The World Is Wrong And So Is Everything In It!!

in #steemit7 years ago




Crime, Murder, Drugs, Political Corruption, War, Pollution, Hunger, Homelessness, Obesity, Police Brutality, Fake News, Entitlement, Bullies, Suicide, Climate Change, Greed, Racism, Global Health Issues

The list of problems wrong in the world today could go on forever. What went wrong? Where and when did this world decide to take the path associated with evil? From the beginnings of time we have heard stories of evil, starting with Cain and Abel. Maybe the world was destined for failure and complete chaos from the start of mankind. People often ask the question "What is wrong with the world today?" My answer to that question is always nothing. There is nothing wrong with this world. The world is an absolutely beautiful place. Starting from the dirt in the ground and going way up to the sky. The world in between is amazing.

How could this be true after I just quickly listed at least 18 horrible things wrong in the world?

We shouldn't be asking the question what is wrong with the world. Instead we need to ask what is wrong in the world. To which I answer with humans. The world isn't the problem, nothing is wrong with the world. Humans have caused the problems in the world. Humans have single handedly made it their complete goal in life to destroy this beautiful planet. Humans have made it their job to feed their mind, bodies and soul with pure evilness. Humans have come together to be sure they make everything in this world extinct, including humans.

So, what do we do about it?

Each problem in the world that I listed, individually has its own list of things that need to be done to correct the situation. By the time we cross off the to do list for one issue in the world, the problem next to it has already escalated. It is just this never freaking ending cycle of evil. If I had the power to change the world, I would change everything. Absolutely everything wrong in the world, I would correct and make it better again. I would feed all of the hungry children, put a roof over top of all the homeless families, save the bees, clean up the oceans, save the trees, stop murder and the list goes on! Of course, each of us can and should do our part to make all of these problems in the world nonexistent. Even the smallest amount of help, helps. Unfortunately, we just can't fix all of these problems quickly or even focus as much time as we would like on them.

This is why I chose world peace as my answer. If I had the power to choose one thing to change in this world right this second, I absolutely declare world peace. With peace comes along love and compassion. Could you imagine a world full of LOVE, COMPASSION, and PEACE? So let's say for a second I chose to rid with the world of murder, that would be absolutely amazing but we would still have a rack of problems that are wrong in the world. If all humans were full of love, peace and compassion that would tackle a few things on our list! War wouldn't be necessary in a world full of peace. If more people had a heart full of love, murder wouldn't take place as often. If the world was packed with compassionate human beings than the oceans wouldn't be as littered, suicide wouldn't happen because of bullies, racism would be a word from the past. Could you imagine what it would be like if the government and the related parties were filled to the top with peace, love and compassion?

What a world we could live in, if only we had World Peace.

How can we bring Peace, Compassion and Love into the world?

peace not war.jpg
photo source



  1. freedom from disturbance; quiet and tranquility.
    "you can while away an hour or two in peace and seclusion"
    synonyms: tranquility, calm, restfulness, peace and quiet, peacefulness, quiet, quietness;

If each individual on this planet found inner peace than love and compassion would come natural. Most importantly, world peace would be a normal occurance here on earth. For whatever reason the typical humans mind, body and soul has been invaded with worry, heartache and disappointment. Turn on the news on any given day and tell me, does the media give the impression that humans know what peace and quiet is? What about restfulness and tranquility? The people of this world know nothing about peace anymore or why it is even important.



  1. an intense feeling of deep affection.
    "babies fill parents with intense feelings of love"
    synonyms: deep affection, fondness, tenderness, warmth, intimacy, attachment, endearment;

Majority of the time people associate love with intimacy and deep affection. If we could just get more people to realize that it is okay to open our hearts up to love, we could change the world. Love doesn't just mean that we can only love our significant other or our family. We can love animals, colors, places, activities, friends. What are a few things that you love? I love my family, warm baths with the candles lit and tacos!


sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others.
"the victims should be treated with compassion"
synonyms: pity, sympathy, empathy, fellow feeling, care, concern, solicitude, sensitivity, warmth, love, tenderness, mercy, leniency, tolerance, kindness, humanity, charity

Compassion, shew what a word that we don't often hear of or use anymore these days! If we all had a heart full of compassion do you realize how many of those issues we could solve in this world? It wouldn't be an almost unrealistic tasks to rid the world of war, murder, crimes and hunger if we had a little freaking compassion for the world around us. Littering onto the earth or into the oceans would not exist if we had a little compassion. It does not take much to show compassion to another human being, an animal or even mother nature! Showing compassion to one person can then make a domino effect that trickles right on down to the next person they see.

