i'm a minnow here. i see from the pic that you're not even hiding the fact that you are advocating communism. this has failed everywhere, every time it has been tried. combined with statism, it usually ends in economic depression, oppression and continent sized piles of bodies. let me be clear, i don't think anyone is going to die here. however, every time these collective levelers start taking from the successful, who earned what they have by creation of value, and give it to people who did nothing for it, it takes away the incentive of the successful to create more value,, because they are just going to have it taken away. it also takes away the incentive of the people who don't create anything, to do so, because they can just get stuff for free by sitting on their butts doing nothing. this is the basic dynamic. it destroys everything it touches, every time. free markets have imbalances. they are still better than communism. they produce cool stuff.
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Um. The problem with current system is that content creators get very little. That is, they produce value, but have only little say how monetary reward is distributed. Communism is about breaking the monopoly on production, and here on steem the production of reward is curently ultra monopolized, but it aims to be a decentralized system. For it to be so, it could use a little communism.
I understand that people have been condition to react to the word "communism" as something bad. But thing is it is a part of the anarchist principles, but to understand how you would have to first deprogram this conditioning and form an opinion of your own. The aim of communism is to reward those who produce by the way of ending exploitation of man.
Thing is in a lot of places it failed because of the external pressure. The best example of "communist" experiment was project Cybersyn in Chilie, that performed admirably, before being shut down via US backed military coup. Thing is it was built on the cybernetic principles which are the cutting edge of planning and management. :->
Also do read on Anarchist Communism especially about gift economies, like free software.
You obviously haven't understood anything !!!
way to abuse the flag. just what i would expect from a communist. i understand more, obviously, than you ever will
Upvoted for purposes of unflagging
hey, thanks. i appreciate that.