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RE: How I Made $15,000 in 12 Hours on the New Blockchain Based Social Media Site Steemit

in #steemit8 years ago

Hello Jeff! Looks like you have a couple broken links to fix in the post here. You can edit posts up until they pay out. After that, they are locked in.


Yes, still learning the platform. I think I caught them all now... do you see any other errors? Is there no "preview" option?

You making over $9000 is impressive!!!

The subscribe link is still broken. No preview yet, but I use Github gist files for editing my longer posts.

Fixed, thanks! I'll check out Github.

There will be a preview below your post as you create/edit it. Make sure to open the links in new tabs, though!

There is a preview in Mardown mode

FYI:There is a preview option it spits itself out as you are writing down below on the post.