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in #steemit8 years ago

Too few have read the white paper to understand how rewards work. They come here with expectations out of whack and then get confused when those expectations aren't met. Many of the quality writers you mentioned are here only for the rewards. As the price of Steem goes down and the rewards decrease, they move on.

I still have fun on Steemit every day. I'm still exploring new ideas and posting things which not only bring value to Steemit but also to my self. I'm creating and creation is fun. I'm also building relationships because I'm going through "new" to find interesting content and make connections. I'm chatting with people all the time in In essence, I haven't forgotten that the real currency on steemit is relationships.

Shouting to get attention or be heard sounds desperate and desperation isn't attractive. People want to be attracted to value. That said, once I got passed your shouting, I found a nice post and upvoted it. :)


luke there is no "they", there is only "we". If we address people's concerns with "they" then we are no longer a community. Maybe some did not understand the nature of the beast, does that make them inferior? maybe their expectations is what we really need to grow. It is how we meet those expectations or at least try to, what will really count. We can have 100 , 200, 500 happy people. what we need is 1,000,000 , 2,000,000 and 10,000,000 maybe we need a poll and feedback system on steemit for people to tell us if they are happy about progress or not, and what we can do to make it better, instead of having discontent spread around. It's always better to listen because we do not know where that great idea will come from. It is not about the price of steem, never was. I am glad you are having fun at steemit, our quest is to have everyone have fun at steemit.

By "they" I was referring to:

some of our creative writers bag their talent and leave

I don't see an "us" verses "them" distinction as unnecessarily causing division if we're just talking about the people who have chosen to stay here ("us") compared to those who have already chosen to leave ("them"). I hope "they" become "us" again sometime in the future. :)

It is not about the price of steem, never was.

Unfortunately, I don't think this is an accurate view of most people's real incentive for being involved in any cryptocurrency project (including this one, bitcoin, and many others). I worked to grow a bitcoin community in Nashville, even going so far as to create a non-profit organization. Unfortunately, when the price dropped down from $1,200, the interest evaporated and people had other things to spend their time on because time is money. I don't fault anyone for that decision. It's makes perfect sense.

I too hope more people have fun here, but that's only possible if their expectations are in alignment with what will give them a fun experience. It doesn't make someone inferior when they have misaligned expectations (we all have them on some level), but it does make it difficult to achieve their desired outcomes. A poll and feedback system would be great, but it's my view the feeling of excitement or depression relating to Steemit correlates very closely to if the price is rising or falling, even if most people try to convince themselves otherwise.

it's my view the feeling of excitement or depression relating to Steemit correlates very closely to if the price is rising or falling

And that is exactly what I was discussing with other witnesses. We have a problem separating the crypto and market price aspect from the social media side. We need to define ourselves now before we turn into another bitcointalk thread. If Steemit is not a successful social media platform, it will not be a successful blockchain project. Do I think we have failed? no not at all, I think it's one of the most successful projects, but we are jumping hurdles, and while doing that we should not leave anyone who falls behind, we should extend them a hand and pull them with us. We need to remember we are a community of early adopters, and we are the support steemit is built on, when your support is weakening because of price decline, we need to remind ourselves that we just started the race, it's too early to judge. I am willing to bet anything, before steemit gets out of beta, there will be a lot of changes and improvements. But to get there we need to listen to everyone and take notes.

But to get there we need to listen to everyone and take notes.

Completely agree.

The fact that its called "the white paper" makes it seem too technical to understand like some sort of complicated document written up by lawyers and the like.

Maybe if some one who truly understands it can make a "Cliff Notes" abbreviated type article and post it on and off steemit for guys like me who never bothered. Or make a short flash anime or Buzzfeed style video But i'm not complaining about the rewards and am happy with any penny. But i have very limited idea of how rewards and especially rep works. Just pieces here and there from posts and comments.

And call it something else like "steemit happy time guide for rainbows".

There are lots of reason people leave. How pick the biggest reason and solve that first?

And Happy Birthday

I get what you mean, but it is actually a white paper and my hope is people will drop their fear of technical things as those things will dominate our future and should be understood by as many people as possible. I guess I'm hoping for a future with more people becoming wizards instead of muggles.

There is already a detailed faq for that and I made my own brief version which some people prefer because it is much quicker to read. I think the problem is that people don't see or can't easily search for them.

They should be directly linked on the main Steemit pages next to "Home, Active, Trending" etc so people can't miss them.

I might start including these in my signature. Great resources for new users.

well said her e" the real currency on steemit is relationships. "