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RE: <-- Could this kill Steemit bots?

in #steemit8 years ago

This is one of the best posts here man!!! These auto-BOTS will overrun the human side of this great platform. If I may add, anything "middleman" is really not good for STEEMIT, you know why? Because this is the very leech that the crypto tech wants to killoff right? MIDDLEMEN. A bot can be considered a middleman because it acts "on behalf" of the owner/programmer. These re-TWEETS for a FEE as well just got my nerves, because it is once again a MIDDLEMAN wanting money for its service.

Share my ideas as well, may you find time on my three posts, and counting, about offgrid lighting the FREE way, this is no midddleman man haha, it is an honest to goodness way of just sharing a very valuable knowledge that may earn billions if given to companies, but naaahhhhh, I share it here, FREELY. Jut imagine what damage these bots and middlemen will do to you if ithis can not reach you because these leeches already killed me off my efforts. Sorry man.



By the way are you an engineer? Because I need "replicators" once I will reach the point where I will show the prototype circuit. You can help a lot if you know circuits. Thanks.

Haha. I am a mechanical engineer. Not good with electrical circuits

Cheers, may you stay upbeat. Thanks for this post.