Few hours ago,
I did not have any cash and I wanted to buy pall mall superslims blue..
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The reason why I exchanged 11 SBD to Bitcoin via Blocktrades to can use my Xapo Debit Card..

At the time of exchange the price of 1 SBD was 0.94$ and the price of
1 BTC was 4380.00$..
Due the high fees and the fluctuation on the price of SBD and BTC..
I recieved in my debit card only 0.001BTC..
So, I bgt my cigarette using my BTC debit card with this 0.001BTC..
* Around 10$ and must be only 4$..*
is discouraging and highly frustrating.
STEEMIT Debit Card must be Implemented Soon.
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"The conversion of SBD to bitcoin is discouraging and highly frustrating." I totally agree with you! I tell my story:
I was very angry and frustrated yesterday. The reason: I converted my 40 steem to BTC (I used my Blockchain wallet), then wanted to exchange it to euro immediately and they asked for a second code. Whaaaat? How can I get one? It was working without this second sms-code some month ago, and there was no problem. How could I get it?
I exchange very small amounts, because I cannot afford myself much more yet. The other problem is the high transaction fee. A STEEM debit card would be great to avoid bitcoin and exchange steem to euros.
Thanks for support and resteem..
Let us hope that A STEEM debit card will be in use soon..
Have a great day..
I'm looking forward...!!!
Such steem card is really needed. There are high fees of bittrex and we can not afford these fees and btc conversion charges. I appreciate your idea @lordoftruth.
Cred ca esti primul Steemian care isi cumpara tigari cu SBD!😉
I agree that the fees are extremly high and something have to be done about it. A easy way to convert Steem or Steem Dollars straight in usd... we need to skip the btc transaction!
But all this will take time!
O zi frumoasa!😉
Cu placere! Ma bucur sa vad ca sunt romani aici pe Steemit si din ce in ce mai multi. Felicitari de asemeni ptr Reputation Level... sper ca intr-o buna zi sa ajung si eu la fel.
Keep up the good work and always Steem On!😉
If you stopped using blocktrades it would be a start. If you started vaping and cut the cost it would be even better. But I agree -converting to btc makes no sense.
Oh man you went there with the vape. Lol. It saves me a ton. Plus I make my own juice cost less than $1 for a 30 ml bottle about 82 cents to be exact. ;). Off topic I know.
Yeah. Just don't buy the hottest hardware every week. It was a revelation to get rid of the stinkies. Nicotine is a wonderful chemical.
I've been rockin the Smok tfv8 with the realeux 2/3 for over a year with no issues, just awesome flavor and huge clouds. Ha ha ha.
Hey man
Steem debit card sound nice and will make a lot of sense. The conversation rate has not been impressive to me too and i have been thinking of how to get better rate and return on SBD.
I support this, thanks for sharing
They could do a stand alone card but if you have a handful of alt coins the best choice would be something like TenX or Monaco (once they're up and running) Steem would really benefit from a deal with one of these crypto to card companies.
great information ..thanks for sharing
work nice and attract friends, upvote you @lordoftruth
What about partnering with Uquid? This company is working with Dash and Pivx, both strong crypto-companies (well Dash more so).
Thanks for info
Good job. We want Steem cards. :)
Yeah, i think a steem debit card is really important, it will hel0 reduce the exchange cost to paper currency,,, with easy steps too
I want to have that card .
there are little and big problems (fees), someone can resolve them all - only by considering the whole landscape of cryptocurrencies and rest of the world
great job .....thanks for shearing
I also think that it is necessary to change Steем not to bitkoin, but to euro. Otherwise, it turns out a debit card bitcoin.
Thanks for the information in steemit pall mall.
Post of the day.i love you blog.
Ha haa, that's all problems with cryptocurrency at the moment, conversions.
Maybe soon enough, merchants will accept crypto directly and we won't have to convert and convert again.
I think steem card is really needed to all crypto currency users...
Cheers~~~~Yes...agree with you @lordoftruth
Yes steemit Debit card will be a great addition.
Nice idea @lordoftruth and hope they will add it soon.
You're in Bucharest? That's Romanian right?
Lovely city man. Cheers!
This an awesome thing you have pointed out @lordoftruth.
Currently the userbase of Steemit have increased exponentially and a Debit Card specifically for STEEM might be good for the community.
Very nice @lordoftruth
whether it's a cigarette.
That would be wonderful!! Your Steemit debit card looks fantastic, I would love to have one of those in the (near) future.
Cigarettes are killing you man :DDDD
Thanks for advice my friend..
I convert to LiteCoin as the fees are much much smaller. I have the good fortune that there is a crypto cash machine around the corner that will payout euros for LiteCoin.
That STEEM DEBIT Card looks great! I think it's time to issue such kind of card! Otherwise we are wasting money for BTC and USD conversions!@lordoftruth,
Why not just take advantage of a Monaco-like card that is compatible with STEEM
Well TenX will add more and more cryptocurrencys , with Steem being at coinmarketcap Rank 21 , I m sure it will be added in 2018.
TenX will do just this. They already have a working model (without STEEM at the moment). They've had a bit of trouble recently sending cards but they have teased that they are sorting it out with a new provider. Should be great!
Sorry, also need to add that the card will also benefit users by giving back .1% of what you spend :)
I use poloniex. The fees (0.25/0.15%) are OK. By the way:
You should not buy cigarettes. Especially if your health is not stable. Buy some fruit.
Glad to see some such brave words in this cruel world. ;D
Thanks for this post, I upvoted :) Well, if they made such card, there would be problem of availability in most of countries. I mean it would be available only in USA for example. ;/
Wow, that's way too much you pay with transaction fees and conversion costs. Isn't there a better way?
Great information . thanks for sharing.
This would be damn freaking awesome if it happens at some point in the future :)
I totally agree with this! It's totally out of logic how the fee may cost. The only thing to do atm is to wait to raise some more SBD to send them to a wallet (may be annoing)
amigo #resteemia at your service
'UpVoted ReSteemed Commented'
Blocktrades have high conversion fee but what about the poloniex, they charge very less for conversion aroung 0.15-0.25% . What do you say about it dear?
A steemit debit card would be great but i'd like some payment gateway for shopify so that i can accept payments on my store in steem/sbd. [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°̲̅)̲̅$̲̅]
I couldn't agree more on this as i too have experienced this,even the average transaction fees is more higher than expected certainly there need to be some kind of STEEMIT Debit Card or anything new which can let us use the steem whenever and where ever we wanna use without any problem
YES! We need a Steemit Debit Card, if not at least a direct exchange of Steemit to USD & vice-versa.
thanks for sharing...already upvote
resteem also...:)
Now we r talkin. The steemit card!! This has got to happen!! Avoid the fees and conversion sorrows.
Sorry i missed this one.
Yes i generally dont know if it makes sense to use debit cards and crypto. The only way i can imagine it makes sense is in arbitrage services like purse where u make money by using btc. Else fees are just going to kill u.