in #steemit8 years ago

I'm a minnow here.
I was just flagged by a self-avowed communist, for explaining the dynamics of free markets vs collectivism.
Many of the people here are not even hiding the fact that they are advocating communism.
There is the idea that I see, over and over, that decentralization equals forced redistribution of power and wealth.
It does not.
This has failed everywhere, every time it has been tried.
Combined with statism, it usually ends in economic depression, oppression, repression and continent sized piles of bodies.

Let me be clear, i don't think anyone is going to die here.

However, every time these collectivist levelers start taking from the successful, who earned what they have by creation of value, and give it to people who did nothing for it, it takes away the incentive of the successful to create more value, because they are just going to have it taken away.

It also takes away the incentive of the people who don't create anything, to do so,
because they can just get stuff for free by sitting on their butts doing nothing.

This is the basic dynamic.
It destroys everything it touches, every time.
Free markets have imbalances.
They are still better than communism.

They produce cool stuff.

Isn't it funny how some can sit in front of their shiny computers or fondle slabs or smart phones, which market freedoms produced, and advocate an ideology that could never invent anything like?
Sure, the crony crapitalists step in and sell off the industrial base to communist countries, but the communists here keep paying them to do it.

Crony crapitalism is not a free market either.

Someone should make a communist social media site just to demonstrate the principles.
Every post would have to be approved by the central committee.
Everything would be censored down to homogenized drivel.
All payouts would be 1 cent a month and everyone would get them, if they weren't found to be enemy of state.
Commissars would come to your neighborhood terminal and check to make sure you were creating approved amount of content.
You would have to line up around block and wait 12 hours to access terminal, to produce required amount of content.

We could call it:


It would break down and nobody would fix. It would be short, painful experiment.
There is a long history of this being tried repeatedly.
It fails, every time.

I am not a monarchist. I don't believe in oligarchy. I am not a crony crapitalist. I love steemit because here I am free, or so I thought.
Not just communists, but all tyrants, authoritarians, totalitarians, all people addicted to control, they always abuse the flag to impose their will upon you. Resist!


Interesting post. As a disgruntled member of the capitalistic, free market society I feel and see a need for great change. The communist system of supposed equality has failed miserably at every turn of the clock and those mistakes, for the sake of humanity, must be avoided. But to believe that the capitalist system creates drive and, as stated, the creation of value, is to not understand that what is produced is given to people who did nothing for it.
There are millions who live off the capitalist system that have access to food (most of it crap), clothing, TV's , cell phones, cars (most of the aforementioned being made over seas) etc who have not, or can not work for it. The incentive to promote this lifestyle is obvious. It is for the corporate system to keep functioning, to sell goods and services at any price. At the price of the environment, at the price of personal health, at the price of true economic well being. Violence, war and the Darwinian theory of survival of the fittest is what is spearheading our society. A new thought paradigm is required by looking at the mistakes of the past and not repeating them while building on the wisdom of tomorrow which states that we are equal, free and deserve to pursue happiness. A happiness that can only come from helping to build up and serve those less fortunate. Thanks for your post. I am looking forward to reading more of your writings.

i agree. most of what you've said i would describe as crony crapitalist bribery of the masses to affect subjugation of the rest of us. that is why we have this promotion of the idea that we live in a democracy. then the votes of the bribed majority can be used against the rights of the few who are still cogent enough to know that they have rights. i do think that the keynesians have a large part in the printing of money to bribe the majority, through the welfare state, undermining of the "free markets", as well as the widespread use of regulatory market capture. please don't misunderstand, i do believe that the psychopaths and sociopaths in our society have a disproportionate effect on the distribution of value, leaving the problems of manipulated markets out was not my intent. i was mostly taking a whack at the communist who flagged me. i do believe there is plenty of evidence for problems in all these systems. it's just so easy to point out the enormity of the communist failures when one of them gets to thinking they're right. it is a vast puzzle and i don't think i'll ever discern a functional dynamic that takes into account all human variation, at least one that allows the space for us all to be free. any suggestions? i always try to go in too many directions at once.

I just wanted to drop in and say thank you for the upvote on my first story, and for the warning about flags here. I hope steem considers how flagging can be abused and looks to prevent that. Commies gonna commie.