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RE: Steem Price under Massive Pressure as more Whales Power Down.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

My first time ever doing a power down since I joined the platform. I want to have some liquid funds available, but actually initiating the power down was difficult to force myself to do.

Edit: I think you're wrong about having to promote your posts. That's not how social media works. If you want people to see your tweets, you build relationships with people and add value so they will follow and retweet you. Same thing here. If you want followers/readers, then add value to other people's conversations and build relationships. More on that here.


Yes powering down is a difficult decision indeed. I'm sorry to see you have to go this route. I do hope you will have some dry power left when the price stabilizes a little.

As far as the promotion goes, I have done many test on this already (check out some of my in-your face posts) that demonstrate this in action. I wish it was not true, but until you have several thousand followers, it is very difficult to get noticed. The classic catch-22.

Thanks for the reply and hope you continue to invest in Steemit in the long term.

I will certainly be invested in STEEM for the very long term. :)

I don't see it as a catch-22 as much as doing what works long-term compared to what doesn't. Building relationships works. It worked for me, and I've seen it work for others. I've also seen many other approaches, including post promotion, which don't work long-term or they attract the wrong types of followers/engagement.

The post linked to has more of my thoughts and I plan to do another one similar to this one about my thoughts on using vote bots.

I really want to agree with you, and did read your first post. I'll read your 2nd one of course as well.

The problem Luke, is that those who joined early have a entirely different type of following then those who are joining now. If you start a new account and do not help it out with your reputation or by passing it on to buddies, you will find out quickly how VERY little traction you get, with the exact same articles you were posting the day before.

At this point, I have not sent any funds to the bots. I'll give it some time and we'll see if it gets going. I believe it does have some quality features, but perhaps I'm just a bit biased :)

It’s not about the articles. Tweeting to no one gets no interaction as well. You have to build a following as you create valuable content. It may be harder now, but these same complaints existed more than a year ago. Those who ignored it and continued building relationships and value did well. Others didn’t.

Certainly and I really am not complaining. In fact, I believe my following and reputation has grown very steadily for having joined only 4 months back.

Today when I post, it does get read by a few dozen, even with 1600+ followers. When I send it to a bot and get on the trending list, it gets read by a couple of thousand.

This of course is where the problem is. There is massive incentives. Not sure I have ever received a whale vote that was not a bot, but someday I will have a breakout article. This is what drives us all!!

I would love to see witnesses such as yourself take a little wind out of the bots sails by perhaps limiting concentrated delegations, reducing the author awards for large SP votes (logarithmic) , favoring instead the curation pool and most importantly perhaps putting the SBD peg (both directions) tools in place.

Just my thoughts. Thanks for listening! And of course, up vote, resteem or flag as you find fitting.

Thanks for giving some specific examples. Here are my thoughts on them.

limiting concentrated delegations

How? We'd have to control what people can and can not do with their own STEEM power. Any attempt at controlling this would fail, IMO. If we set a limit on how much a single account can delegate they would easily create hundreds off accounts to get around this limitation (some have already done similar things).

reducing the author awards for large SP votes (logarithmic)

Why would investors buy STEEM and power up if we further decrease their incentive to do so by decreasing the influence they have? Again, they would just create multiple accounts to get around this limitation anyway.

favoring instead the curation pool

Not sure what you meant there?

putting the SBD peg (both directions) tools in place.

I think this would be helpful, and I've had lengthy discussions with the community about it, but not everyone agrees it should be changed, especially not when SBDs are well above $1.

I've been on trending a handful of times naturally. It's nice, sure. But getting my moment of fame isn't why I'm here. I'm here to create content and build connections. With that goal in mind, things work out well and anything else is bonus.

Thanks for the great reply

limiting concentrated delegations

In the same manner there is as 7 day cool down period, a particular account could not receive more than X amount of delegations in proportion to their investment. They would have to buy more steem to get X amount more in delegations. This limits how large a bidbot an can get without having even a greater stake in the platform, which will force them to analyze trash a bit closer.

reducing author awards -- and favoring the curation pool go together.

If a large SP vote on a post was comparably much higher than the current total post value, more of that vote would go to the curators instead of the author -- in a formula similar to the 30 minute rule after a post is created. This would take away the ability for the bids to bots to be so profitable, yet still fully allow the normal vote flow to go nearly unchanged.

There are many options here that could be discussed.

Yes, the $1 SBD is a very arguable concept. In the long run, this would be very healthy for the platform and is how it was designed to stabilize itself.

I agree, I take great pleasure out of creating useful articles. Getting a paid a bit is a nice bonus, but I make a living elsewhere. It is the boost you get when an article does well that seems to give you confirmation that your work is worthy.