My three year old daughter recently had to go to the emergency room because of pneumonia. She takes her puppy everywhere with here and having to rush to the hospital was no excuse for her to leave him behind. Our hospital has security guards and a metal detector as soon as you walk in. The security guard was very kind to my daughter and showed interest in her puppy to help her feel better. We make it through security, go check in and walk through two other rooms so that we can sit in the back away from the other sick people. A few minutes later, one of the guards came and found us. He walked up to my daughter and said "Can I see your puppy?" She hands him her puppy, he sits down next to her and puts a mask on her puppy. "Here, now puppy won't get sick either" he says as he gets up and walks away with a smile on his face. Do you know how much that small act of kindness lit up my daughter's world? In one of her worst moments, a small act of compassion completely made her night. The act of kindness then carried through the room as other patients watched this man do something so simple and so small for another human being. Just witnessing a compassionate person is enough for that domino effect to take place. It was so refreshing to see that the world really does still have compassionate people that live on it.



This last week I started discussing the very start of how we can all live happy, healthy and prosperous lives. It starts with learning about our chakras. If you don't know what chakras are or why they are even important, please click here. After you learn about them, come back and learn about this very important one that teaches us how to truly find peace, love and compassion.

To put it in simple terms, chakras are nothing more than a wheele of energy. There is nothing supernatural about them, nothing odd, off the wall or creepy. Science has proven that all things have energy, chakras are just different energy points in our body that affect different aspects of lives. Even if chakras are nothing more than mind over matter and we really don't have wheels of energy swirling inside of our body, you can still greatly benefit from what I am about to teach you. The world could benefit greatly from this! I have already touched base on how we can build our solid foundation, ways to awaken our creativity and steps we can take to find our own personal power.

Now we will learn about love, compassion and peace


photo source

Location- center of chest
Color- green
Element- air

Functions Of The Heart Chakra

  • Compassion
  • Love
  • Inner Peace
  • Empathy
  • Forgiveness

Our heart chakra is where we find all of the inner peace. If you don't want to think of it as a chakra than just say your heart. All of those things can be manifested from within with the help from our heart chakra, our heart or simply our mind. When your heart chakra is open, you will want to give back to the world, you will feel so much love and compassion for others around you. You will be more aware of empathy which means you will feel others emotions. A person with a cold heart, would be able to look at a person before harming them and actually feel their emotions and pain. This chakra doesn't just put all of our focus on other people. This is truly where we find our inner peace which will then help us contribute to world peace. Opening up our heart will help us to trust others and learn how to forgive easily.

An open heart chakra allows for humans to be happy with who they really are and not what society wants them to be.

Imbalanced Heart Chakra

When our heart chakra or heart isn't open we will find that it is harder to relate to others. Finding something in common with another soul, may not be so common. Compassion will be a word that is no longer is our mental dictionary. Impatient and irritability will be something that is felt often. Do you often find it hard to trust people when you have no reason not to trust them? This could be because your heart chakra is blocked. When our hearts are closed we will also have a hard time finding peace, inner peace and outer peace. Some ancestors even claim that a blocked heart chakra can cause insomnia, increased blood pressure and decrease in our immune system.

Opening The Heart Chakra

Green is the color associated with the heart chakra so by wearing green or incorporating green into your daily life, can be a great reminder for you to focus on opening your heart. Burning a green candle on the days you want to work on your heart and finding inner peace is a great technique as well. Nature heals everything, including your heart. Sit down outside and take in the smell of the grass, focus your mind and energy on the grass and the trees. Love yourself, believe it or not by learning to love yourself, you will automatically start to pass the love and compassion on to others. Learn to be thankful for what you have and try not to find fault in everything. Let go of anything in the past that has caused you harm. By letting go of all the pain, your heart will heal.

