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RE: Distribution of reputation levels / Verteilung der Reputationslevel

in #steemit8 years ago

Mostly that's when you're spamming affiliate links. However, I ran into an angry whale recently who decided he will downvote all posts that mention EOS which earn more than a penny, because he's having some sort of feud with @dan.

He sent his bot army to downvote my innocent post about purchasing some EOS, and one of my followers found out what was happening and pointed me to his post which said he'd do so, and also called @dan some nasty names. So, I gave him a piece of my mind, but did not do any sort of retribution -- I downvoted his comments which continued his negativity, but I did not randomly downvote in shotgun fashion his posts and comments, like a previous stalker had done to me (138 downvotes there!).

He said he's waiting for his VP to recharge and will then destroy me, or something. I'm really hoping that he'll reconsider, because not all my powder is behind this account. And, it's a really shitty thing to do besides -- to attack others who haven't even communicated with you!

To say "I'll downvote any post that mentions 'X'" tells me you're not doing life right. And hey, maybe you'll get some followers, but they'll tend to be negative as well. I'd like to build a positive following, myself.


Oh wow... very surprising to listen to such story here. That is very personal. I feel you and agree with your whole point. This story seem like cyber bullying case. So unfair for you. I hope someone would come to your rescue. I am just one week old. Dunno anything yet. I wish you all the best, take care and Happy Friday!