big thumbs up!👍
Upvoted & Re-steemed :) Great little video showing some of today's posts that are earning. Easy and powerful way to spread the message of Steemit!
Thank you!
You forgot one :) 20 mins
Thanks ; )
Oh cool icon!
Steemit will crush FakeBook and Twitter!
Agreed. It is a no brainer for people to join Steemit!
Have been enjoying using steemit since you recommended it! Thanks!
This is happening a lot to me lately. I am getting ready to logoff Steemit and go get some other work done, and then I see blogs like this come in. Thanks for putting this together. I will be sharing this with others.
Thank you! Always "pay it forward" in life and we will all be a lot better off.
Great Points, we are the pioneers of a new world. I try talk to friends and family about this exciting new platform and they just look at me like there is steam coming form my head. Remember, first come first serve.... steem on family. Keep up the good work @marketreport
Haha, I've managed to convert a few friends but some just think I'm crazy.
I'm in. Very cool idea.
Thanks greg.
Nicely done! So glad to see so many of my favourite Youtubers venture over this way! Exodus,
They are slowly all converting! Great to see!
Thanks, been on for awhile but haven't done much after getting started. Love that you kept the vid short, simple and straight to the point...
I am a HUGE fan of Steemit because I see opportunity for everyone in this. When I recognize opportunity, I go after it live a lion and this is good for everyone.
Agreed! Don't know if you know him... but I was introduced to one of your youtube videos about silver manipulation by Paul Counsel... I just shared this post his group and hope to get some of the group to join in the fun!
HI Carl, I'm here now thanks to you!
Glad you are here!!!! We have lots to learn! But it will be fun.
You are 100% correct.
Greg "you had me at Hello", so to speak. You're first mention convinced me rather quickly and effectively. Thank you.
please follow me. thanks.
As Steem goes up and the Steemit community grows...

Passive Residual Income, the most powerful type of income there is.
I followed Greg from his Dailey you tube reports and took his advice and joined and followed him. Since then, I've been loooking more at cryto currency, reviews of the best place to buying the US, seems Americans don't have the resources readily available as others. Coinbase has terrible reviews, checking out jaxx wallet.
I never was a big Facebook fan.... but I haven't been able to put this phone down since joining steem!!!! Steem away !!!! I'm all in on this, it in my opinion, will blow twitter, YouTube and Facebook out the water!!!!
I totally agree,thats why I'm here on my first day.I was just telling my 16 yr old son that this will be better then facebook and twitter and we have to get in now.I have no idea what I'm doing yet but I'm here.Greg and other youtubers I follow are all coming here.
I'm in Greg! Keep posting. You've taught me a lot. Thanks!
Your post was mentioned in my hit parade in the following category:Congratulations @marketreport!
I am pulling in over $1000 USD worth of STEEM per month (at these prices) roughly 3500 STEEM per month... just curating and upvoting good content. Take a look at my wallet and you will see I claim my rewards on the first of every month like a paycheck.
You are the man. Please tell as many people as you can about Steemit. That is what I am doing...
I am, thanks for all the good content. - you can explain to your viewers this : Steem Power = Hash Power in a way. The more SP you have the more STEEM you are able to mine from curating posts. It also gives you a bigger voting weight. I will post a detailed article on how I use my vote one day. But ill break it down here quick so you know the basic level of it: I vote based on a few different things, 1. the attention invested by the content creator. 2. The quality of information I'm getting/ what I'm receiving from consuming your content and investing my attention to watch /read it. .... So basically the more attention you invest in your post the more you get paid. The more content and the higher quality it is = I will take a larger stake in your post with more vote weight. So when someone posts a pic or a short video it tends to get less weight because it only grabs a bit of my attention. Longer videos with good info will get more. You should check out this book when you have time https://www.amazon.com/Attention-Economy-Understanding-Currency-Business/dp/157851441X/ref=sr_1_sc_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1494529844&sr=8-1-spell&keywords=the+attention+econemy+harvard -- take care brother thanks again for the great work.
