Well Shelly, the "BIG BANG THEORY"...."I'm not sure how I'm going to get the "Time Machine Catalog".... Back from "Snuffy Crackers the Clown"! He goes & travels through Time & Space, almost always, at at least warp speed! I normally would not use such things as "Snuffy the Clown", but some people have a poor sense of humor. and other people have no sense at all! Thanks a Lot ass holes. I am getting my self Framed in a Comedy for "MASS MURDER"! CRAP!!!! I am a "GOD DAM FARGO #4 SNUFF FILMS"! I did manage to make a few copies & sent them to other planets too! I am usually Dead 30 Years Ago! All I see is "Rubber Rooms from Hell"! There after my cheese! You will need to read all my blog posts!