Very well written and good tips. I often have this block, what helps me as well is also to just write down words and sentences that do come to my mind, in general, and in any order. When I have a few of them down I think what to add to them and fill in the gaps. Then put them in some sort of order. If nothing good comes out, I like to take a walk in nature :)
Love the totem by the way :) Great photos
Thanks. That helps a lot. I know that when you figure out the system, then everything gets easier.
I know that when I have the time during the day to think about Steemit, I wrote a post quickly and with less pressure. But when I'm in a hurry all day, and when I sit down behind the screen with no clue what I'm about to write, then I spend way too much time just for posting a blog.
If you have troubles just make a plan. Write down what you will write about during the week, and believe me you will know what to write about when you will start.