Nesting limit will be gone by end of month, with HF17, if I'm not mistaken. Also, posts will be infinitely editable! Also, subcommunities.. and so much more. It's coming. It's just hard (impossible) to see right now. ;)
I think there is a great team in Blacksburg, working on Steemit. And now we have another team working on Busy, and a few more teams in the wings getting suited up for battle.
By the end of '17, how many Steem front-ends will there be? ;)
What will the combined network effect of multiple front-ends be?
Hmm, where/when have I heard that one before?
It matters not if nobody is aware of them, through lack of marketing :-)
Pretty negligeble without marketing.
Steemit will live and die by its users; it can only gain significant users by marketing. Ergo Steemit will live and die by its marketing.