Way to go. I'm feeling honored, that I've got a vote from you for my article. Sadly, it only got 3 views. :'( people don't seem to be to interested in world politics.
dude I talk about you everyday to my friends ...you are "that guy who i watched make a million dollars on steemit over the last few weeks" and your story is making people join....can u check my recent posts out? I think u might like some of em, or maybe you already have been, thanks if u have been..i always check your comments out...its so impressive..i was wondering about this..u say u get curation rwards at the first of the month..dont u actually get them everyday I just saw that it said for today you got like 2000 steem power...do u mean that you power down so that you are getting your steem from yoru steempower every week? or wait no it says you arent and thats every week...not month...so u are not even having to power down and your just getting ...You should actually not post its more impressive if you eave it blank..u could make like one post explaining your situation one day but I believe your account is way cooler with just Zero blog posts...its proof that u can make money just curating.....of course the fact that you have to have at least 1 million dollars to start getting these types of rewards is kind of daunting....but its inspiration to actually put all my money here and not with other altcoins.....steempower seems to be the way to go! If its tis good now, i cant imagine how amazing this is gonna be in just a few months to a year! wow when steem was at $4 w
I will take a look at your blog brother. Yes really happy to be here it is a blessing. I believe STEEM will be a great tool to improve the lives of many people across the globe, also protect free speech and freedom. Mind blowing possibilities await us. A platform/tool like this has never existed before and is needed more than ever right now. As for the questions about my SP. Yes I get rewards daily but I choose not to claim them till the 1st of each month. This month I have already made about 2000 SP, unclaimed.
(wow thans for the upvotes i just saw my recent posts go up like several bucks ! must be cool for you to hit that upvote buttonand see like what 4 o five bucks per upvote or more? Must be a good feeling! Yeah I only want to help people and help solve global hunger and then homelessness using crypto and 700 million smartphones with preloaded bitcoin alets and air/data//phone time...we are getting close to being able to do it! ANyway If i ccould find a way to find that person, who i believe sent some btc to a guy named jawad yaqub, the guy who started razormind, or at least the address my friend accidently sent the .475 btc to ended up sening some of it to an address with that jawad yaqubs razormind wallet which has like over 240 BTC , anyway if uhave any ideas to help lemme know i would love to be able to show this bitcoin newcomer friend of mine that its not this hard where u can loose that much on accident...i just think it would be a great story if we could find the wallet holder and have them return at least the .37 they havent spent yet...imagine how great of a news sttory that would be for bitcoin! Woman looses $800 in btc accidentaly senng it to wrong address, person ends up being good samaritan," total win for btc! anyway thanks for the upvotes i REALLy apreciate it! I will be giving her the steem i make off that postYou will like my recent post on Poloniex where i did the math and showed how much they make and how they will make more off fees in one year than they could by stealing everyones money..., and Also, Don Johal, my friend, she is a single mother and brand new too btc, but she accidentally sent over $800 or .475 btc (or her whole paycheck) from her bitcoin wallet address to what she thought was her poloniex btc address but she used her folding coin address which happened to actually be an existing bitcoin wallet address i tried to track here https://blockexplorer.com/address/17oAxc3koemXenkcnbrthpLYSRwmLdo7Fh the person who recieved it spent $180 and still has .377 and i was wondering maybe you knew soething about how to reach the widest area of teh crypto community, here is the post i made detailing it asking the wallet holder to come forward https://steemit.com/bitcoin/@ackza/my-friend-just-sent-usd848-or-475-btc-to-the-wrong-address-happened-to-be-an-existing-bitcoinaddress-she-copied-her-folding-coin
Just joined this is a great technology indeed and great platform. I am hoping this could replace or take some serious user base from Facebook and YouTube going forward! GREAT GREAT GREAT!!!
Steemit = Another way of becoming your own central bank!
Big kudos to Greg! I would not have come across the existence of Steemit without Greg's MarketReport videos. I just posted my first content about investing in general. This is so much fun!
New hear too but been watching your show keep up the good work top man
Thanks Gregory, I just got on here after hearing on your youtube report to check it out!
