And then what?
I was only referring to the repetitive image posting. Without that, your actions would be commendable, IMO. I don't think anyone should reward repetitive behavior that is easier for bots to do than humans. If we do, bots will fill that space and provide spam because, as you said, they are not thinking humans.
It's not about just welcoming with a sign and that's it.
I already said this:
Yes, I did take the time. I looked through your comments section before I left my comment. I saw image after image. I did not see actual relationship building.
I made my judgements based on what I saw browsing briefly through your comment feed. I guess I missed your other helpful interactions. Why not just be helpful without the repetitive image?
If you think the image provides value and others don't, that's a discussion to be had. As I asked in my previous comment, what do you think is the best way to go about having that discussion?
Thanks for brining up this issue though, as I see you are clearly passionate about it, and I do think you're making some important points about how subjective value is either rewarded or punished.
Repetitive posting is spamming. Don't be repetitive and add value with each post and there is no problem.
A good question to ask in assessing any behavior is, "What would happen if everyone did it?" If everyone posted a repetitive and/or meaningless (even if individually innocuous) comment or image on every new user, the system would be destroyed not only by the clutter but by the sheer volume of comments. If every user looked at each new user and made a careful decision about whether or not to engage based on common interests, etc. and then did engage in a meaningful manner, the system would be improved. Please consider the latter.
That's just what I put in my post on reputation. :)
Maybe these things should be discussed before a rep goes to -2 though. A flag without that discussion can be quite discouraging for someone who believes they are adding value (even if others disagree). The value is subjective and should probably be discussed, IMO.