You can also say affirmations in the morning and anytime throughout your day that you need a reminder to open your heart.

Try these to start with:

  • I Am Love
  • I Accept Love
  • I Live In Peace
  • I Am Able To Let Go Of The Past
  • I Give Love
  • I Forgive Myself And Others
  • I Help Others

Put A Little Love In Your Heart

Focus on the image below, imagine a soft loving, calming green light flowing into your heart. Accept the love, accept the peace and accept the compassion.

I will be sharing several steps that you can take to help better yourself and ways to help you manifest success and happiness. First, we need to learn all of these simple basic techniques so that our mind, body and soul are aligned with the universe. Be sure to follow me so that you don't miss the lesson tomorrow!

I ask again - if you could change one thing in the world, what would it be?


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@mrkaystudios you will have that much in no time, just keep writing quality content and it will come right to you before you know it.

Very true. If there is peace within the person then there is peace in the fruits of their thoughts, words and deeds. The more this grows in each life, the more it is amplified in the life experience of all, since we're creating the environment for others too.

I share your vision of a world in which more and more people find the inner peace needed to create the world we want.

Thank you for checking out my post, I really appreciate it! I do believe inner peace is very important to a prosperous happy life :)

With peace comes along love and compassion .
Where I live we have peace in abundance, yet this society I live in is desperately lacking both love and compassion. Unfortunately. If I got to choose, I would have a world without jealousy. But that’s just because I see jealousy as the main contributor to unpeace . 😊Great post @magicalmoonlight 😄I agree with so much, but I also have to disagree. You state that

can very easily come along with it. I believe it all depends on what kind of peace with have and how we go about incorporating that into our everyday lives. I do believe there is a difference in peace and inner peace. If you truly have inner peace, love and compassion should come right along with it. Thank you for pointing that out! Wow, jealousy is another great one. Without jealousy we could also cut out a lot of the worlds problems such as greed and even certain murders. Thank you for stopping by :)Very good thing to point out @lil-mich. I guess I should have made my statement even more detailed in saying that with peace, compassion and love

So much GREAT information in this post! My 'take away' was the kindness shown to your daughter by that one kind man.... an act of kindness toward another with no motive other than to BE kind.....
This is how I believe we can all work together to correct what's wrong in the world.
Whenever possible do something kind for someone who can never repay you.
If just 10% of the population did this..... well, it wouldn't be long and there would be Peace on Earth! 😊 💙 🌻

Beautiful words! That man has no idea what a difference he made in the world, even if that difference is a very small one. The funny thing is that he wanted absolutely nothing out of it, no gratitude or anything. He got up and walked away before we could barely get any words out.

Whenever possible do something kind for someone who can never repay you.

That is a saying that will forever stay in my heart. So many people do 'good' things for the sole reason to have someone tell them good job and to make them look better. This is a very good thing you have pointed out. We should always focus on being kind when no one's looking. Very true, with the way this world is going it is probably an unrealistic dream that i have but I will forever try to influence the thought of at least one person so that they can live happier lives.

I don't believe it is unrealistic at all.... In fact, I truly believe that ANYTHING is possible!
It has been my experience that an act of kindness without any expectation has many rewards! 😉

peace.I really enjoyed this post @magicalmoonlight! I have lived my life with an open heart chakra, although I've never called it that :) And I agree with your list to change or try and fix the world, but I like your final choice of

If I could change anything, it would be greed (for money, power...), because I think every problem we have in the world boils down to just that. The problem with the bees? greedy conglomorates trying to make more money; war? another country trying to gain power, oil, money; not caring about the environment? there's no money in it for the already wealthy and powerful; starving people in Africa? no money in Africa for countries to bother going to fight for the people there; homelessness? Builders don't make money building for those with no money....

I could keep going, but I'm assuming you get my point. If some weren't so greedy and in dire need of more, perhaps they might focus on others a bit instead.

That's my two-cents worth; I just re-read this and I think I sound angry, but instead I only feel sad for all of those people focusing on the things in life, that in the end, don't really matter at all.