The social computer that is steemit is asked the question, "How should online content be valued in relation to other online content on the steemit platform today?" This computer may also be asked other questions which fit into its manner of operationalizing disambiguation.
Sometime in the next few weeks, I plan to do a big post on collective intelligence and how steemit fits in with C.I..
Or of the real-world tasks that Dagmar would secretly crowdsource to her players in This is Not a GameSo in that view, it's a market for content. OK. I was trying to squeeze the idea into a human version of earlier massively parallel computing like SETI@Home., by Walter Jon Williams.
Well, you could theoretically ask steemit all sorts of questions. The trick is figuring out how to encode those questions into the system and derive meaningful answers from however the social computer responds to your question.
Also, I suspect there are several people already in the process of crowdsourcing real-world tasks to their steemit connections after the fashion of Dagmar. Ha!