It's almost too easy. I'm struggeling at the moment. Lots of post not getting the deserved attention.
Good morning Gregory! Thank you for taking the time to post all this great information for us. Been following you for a few years (2014ish?) and have downloaded/purchased everything you've written.
Curious to see if this will work sooner or later! :)
Greg, STEEMIT is the most undervalued asset in the history of the freaking word......jk lolCheck out my articles @colinb and my contributions to crushthestreet.com
It may be the most undervalue asset but is free and is just the start im just Glad really glad that im' getting away from you tube and ill be looking for a new web browser too hell with Google
Make money posting and sharing stories of your choice or what you are passionate about. "The World is yours to take"
Follow Me just started too..
Great invitation to Steemit by one our best!
Printing money on our own ;)
Greg I have followed you on YouTube since 2011. Thank you for all your advice and I am here on Steemit too because of you. I am still trying to understand how it works !..from a potter in PA.
How do you set up a profile picture?
you click on the upper right corner (where your placeholder for the profile picture is) and then go to > settings. From there you can put in a link to an image to use as a profile picture.
Upper right is your profile (circle w/head silhouette), click and scroll to settings.
Hope this helps.
In the video you say:
"check it out yourself in REAL time .. Link below".
Well.. Where's that link???
Mr. Mannarino:
I like your style. Using your own precious time to uplift others.
Many are finding success from your advice. RS/UV.
Another question..
I find how to exchange BTC to STEEM... But not the other way around (cash out earnings from here) .. Any help please?
I have arrived from Youtube. So far, this looks pretty interesting, can't wait to get into the swing of things!
Glad you are here. Welcome.
I still have two questions about the whole Steem idea:
Firstly, I don't understand the inflationary aspect of Steem. Anyone has an explanation, how Steem can be valuable, if there is such a high inflation every year?
Secondly, I still have to understand the creation of value on this platform. I understand, that value is subjective and that information doesn't have to be necessarily geostrategical knowledge or pictures of a rich man in a brothel, that you can blackmail them with, but also just a good read, that other people are willing to pay for.
But where does the value come from? I didn't pay for voting up your post, so I might value a picture or a meme, which i'd never bought with money out of my wallet. Well, I'm still new and still learning about the whole Steemit structure, I don't even know, how to adress this issue and pinpoint, what I want to know. If anyone has an explanation, an article or a debate or speech, I'd love to see it. Thanks in advance.
Steemit certainly is a no brainer !
Show lesseven if you have physical gold in your hand..it's value also goes up or down everyday...so what's your point exactly? and the value of bitcoin is in the fact that it's decentralized currency... "you can always trade coins with a friend directly over the blockchain, or store it in a local wallet, without the permission of any third party..A user of fiat is always forced to utilize a centralized service. A user of Bitcoin is never forced to utilize a centralized service. (..) And this ability to opt out, while it may seem modest, enables wonderful things to happen, for the discipline of the marketplace can be realized. Consider: since every CoinBase user can opt out and leave the platform, this presents a natural check on CoinBase's ability to act with impropriety, and makes coercion impossible. Compare this to the model of a bank, which is able to burden its customers to a far more significant degree because it knows that if the customers want to participate in a meaningful way in the financial system, they have to use a bank and its associated fiat currency system." read the rest at the source: https://bitcoinmagazine.com/articles/bitcoin-truly-decentralized-yes-important-1421967133/
Hello girls and guys. I'M FINALLY ON STEEMIT. If you still can't access your SteemIt account try recovering your password using a new phone number. Then ask that person to give you the PIN code they send you to the phone number. When you put the pin they will assign you a new password. Confirm the account again with the email they send you and hopefully that will work.
Gregory, how do i follow you here on steemit?
Steem is the new era. We're all ahead of the game.
Where's the link you mentioned in the vid?
Thank you so much for the Evolution System!!
Lol, comments ftw!!!!resteemed
Great video! Very motivational for all steemians!
Yes, not bad.
Yep I always comment and vote I wish everybody else would do that with my content unfortunately doesn't want to work like that even If I try to make good content but I never give up one day might pay off :)