LIL TAMMY 1 YEAR ON STEEMIT: Catch my celebrating wave and win some SBI

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

Hi Steemit fellows!

Time flies so fast and I can´t believe I celebrating my 1 year of blogging on Steemit today. Hooray!
I know.. it´s not so good time to celebrate these days as the crypto world is crying, but I really believe the best gold times are yet to come :) 💪💪

I just wanna say HUGE THANK YOU to all of you who come and read my blog - it means the world to me!

On this occasion, I also prepared a little giveway for you!
Share with us in the comment section below photos of what makes you happy! Show me pretty litlle things from your daily life.

Easy-peasy, huh? And what makes me happy? White sand of Mexican beaches, blue sky with flying pelicans and waves of turquoise Caribbean water. That´s my blue happy world!💙

You can submit your entries until next Monday when I will pick 3 winners who will receive 1 SBI share each from me :)


  1. Only 1 entry per person
  2. Use your own photos
  3. Add a short description of the photo

Stay awesome and Steem on!

Lil Tammy


banner liltammy hotovka.jpg

I am looking forward to checking your #happymood submissions ´cause small things matter:)


You just planted 0.06 tree(s)!

We have planted already
4854.55 trees
out of 1,000,000

Let's save and restore Abongphen Highland Forest
in Cameroonian village Kedjom-Keku!

My Steem Power = 30874.37
Thanks a lot!

Thanks to @phortun Plant trees with @treeplanter and get paid for it! @martin.mikes coordinator of @kedjom-keku

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As some of us aren't so lucky to be travelers like you, I find my happiness in good food. Congrats on your milestone, dear!🍾

Trust me sometime is not so easy and cool like on my insta photos..
Thank you for your lovely entry as well as your continual support :) #foodlover T.

I was inactive on Steemit for a while, but I read a lot of your earlier posts. :)
Am glad that you still active here and I will read your next posts.
I think we have the same passion and traveling is something which makes me happy too.
For example this free running giraffe I have captured on my trip to Kenya


I just briefly checked your wall and I saw you have been in white city Merida,now I´m just a few kilometers from there :D, It’s a small beautiful world...
Thank you for your nice words and entry from Kenya..Steem on!

Makes me happy my darling wife)) She is so beautifull!!!

Im happy for you, guys :)
Thanks for sharing your sweet photo! T.

Congratulations on your 1 year steem anniversary @liltammy

"White sand of Mexican beaches, blue sky with flying pelicans and waves of turquoise Caribbean water"

I think that would make most of us happy :-)

Thank you very much. I really appreciate your nice words and stopping by:)
Have a nice day, T.

Show me pretty litlle things from your daily life

They're not little and they're not even pretty :D But despite it, I love my friends, regardless of their ethnicity of orientation :) And I'm not afraid to show it publicly :*

(As requested):

Aww my sweethearts:) Thank you for so much love and kisses from Innsbruck, sending back :-*💖 #couplegoals

Congratulations Lil, with first well done year on Steemit, best wishes for the next :)

Thank you so much,Jan! Cheers to next years for all of us..Steem on!💪

Každopádně jsem si vzpomněl na krásné okamžiky, když můžu v přírodě pozorovat volně žijící zvířátka.
Na fotce je veverka v zámeckém parku, která našla štěstí v tom svém oříšku.Blahopřeji ti k prvním narozeninám! :-) Mě dělá radost plno věcí. Svoboda, když procházím krajinou, přírodou, obzvlášť na jaře, když se všechno probouzí, mí blízcí, obzvláště má @zenuska.

Veverka v zámeckém parku.JPG

Jeeej tak to je také milé:) Veverička je fajnová! Mimochodom, Tvoje fotky, a ich kvalita celkovo, sa ozaj veľmi zlepšili!
Netuším ako sa ti tak krásne nechala vyfotiť? ;)
Toto je moja najlepšia a zároveň jediná fotka veveričky akú mám, i keď je fotka nekvalitná, aj tak som ju nevymazala bo je z Central Parku,NYC, pripomína mi krásne spomienky, ktoré si mi práve oživil.. takže ďakujem:)

Díky, fotím jen mobilem či celkem obyčejným kompaktem. Veverku jsem prostě viděl v parku a použil jsem dostatečný zoom :-)
Ta tvá je taky celkem dobře vidět. Ty americké vypadají trošku jinak než ty naše zrzavé či černé evropské :-)
To jsem rád, že jsem ti oživil vzpomínky :-)

Felicidades mi querida :-* Steem on! :)


This little guy is our cat "Black". Our Mexican cat that was born in our patio, literally. He is only 6 months old. Black is saying hello to all of you.
Thank you Lil for all your work. Greetings from Merida, Yucatan.
IMG_2136 - Copy.JPG

Oh, your kitty cat looks so cute, I guess you have lots of fun together! :)
Thank you for always being around, Kevin...It is precious:)

Congratulations girl, sending you kisses all the way to Mexico 💋💋💋