Mr packman i got some Questions
1)do you know of and RemainCalm .net a educational brake down on how bitcoin works investment advise and information gathering place from economists and traders that are also involved in gold silver and geopolitical information that is rarely conveyed in tv news
would you interview them p.s they are librarians but pragmatic id think it will be a good conversation.
with all the sexual assaults liberal and conservatives alike in the political , media, and big players all up in big positions does this lead to a version or some form of pizza gate or mass sex extortion scandal were its hard to call it out because of public group-isms blaming each side and each side doubles down in there lib v conservative sides without looking at the problem as a hole .
would you ever interview Johnathan hiadt or Jordan Peterson and do you agree or disagree if P.C culture is killing both political partys
Last/ do you think we will live in a situation ware we dont have to care about who is in office . / if we in ploy socialism will we be able to get rid of the corruption when it inevitably happens and how hard will that be.?