quoteSteemit is claimed to be the backbone of social entity rewarding people for their creative thoughts, passionate yet personal posts and so forth...
This site has become nothing more than a farm of bots.
quoteSteemit is claimed to be the backbone of social entity rewarding people for their creative thoughts, passionate yet personal posts and so forth...
This site has become nothing more than a farm of bots.
We're all responsible by and large for this. Supposedly bots should be down voted to oblivion by everyone to to make it as hard as possible for farmers to maintain bot farms. At least that is what we as users can do but unfortunately, myself included.. Not much people are doing this.
While services such as steemconnect and anon-steem exists to allow anonymous sign ups possible. There is reason to believe that it is steemit.com that is the source of all these bits signing up for free with impunity.
Something has got to be done.