Maybe he can help take a little wind out of some rouge Witnesses like nextgencrypto! Instead of a platform elder, he is a real jerk who has appointed himself as a Steemit deity.

bu (i') L/L (D) 0've t/h e (v) a L/L (h) u e w/e t ass k t (h/d) r 0/p e (n) d e/b t ass c 0/p i e(ye) d (h) 0 p e (n) d ~ ew/(h) e'ye i.d. (0) L(D) e (f) t ass (k) t 0/n (e) a. s/s (c) e/n t e'ye (i) t ~ u bu(e)ye (a) t

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While relationships do work, it all becomes futile when quality content never makes the trending or hot pages, loosing out to posts that win with bots. This platform looses more accounts that way when it becomes obvious that there is no level playing field. I for one am heading to hopefully a better platform... one that doesn't rely on whales to begin with... Stishit

inn d (0) ve st (h) e ad e/b t ass k t 0/0 t/h (a)d (r) e am e (n) d ~ e/b t ass (t) e am e (n) d

(h) e w/e i.d. ~ e/b t (b) ass (k) t 0/n e c kn ew/e (L/L) i.d. (h) e w/e

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I don't think steemit is just a social media site. It is also a mining site and arbitrage site as well. I don't recall seeing a single newbie on here that became successful without using bots other than some big youtube stars that had a support base.

Problem with that Luke is very few people read anything here. Some of the biggest earners are earning 90% plus from autovotes from other dolphins. Look at many high paying posts and its all about promotion and autovotes, its easy to see this from the view figures as opposed to the upvotes.

Look at many high paying posts

You're looking at the wrong thing, IMO. Instead you should be thinking about how many real relationships you've built here. Those are what turn into meaningful value in the long-term. Auto votes aren't so bad if they come from friends who want to ensure the consistently good content you create continues to get rewarded, even if they don't read every post. Often views relate to how big of a following people have on other social media channels as well. If they are promoting their content elsewhere (Facebook, Twitter, etc), that also matters.

Good point, Ive met some lovely people here, but then again, every friend I have in the last 20 years has been from some form of internet 'social media' so I guess that alone doesnt justify the content reward system. There are no simple answers here! but the whole system needs radical adjustment for it to continue to grow.

needs radical adjustment for it to continue to grow.

Can you share some examples with me? As a top 20 witness, I may be able to campaign for specific things.

i feel if the inner workings and explanations were more straightforward, id be more inclined to put my own money into it, rather than just time and energy. Once i understand the logistics and complexity of how something works, i can become extremely dedicated to it and spend time perfecting it and improving it... but i feel lost in a maze, honestly. Ill keep trying though.

Keep trying. Its complex but it all becomes clear. It's like a strategy based computer game in many ways :-)

c (L) e~ a. r e (a) d e/b t ass (k) t a (i) n d (h) e'ye (a) t ~ 0/0 t/h (a) d (g) s' us t (c) a in d (h) e'ye (i) t

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i wish there was a way to get value for sharing outside of steemit, to tally likes, and get some kind of reward for bringing new eyes to steemit that way. its unbelievably hard to get people to sign up when it takes weeks to join, and by then your post is in the dustbin of steemit history.

t/h~ e x am p (u) L/L (e'ye) D e/b tu be (a)d 0ff (i/f) t ~h (a) d ew/(e) i/t

I have had a great time on steemit, I dont produce super quality content. I have to live from about 600€ pay check, so yeah I use minnowbooster and smartsteem to get some extra, mostly to promote steem to the people I meet, because I have had many qeustions like: yeah right, if you can actually show you make money we might believe it. People always think there is somekind of catch. But we most not forget, to get more people on board Steemit, we have to be a bit forgiving. I for one am totally a social media noob, and just look at Facebook it didn't take the market by people producing quality conent.
I think people should use it like they would Facebook, if they produce some quality then thats only a plus!!
Me: im stil learning ofcourse but I started from scratch have had big votes from whales, invested a bit, profited a bit and loving Steemit.
I never saw a reason to use Facebook or any other social media, Steemit changed my mind completely, no censorship, and make some money while your at it!
I love cannabis related stuff and Steemit has plenty of it!!

t/h eg(g) 0 (0) d 0 w/h e'ye (a) t (h)(d) 0 w/i th0ut (a) b a s (i) s ~ (t) 0 (0) L (h) e (a)ve (i)n (d) s (b) u m/m e (ye) i.d. (h) 0/n e

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d e/b t 0 w/h 0/d (0) b (r) 0~a d c (h) a s/s (t) e' ye (i) t (s) a i' L/L (H) D

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d e/b t 0/0 t/h e/n (d's) am e (L/L) D ~ e/b t ass (0) w/e L/L (h) D

it is difficult to watch the s-(e-) am- e- (n-)d- ch- ew/e- d- e/b- t- ass- k- (i- s/s-i-) t- with n0 0/n e (a) t

(u) bu e'ye (a s/s k) t

Although I have been on Steemit only a short time, I have noticed some things that indicate that it is not really about content at all. I have made long content filled posts that got less attention than a simple copy-paste meme. I think Steemit is a platform about how to play the Steemit Game. And many of the very few responses I have got have been from automated bots. Anyway, I'm still trying to figure it all out, I posted about it here -