Hi Steemit fellows!
Time flies so fast and I can´t believe I celebrating my 1 year of blogging on Steemit today. Hooray!
I know.. it´s not so good time to celebrate these days as the crypto world is crying, but I really believe the best gold times are yet to come :) 💪💪
I just wanna say HUGE THANK YOU to all of you who come and read my blog - it means the world to me!
On this occasion, I also prepared a little giveway for you!
Share with us in the comment section below photos of what makes you happy! Show me pretty litlle things from your daily life.
Easy-peasy, huh? And what makes me happy? White sand of Mexican beaches, blue sky with flying pelicans and waves of turquoise Caribbean water. That´s my blue happy world!💙
You can submit your entries until next Monday when I will pick 3 winners who will receive 1 SBI share each from me :)
- Only 1 entry per person
- Use your own photos
- Add a short description of the photo
Stay awesome and Steem on!
Lil Tammy
You just planted 0.06 tree(s)!
We have planted already
4854.55 trees
out of 1,000,000
Let's save and restore Abongphen Highland Forest
in Cameroonian village Kedjom-Keku!
My Steem Power = 30874.37
Thanks a lot!
Thanks to @phortun Plant trees with @treeplanter and get paid for it! @martin.mikes coordinator of @kedjom-keku
Congratulations, Your Post Has Been Added To The Steemit Worldmap!
Author link: http://steemitworldmap.com?author=liltammyPost link: http://steemitworldmap.com?post=lil-tammy-1-year-on-steemit-catch-my-celebrating-wave-and-win-some-sbi
Want to have your post on the map too?
As some of us aren't so lucky to be travelers like you, I find my happiness in good food. Congrats on your milestone, dear!🍾
Trust me sometime is not so easy and cool like on my insta photos..
Thank you for your lovely entry as well as your continual support :) #foodlover T.
I was inactive on Steemit for a while, but I read a lot of your earlier posts. :)
Am glad that you still active here and I will read your next posts.
I think we have the same passion and traveling is something which makes me happy too.
For example this free running giraffe I have captured on my trip to Kenya
I just briefly checked your wall and I saw you have been in white city Merida,now I´m just a few kilometers from there :D, It’s a small beautiful world...
Thank you for your nice words and entry from Kenya..Steem on!
Makes me happy my darling wife)) She is so beautifull!!!

Im happy for you, guys :)
Thanks for sharing your sweet photo! T.
Congratulations on your 1 year steem anniversary @liltammy
"White sand of Mexican beaches, blue sky with flying pelicans and waves of turquoise Caribbean water"
I think that would make most of us happy :-)
Thank you very much. I really appreciate your nice words and stopping by:)
Have a nice day, T.
They're not little and they're not even pretty :D But despite it, I love my friends, regardless of their ethnicity of orientation :) And I'm not afraid to show it publicly :*
(As requested):

Aww my sweethearts:) Thank you for so much love and kisses from Innsbruck, sending back :-*💖 #couplegoals
Congratulations Lil, with first well done year on Steemit, best wishes for the next :)
Thank you so much,Jan! Cheers to next years for all of us..Steem on!💪
Každopádně jsem si vzpomněl na krásné okamžiky, když můžu v přírodě pozorovat volně žijící zvířátka.
Na fotce je veverka v zámeckém parku, která našla štěstí v tom svém oříšku.Blahopřeji ti k prvním narozeninám! :-) Mě dělá radost plno věcí. Svoboda, když procházím krajinou, přírodou, obzvlášť na jaře, když se všechno probouzí, mí blízcí, obzvláště má @zenuska.
Jeeej tak to je také milé:) Veverička je fajnová! Mimochodom, Tvoje fotky, a ich kvalita celkovo, sa ozaj veľmi zlepšili!

Netuším ako sa ti tak krásne nechala vyfotiť? ;)
Toto je moja najlepšia a zároveň jediná fotka veveričky akú mám, i keď je fotka nekvalitná, aj tak som ju nevymazala bo je z Central Parku,NYC, pripomína mi krásne spomienky, ktoré si mi práve oživil.. takže ďakujem:)
Díky, fotím jen mobilem či celkem obyčejným kompaktem. Veverku jsem prostě viděl v parku a použil jsem dostatečný zoom :-)
Ta tvá je taky celkem dobře vidět. Ty americké vypadají trošku jinak než ty naše zrzavé či černé evropské :-)
To jsem rád, že jsem ti oživil vzpomínky :-)
Felicidades mi querida :-* Steem on! :)
This little guy is our cat "Black". Our Mexican cat that was born in our patio, literally. He is only 6 months old. Black is saying hello to all of you.

Thank you Lil for all your work. Greetings from Merida, Yucatan.
Oh, your kitty cat looks so cute, I guess you have lots of fun together! :)
Thank you for always being around, Kevin...It is precious:)
Congratulations girl, sending you kisses all the way to Mexico 💋💋💋